March 15, 2011 Patch
Revision as of 17:03, 24 May 2011 by Maggosh (talk | contribs) (Undo edit by Balladofwindfishes (Talk) (524440) Except we use patch notes verbatim. >>)
Source: Team Fortress 2 Update Released
Patch notes
Team Fortress 2
- Fixed a server crash caused by using the Half-Zatoichi to hit someone not holding a weapon.
- Fixed the Soldier/Demoman taunts not working correctly when the Half-Zatoichi is the active weapon.
- Fixed the Concheror animations not always playing correctly for players on the Blue team.
- Fixed a bug where players could switch weapons after deploying the Half-Zatoichi before they killed someone with it.
- Updated The Shogun Pack items to be tradable.
- Crafting changes
- All recipes are now known to all players.
- Reduced the cost of most recipes. [1]
- Items previously crafted using recipes that will be reduced in this update have been upgraded to Vintage quality.[2]
Undocumented changes
- Added Mann Co. Supply Crate series #10, #11 and #12 and removed series #7, #8 and #9 from the item drop system.
- Added crafting recipes for weapons in the Shogun Pack.
- Improved cubemap reflections on Jarate.
- ↑ The weapons changed were the Amputator, Brass Beast, Buffalo Steak Sandvich, Crusader's Crossbow, Dalokohs Bar, Gloves of Running Urgently, Homewrecker, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker, Jag, Loch-n-Load, Sharpened Volcano Fragment, Sun-on-a-Stick, Ullapool Caber, Vita-Saw, and Warrior's Spirit.
- ↑ Despite having changed recipes, Dalokohs Bars, Gloves of Running Urgentlys, Homewreckers, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtakers, Jags, and Vita-Saws crafted before this update were not made vintage
Files changed
- Note: The changelog below is generated from a diff of two revisions of the game. This data may be incomplete or inconsistent.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Revision changes
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/steam.inf
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/bin/server.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/bin/server.dylib