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Telefrag kill icon
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I told ya don't touch that darn thing.
The Engineer

A Telefrag is a type of death that occurs to a player while standing on or near an Engineer's Teleporter exit as an enemy player uses the teleporter entrance. The player standing on the exit dies and the teleport completes successfully. Telefrags likely exist to discourage players from spawn camping near teleporters, and to stop players being stuck together. It is not possible to telefrag allies unless friendly fire is enabled.

Telefrags are indicated with the same icon as if the player committed suicide, with the person teleporting as the last person who did significant damage. A telefrag is worth one point to the Engineer and adds one to the victim's death count.


  • A disguised Spy can use an enemy teleporter to telefrag enemies. A particularly devious strategy involves sapping an Engineers Teleporter Entrance, then standing on it. If the Engineer is careless and stands atop his Exit while knocking off the Sapper, the Spy will instantly teleport the moment the Sapper is removed, telefragging the Engineer, and allowing free reign to sap his remaining gear.
  • It is possible to telefrag ÜberCharge‎d enemies, possibly to prevent two players getting "stuck" inside each other.
  • Telefragging an enemy as the Soldier will result in a full rage bar for the Buff banner