Category:Templates that use translation switching
Revision as of 05:13, 7 August 2010 by Seb26 (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Templates that make use of {{tl|lang}}. Category:Templates Category:Language templates')
Templates that make use of {{lang}}
Pages in category "Templates that use translation switching"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 872 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Template:Ability taunt table
- Template:Account type system comparisons
- Template:Achievement
- Template:Achievement Idle Control Point timing
- Template:Achievements Nav
- Template:Active community medal list
- Template:Active promotional item list
- Template:All class hat table
- Template:All classes strange quality table
- Template:All-class taunt
- Template:AltTimeline
- Template:April Fools
- Template:Article missing translation/core
- Template:Article missing translation/notice
- Template:Assist items
- Template:Assisting in Pyroland
- Template:Attention
- Template:Audio Nav
- Template:Australium weapons table
- Template:Backpack item
- Template:Beta
- Template:Beta content
- Template:Blueprint/core
- Template:Bot names
- Template:Bot skill levels
- Template:Botkiller items table
- Template:Bpbegin
- Template:Building Specifications
- Template:Bullet hitscan weapons table
- Template:Bundle list
- Template:Bundle row
- Template:Bundle row extended
- Template:Campaign Nav
- Template:Campaign pass map commission
- Template:Canbeunusual
- Template:Canbeusedwithpart
- Template:Canteen Crasher nav
- Template:Carrier health table
- Template:Cart speeds
- Template:Case bonus drops
- Template:Case series table
- Template:Casual Mode Levels
- Template:Casual Mode Tiers
- Template:Changelog
- Template:Charging speed
- Template:Chemistry Set
- Template:Christmas Map Nav
- Template:Cite
- Template:Cite article
- Template:Cite web
- Template:Class achievement layout
- Template:Class avatars
- Template:Class bio
- Template:Class health pack and overheal table
- Template:Class infobox
- Template:Class infobox/Sandbox
- Template:Class Nav
- Template:Class speed table/Demoman
- Template:Class speed table/Engineer
- Template:Class speed table/Heavy
- Template:Class speed table/Medic
- Template:Class speed table/Pyro
- Template:Class speed table/Scout
- Template:Class speed table/Sniper
- Template:Class speed table/Soldier
- Template:Class speed table/Spy
- Template:Class strategy (Classic)
- Template:Class Strategy Nav
- Template:Class weapons table demoman melee
- Template:Class weapons table demoman primary
- Template:Class weapons table demoman secondary
- Template:Class weapons table engineer building
- Template:Class weapons table engineer melee
- Template:Class weapons table engineer primary
- Template:Class weapons table engineer secondary
- Template:Class weapons table heavy melee
- Template:Class weapons table heavy primary
- Template:Class weapons table heavy secondary
- Template:Class weapons table medic melee
- Template:Class weapons table medic primary
- Template:Class weapons table medic secondary
- Template:Class weapons table pyro melee
- Template:Class weapons table pyro primary
- Template:Class weapons table pyro secondary
- Template:Class weapons table scout melee
- Template:Class weapons table scout primary
- Template:Class weapons table scout secondary
- Template:Class weapons table sniper melee
- Template:Class weapons table sniper primary
- Template:Class weapons table sniper secondary
- Template:Class weapons table soldier melee
- Template:Class weapons table soldier primary
- Template:Class weapons table soldier secondary
- Template:Class weapons table spy building
- Template:Class weapons table spy melee
- Template:Class weapons table spy primary pda
- Template:Class weapons table spy secondary
- Template:Class weapons table spy secondary pda
- Template:Classic Pickup nav
- Template:ClassicDemomanNav
- Template:ClassicEngineerNav
- Template:ClassicHeavyNav
- Template:ClassicMedicNav
- Template:ClassicPyroNav
- Template:ClassicScoutNav
- Template:ClassicSniperNav
- Template:ClassicSoldierNav
- Template:ClassicSpyNav
- Template:ClassicWeaponsNav
- Template:Cleanup
- Template:Cloak duration/row
- Template:Color themes
- Template:Comic infobox
- Template:Comic list
- Template:Comics Nav
- Template:Commentary Nav
- Template:Community Events Nav
- Template:Community item owner
- Template:Community Mann vs. Machine Operations Nav
- Template:Community Map Pack Nav
- Template:Community Medal Nav
- Template:Community Sparkle Unusual effects
- Template:Community strategy stub
- Template:Community strategy stub link
- Template:Company infobox
- Template:Competitive
- Template:Competitive Class Nav
- Template:Competitive Nav
- Template:Competitive outdated
- Template:Compression blast kill icons
- Template:Conflicting equip region
- Template:Content packs
- Template:Content updates
- Template:Contracts/gun mettle
- Template:Contracts/halloween
- Template:Contracts/halloween/bosses
- Template:Contracts/halloween/community maps 1
- Template:Contracts/halloween/community maps 2
- Template:Contracts/halloween/community maps 3
- Template:Contracts/halloween/community maps 4
- Template:Contracts/halloween/community maps 5
- Template:Contracts/halloween/official maps
- Template:Contracts/Header
- Template:Contracts/merasmissions
- Template:Contracts/mercenary park
- Template:Contracts/mercenary park/defense
- Template:Contracts/mercenary park/maps
- Template:Contracts/mercenary park/offense
- Template:Contracts/mercenary park/support
- Template:Contracts/pyroland
- Template:Contracts/tough break
- Template:Control Point Timing
- Template:Control Point Timing/Official Map
- Template:Copyedit
- Template:Correction
- Template:Cosmetic can drop list
- Template:Cosmetic craftability list
- Template:Cosmetic grade table
- Template:Cosmetic item collector's quality table
- Template:Craft items list
- Template:Craftable all class hats
- Template:Craftable Demoman hats
- Template:Craftable Engineer hats
- Template:Craftable Heavy hats
- Template:Craftable Medic hats
- Template:Craftable Pyro hats
- Template:Craftable Scout hats
- Template:Craftable Sniper hats
- Template:Craftable Soldier hats
- Template:Craftable Spy hats
- Template:Crate series table
- Template:Crate series table huge
- Template:Crate series table/row
- Template:Crate series table/Sandbox
- Template:Custom map
- Template:Custom Map Nav
- Template:Custom Map Nav/sandbox
- Template:Custom maps table
- Template:Custom maps unreleased stub
- Template:Custom mission
- Template:Damage table
- Template:Damage table/Sandbox
- Template:Days ago
- Template:Dead end
- Template:Dec
- Template:Decorated collection table
- Template:Decorated grade table
- Template:Demoman class hat table
- Template:Demoman Nav
- Template:Demoman strange quality table
- Template:Disambignote
- Template:Disambiguation
- Template:Disciplinary action speed
- Template:Disconnect reasons
- Template:Dispenser level
- Template:DoT/Self-damage sources
- Template:Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack Nav
- Template:Droptainable paints
- Template:Duck Journal ranks