Community Control Point strategy/zh-hans

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本篇文章主要介绍关于 社区控制点战术



  • 当你们的队伍正在进攻敌方控制点的时候,可以考虑分多支小队同时进攻敌方多个控制点,能增加你们的胜算。但这种战术可能导致各个小队的攻击力量不足,所以尽量在走投无路之时再使用这一个战术。
  • 当你的队伍正在防守你们的控制点时,一定要维稳住各个控制点的防御以确保没有任何缝隙可钻,务必加强间谍检查
  • 当你在控制点上与敌人盘旋的时候一定要小心,随时观察附近的情况并且在合适的时候对其打出致命的一击。
  • 在对局中,一定要时刻保持对对方队伍的进攻,让他们疲于防守。毕竟,进攻就是最好的防守。
  • 在控制点模式中,一定不能龟缩不前,否则你们永远都无法夺取对面的控制点。
  • 建议你在没事的时候自己开一张控制点的地图,熟悉一下相关的构造(比如医疗包或者弹药包的位置、控制点的出入口等等)

Class-specific strategy

Leaderboard class scout.png 侦察兵

  • Being a Scout means you have a speed advantage over all the other players. If you see many of your team members capturing one control point, get a head start on the next one. This will enable you to throw off your enemy by quickly capturing points back to back for a fast win.
  • You can capture points two times faster than other classes, making you a valuable asset.
  • Flank the enemy team and shoot them at point blank range with your Scattergun for maximum damage.
  • Use your enemy's blind spots to sneak up on them for an easy kill. It only takes a few close-ranged shots with a Scattergun to kill most classes.

Leaderboard class soldier.png 士兵

  • 作为士兵,你可以使用钉棍来加快你的控制点占领速度,但是你会受到更多的子弹伤害(穿戴时受到的子弹伤害 +10%)。
  • 作为士兵,火箭的溅射伤害可以有效地清除控制点上的敌人。
  • 作为士兵,你可以用火箭跳以帮助你快速穿越整张地图,你也可以用这项技能给对方队伍来一个惊喜。

Leaderboard class pyro.png 火焰兵

  • 作为火焰兵,你可以用气爆吹走在控制点上的敌人。
  • 作为火焰兵,你可以使用火焰喷射器在控制点上趁敌方不注意大开杀戒。
  • 作为火焰兵,将敌人点燃后会使他们心烦意乱,并且可以消耗他们的生命值。

Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破手

  • Place Sticky Bombs around and on a control point to defend a capture. The Announcer will tell you when an enemy is capturing the point, so you can know when to activate your stickies without even looking.
  • Use the Pain Train to capture points as fast as Scouts. Keep in mind that you will be more vulnerable to bullets with this equipped.
  • Take advantage of a wall behind a Sentry Gun to ricochet grenades and take it out.
  • Sticky Jumping is a tactical way to ambush and enemy. When done right, you can drop in on an enemy team from above and easily wipe them out.
  • On most Capture Point maps, you can get to mid the fastest using your Sticky Launcher. Getting to mid the fastest can be the turning point on who wins the mid fight, because you have more time to get into position.

Leaderboard class heavy.png 机枪手

  • Pair up with a Medic and plow through the enemy team.
  • The Minigun is excellent pushing power to help get your team on the control points, or for defending already captured control points. Consider using the Tomislav, since you will constantly be on the move, and its faster barrel spin up time will let you attack the enemy first.
  • Having the most health, the Heavy is great for standing ground on a control point and taking damage for the team. Be sure to have a Medic nearby to maximize your advantage.
  • Look behind yourself constantly to discourage any potential backstabs; you are a big Spy target after all.
  • Be wary of Snipers. Use the Gloves of Running Urgently and/or the Buffalo Steak Sandvich to speed through open spaces where Snipers can shoot you easily.

Leaderboard class engineer.png 工程师

  • 作为工程师,你应该将你的步哨枪放到靠近控制点的地方,尽量放在一些拐角处或者敌人够不到的地方。
  • 作为工程师,一定不能忘记建造传送器,可以帮助你刚刚重生的队友更快地到达战场。在关键时刻能扭转局势。
  • 作为工程师,当你的队伍正在进攻时,你可以考虑装备枪炮工之臂,你就可以快速地部署小步哨,并且为你们队伍的进攻提供帮助。枪炮工之臂也可以增加你的生命值上限,加大你的生存几率。
    • 当你的队伍仅仅只剩下最后一个控制点时,不建议使用枪炮工之臂,因为小步哨的威力并不大,建议使用原配扳手。

Leaderboard class medic.png 医生

  • Use your ÜberCharge on a Heavy to quickly dispatch enemy defenders.
  • Stay outside of control points your team is capturing to heal team members.
  • Use your ÜberCharge to block enemy captures by standing on the point while it is active.
  • Healing with the Kritzkrieg will allow you to clear points efficiently, by using the crit buff from its ÜberCharge.
  • Spread your healing among teammates that need it. Don't focus too hard on one target because before you know it, it will just be you and him.
  • Try your best to keep your whole team overhealed.

Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙击手

  • Pick off enemies one by one to stop them from capturing a control point and attacking your teammates.
  • Staying at a great range with easy cover and a good view of the point can guarantee kills and slow down the capturing process.
  • Aim mainly for Heavies, Medics, and Scouts to stop potential captures.
  • Staying in one spot too long can get you killed. Try to find a few good sniping spots and switch between them regularly.
  • A good time to go Sniper is when your team is pushed back to last, and your trying to get a pick on the enemy team's Medic.

Leaderboard class spy.png 间谍

  • Use the Sapper to disable or destroy the Sentry Guns around the control point to allow your team to move in and capture it.
  • Always kill an enemy team's Heavy/Medic combo to end their push before it can start.
  • Destroy the enemy team's Teleporters to ensure that your team has fewer enemies to take care of.
  • Disguising as the same class multiple times is very suspicious. Try to change it up every time you disguise.
  • A more advanced disguising method is to disguise as an enemy after you pass by them. This can fool the enemy team because you will be exactly where they just saw their teammate go.