66 pages with broken or dangerous external links
< User:Darkid | Reports
__NOFOLLOW__ 66 pages have a broken or dangerous-looking external links. Processed 2495 over 102 domains. Data as of 03:04, 27 June 2022 (GMT).
- 1 Broken links
- 1.1 https://lab.xpaw.ru/tf2arg-part2/sniper.mid: 403 FORBIDDEN
- 1.2 http://lab.xpaw.ru/tf2arg-part2/sniper.mid: 403 FORBIDDEN
- 1.3 https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2007-apr-01-adfg-amelia1-story.html: 403 FORBIDDEN
- 1.4 https://www.geek.com/news/windows-9x-still-in-use-551698/: 403 FORBIDDEN
- 1.5 http://valvearg.com/tfhunt/File:Landing_bg_02.jpg: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.6 https://codepad.org/h07ldEA0: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.7 http://plrctf.tf2maps.net: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.8 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/71300804/demoman.zip: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.9 https://junk.mzzt.net/soldier.png: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.10 http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/3294/whatthefp.jpg: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.11 http://asymmetrycp.tf2maps.net/winners/: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.12 https://tf2.com/tobor/3hzd3ob2wBBeMsmkUW1AHZH78TlgL1UMBVBL07mY.zip: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.13 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/71300804/demoman.zip: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.14 https://www.cio.com/article/2371342/comparing-apple--microsoft-and-blackberry-retail-stores.html: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.15 http://tf2.steamtranslation.ru/freetoplay/faq.php: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.16 http://us.imdb.com/Title?nm0523287: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.17 http://tinyurl.com/la8wsa5: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.18 https://git.optf2.com/schema-tracking/commit/?id=91ef0d2b6b2c70bb263aa3327cc89933e9bb641d: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.19 http://mechaware.net/advancedweaponiser/loadout/?id=STEAM_0:1:38278170: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.20 http://tf2.com/dfqiqq3jjbv6.jpg: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.21 https://login.adultswim.com/services/aswim/flow/register: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.22 http://adultswimla.com/spanish/index2.html: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.23 http://www.adultswim.es/: 404 NOT FOUND
- 1.24 http://junk.mzzt.net/soldier.png: 406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
- 1.25 http://pastie.org/private/e4noer3xl3ns8ebi9afpaq: 410 GONE
- 1.26 http://www.ripten.com/2010/10/27/top-10-first-person-shooter-multiplayer-maps-of-all-time-brycew/: 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
Broken links
https://lab.xpaw.ru/tf2arg-part2/sniper.mid: 403 FORBIDDEN
http://lab.xpaw.ru/tf2arg-part2/sniper.mid: 403 FORBIDDEN
https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2007-apr-01-adfg-amelia1-story.html: 403 FORBIDDEN
https://www.geek.com/news/windows-9x-still-in-use-551698/: 403 FORBIDDEN
http://valvearg.com/tfhunt/File:Landing_bg_02.jpg: 404 NOT FOUND
https://codepad.org/h07ldEA0: 404 NOT FOUND
http://plrctf.tf2maps.net: 404 NOT FOUND
- A/D CTF and Payload Race Contest
- A/D CTF and Payload Race Contest/cs
- A/D CTF and Payload Race Contest/de
- A/D CTF and Payload Race Contest/es
- A/D CTF and Payload Race Contest/fr
- A/D CTF and Payload Race Contest/ja
- A/D CTF and Payload Race Contest/ko
- A/D CTF and Payload Race Contest/pl
- A/D CTF and Payload Race Contest/pt-br
- A/D CTF and Payload Race Contest/ro
- A/D CTF and Payload Race Contest/ru
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/71300804/demoman.zip: 404 NOT FOUND
https://junk.mzzt.net/soldier.png: 404 NOT FOUND
http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/3294/whatthefp.jpg: 404 NOT FOUND
http://asymmetrycp.tf2maps.net/winners/: 404 NOT FOUND
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/ar
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/de
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/es
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/fi
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/it
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/ja
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/ko
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/nl
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/pl
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/pt
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/ro
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/ru
- (A)Symmetry CP Contest/sv
https://tf2.com/tobor/3hzd3ob2wBBeMsmkUW1AHZH78TlgL1UMBVBL07mY.zip: 404 NOT FOUND
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/71300804/demoman.zip: 404 NOT FOUND
https://www.cio.com/article/2371342/comparing-apple--microsoft-and-blackberry-retail-stores.html: 404 NOT FOUND
http://tf2.steamtranslation.ru/freetoplay/faq.php: 404 NOT FOUND
http://us.imdb.com/Title?nm0523287: 404 NOT FOUND
http://tinyurl.com/la8wsa5: 404 NOT FOUND
- Air Strike/cs
- Air Strike/da
- Air Strike/fi
- Air Strike/hu
- Air Strike/ja
- Air Strike/ro
- Air Strike/zh-hant