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The Soldier is a crazed, jingoistic patriot from Midwest, USA. Tough and well-armed, he is versatile, capable of both offense and defense, and a great starter class to get familiar with the game.
Well-balanced and possessing both survivability and mobility, the Soldier is considered one of the most flexible classes in Team Fortress 2. Despite his low ground movement speed, he is capable of using rocket jumps to reach his destination quickly. His large health pool is second only to that of the Heavy, and his wide array of armaments and weaponry allows him to bring whatever weapon or equipment is best suited to the situation at hand.
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A Dispenser is a building that can be constructed by an Engineer, providing health, ammo and metal to nearby teammates. Engineers rely heavily on metal from their Dispensers to construct and maintain their Sentry Guns and other buildings. Any player may replenish their supplies by simply standing next to the Dispenser.
Dispensers can prove to be invaluable in supporting a team when used effectively. As well as providing a steady health increase for teammates, Dispensers act as a portable ammo source, and can provide additional Metal for other Engineers to use. Dispensers will also attract many teammates to one area which can help to better forward an attack, particularly if the team is scattered and ungrouped.
Hailing from an indeterminate region of France, the Spy is an aficionado of sharp suits and even sharper knives who relies on stealth and trickery to aid the team. Using his unique array of Cloaking watches, he can render himself invisible and even fake his own death, leaving unaware opponents off-guard. His disguise kit lets him take on the form of any class, allowing him to blend in and sneak behind enemy lines before stabbing his unsuspecting 'teammates', quite literally, in the back. In fact, a swift backstab from behind with the Spy's trusty Knife will take out any foe in a single hit.
In addition to being able to assassinate key enemies quickly and efficiently, the Spy is great against the Engineer. Using his Electro Sappers, he can disable his buildings, slowly draining their health until they are destroyed.
Dalokohs Bar
The Dalokohs Bar (pronounced ʻDah-lock-ussʻ) is an unlockable secondary 'Lunchbox' item for the Heavy, and was released in the March 18, 2010 Patch as part of the first series of community-created content. When consumed, the vitamin-enriched candy-bar heals the Heavy for 60 HP - 20% of his maximum health. In addition, his maximum health is increased temporarily for the next 30 seconds, like a semi-permanent overheal. Note that the additional health does not count towards base health for the purpose of further overheal as maximum health after overheal remains at 450. Like his Sandvich variant the Heavy will be immobile when eating, does not extinguish fire, nor can be eaten underwater. The Dalokohs bar, however, cannot be dropped to heal his team mates. An eaten Dalokohs bar has a cooldown of 30 seconds unless the Heavy dies or gets another one at a Resupply cabinet.
Crafting is an in-game system allowing players to create specific items, such as a weapon, hat or materials for further crafting, using unwanted or duplicate items gained normally via the Item drop system.
To create these items, the player must follow explicit blueprints, some of which are initially available and others of which must be discovered by the player by experimentation. After following a valid, undiscovered blueprint recipe, the player will both gain the item specified by the blueprint, and the blueprint will be added to the player's list of known blueprints. If the player attempts to craft an item without a corresponding blueprint, they will be notified that no such recipe exists, and no items will be lost.
A soft-spoken, amiable Texan with a knack for all things mechanical, the Engineer chooses to build and maintain buildings that benefit the team rather than engage in much direct combat. The Engineer's various gadgets include the Sentry gun, an automated turret that fires at any enemy in range, the Dispenser, a device that replenishes the health and ammo of nearby teammates and Teleporters that quickly transport his teammates to the fray.
However, the Engineer's ingenious devices are under constant threat from explosives and devious enemy Spies; a good Engineer must keep his gear under a watchful eye and in good repair at all times. When the Engineer needs to get his hands dirty, his trio of generic, yet capable weapons combined with the assistance of his helpful hardware make him more than capable of holding his own in a fight.
The Eyelander is the unlockable melee weapon for the Demoman. First hinted at on a hidden page during the WAR! Update. It is an exceptional claymore, being "harmonically-balanced, made from pattern-welded Damascus steel, and slow-forged in the bowels of captured English kings." It is, unfortunately, also haunted by a bloodthirsty, malevolent spirit.
Wielding the Eyelander results in an initial penalty of 25 to the wielder's health, resulting in a total of 150; however, for every victim the wielder claims with it, they will gain a boost to speed and 15 maximum health (four times per life). On the downside, you cannot gain random Critical Hits but it is possible to guarantee one with the Chargin' Targe special ability. Kills using the Eyelander results in the decapitation of the victim's head. As the Demoman’s head count increases, his eye will glow with an increasing intensity.
The Administrator, also referred to as the TF Announcer or simply the Announcer, is the CEO of both RED and BLU as well as TF Industries. She is the source of the mysterious, disembodied voice that issues commands and announces vital events during matches. An aged and thoroughly evil mastermind of a woman, the Administrator possesses both a piercing gaze and the sort of voice that commands total and unwavering obedience...or else. Her general demeanor tends towards either slight anger or various stages of bitter disappointment.
The Administrator wields considerable influence and power. Her ownership of both the RED and BLU holding corporations grants her, by extension, control over every major government on the planet. She tends to keeps her operations top secret, manipulating events from behind the scenes. Any development that may chance unwanted attention is swiftly terminated with extreme prejudice. (more...)
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