Meet the Director
Meet the Director | |
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Comic Strip Info | |
Released: | May 5, 2011 |
Number of pages: | 10 |
“ | Plutonium isn't smart, Miss Pauling. That doesn't mean it won't kill you if you don't keep tabs on where it is and what it's doing at all times.
— The Administrator on keeping tabs on mercenaries
” |
Meet the Director is a comic, released on May 5, 2011 to accompany the Replay Update. Meet the Director follows Miss Pauling and the unnamed "Director", as they interview several of the RED mercenaries under the guise of a public relations stunt. A version of the comic, without word bubbles, was posted on the TF2 Official Website on May 10, 2011. This version can be found in this article as well.
The story begins with Miss Pauling and the Director riding along with the RED Sniper in his camper van as he drives to a battle at 2Fort. The Director constantly asks the Sniper insulting questions about his work and home life, and makes remarks about his sanity. The Sniper is obviously aggravated, even threatening the Director with physical violence. Upon arrival, Miss Pauling reminds Sniper that the interviews are an attempt at positive PR, intended to save face with the locals of Badlands, New Mexico.
The scene then cuts to a discussion Miss Pauling previously shared with the Administrator, wherein she reveals to Miss Pauling her true motive for hiring the Director: keeping tabs on the mercenaries. The Administrator realizes that the mercenaries know about her, TF Industries, and pose a potential threat.
Back in the present, several RED mercenaries capture and shoot a messenger sent by the Administrator and interrogate him. It is implied that each person interviewed had been mailed potentially compromising photographs of their family or home. The Administrator reveals that the photographs were her demonstration of her new-found leverage and potential modes of retaliation should the mercenaries ever discuss the terms of their contract.
Elsewhere, Miss Pauling leads the Director into a mineshaft under the guise of an interview with the Administrator. As the Director makes his way inside, Pauling asks the Administrator over a phone if she should hold off on killing the Director, noting he never got a chance to interview BLU. The Administrator says to dispose of him anyway, remarking that she will simply have to find some new directors.
Pages (textless)
Pages (lineart)
Page 1
- The first panel shows that the population of "Teufort" is 1280.
- The Sniper's surname is revealed as Mundy.
- Revealing the name of a mercenary has been a tradition throughout a handful of major Team Fortress 2 comics.
- Miss Pauling's hand in the last right panel is unfinished. It is outlined in red, and filled with white.
Page 2
- Part of the background is visible through the Sniper's wrist in the bottom left panel.
- The barrel of the Sniper's rifle is misplaced and the scope is missing in the bottom left panel. The scope reappears in the bottom right panel, only showing through a part of the red wall.
Page 3
- The Administrator suggests that she wants to spy on the mercenaries, though in the "WAR!" comic, a fully operating surveillance system is used for spotting the RED Spy eliminating and disguising as the BLU Scout.
Page 4
Page 5
- The Scout is not wearing either his headset or backpack.
Page 6
- The Spy and Soldier appear to be wearing their beta outfits in the first panel, however, the Soldier is wearing his regular uniform on the next page. The Spy keeps his beta suit for the rest of the scene. The Scout appears hatless, without his headset or backpack, and wears the same striped socks seen on his beta model.
- On the panel just before he shows the photos of his parents, the Sniper's vest is missing, though he wears it in the previous panel.
Page 7
- The Heavy's pajamas have a skull and crossbones pattern. The skull and cross bone was his original class emblem, seen on his arm in the original Team Fortress 2 beta.
Page 8
- The red tip of the burning cigarette shows up on the Administrators monitor, despite everything else being black and white.
Page 9
- The illustration of Saxton Hale on the quicklime bag lacks his signature chest hair in the shape of Australia.
Page 10
- Images of from the then-unreleased Meet the Medic are displayed on several monitors. These images display the Medic wielding the Quick-Fix, as well as the Über device and a horde of BLU Soldiers.
See also