Team Fortress Wiki:Wiki Cap/Nominations

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< Team Fortress Wiki:Wiki Cap
Revision as of 17:46, 18 August 2011 by Mainman (talk | contribs) (Firestorm tugged my ear and set the record straight.)
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Editors are free to nominate someone to receive the Wiki Cap by putting the nominated user's wiki name here. Please only nominate candidates that you feel fulfill the eligibility factors, noted here.

Nominates should be added to the table in the following form:

 | [[User:CoolPerson|CoolPerson]]
 | [[User:YourUsernameHere|YourUsernameHere]]
 | Date
 | Reason for nomination

Users are no longer allowed to nominate themselves. In the "Reason" field, please write a short paragraph explaining why you think this user deserves a Wiki Cap.

Users who have been discussed by the staff will be moved down to the completed reviews section. Please add new nominees starting at the bottom of the list. Remember, this list is of users who will be discussed by staff for consideration; being nominated does not guarantee that a user will get a Wiki Cap.


To read about the the eligibility factors used to review editors, please read the Wiki Cap page.

Remember: The Wiki Cap is not a right. It is a privilege and reward for useful contributions. Before adding any name to this list please consider the eligibility factors.

User Nominator Date Nominated Reason Additional Notes
InShane LordKelvin August 14, 2011 Staff nomination
KillerKooK LordKelvin August 14, 2011 Previously discussed user
UltimateTerabyte LordKelvin August 14, 2011 Previously discussed user Pictogram wait.png Wait
NihonTiger LordKelvin August 14, 2011 Previously discussed user Pictogram wait.png Wait
Pll LordKelvin August 14, 2011 Previously discussed user
RIKUSYO LordKelvin August 14, 2011 Previously discussed user
SuperMario12 LordKelvin August 14, 2011 Previously discussed user
SC LemmyCZ August 15, 2011
MogDog66 M-NINJA August 16, 2011
Nixshadow Xenak August 16, 2011
Ravecrib9t4 Mainman August 16, 2011 ● Responisble for 99.9% of the wiki's Norwegian translations.
● Consistently made a thousand edits for over half a year.
● Often leaves wikichievements and positive comments on User Talk pages.
SackZement Cructo August 16, 2011

Completed nominee reviews

User Staff Discussion Date(s) Verdict
K-Mac August 7, 2011 Pictogram tick.png Yes
Armisael August 7, 2011 Pictogram tick.png Yes
Szumin August 7, 2011 Pictogram tick.png Yes
Nero123 August 7, 2011 Pictogram tick.png Yes
Cappy August 7, 2011 Pictogram cross.png No
Nik9990 August 7, 2011 Pictogram tick.png Yes
Lexar August 7, 2011 Pictogram tick.png Yes
MrPaulolefou August 7, 2011 Pictogram cross.png No
Meadows August 7, 2011 Pictogram tick.png Yes
Lhavelund August 7, 2011 Pictogram tick.png Yes
Stevoisiak August 7, 2011 Pictogram cross.png No
Balladofwindfishes August 7, 2011 Pictogram cross.png No
Swarfega August 7, 2011 Pictogram cross.png No
Cructo August 7, 2011 Pictogram cross.png No
Stewsta August 7, 2011 Pictogram cross.png No
VeKoB August 14, 2011 Pictogram tick.png Yes
CsS August 14, 2011 Pictogram cross.png No
BiBi August 14, 2011 Pictogram tick.png Yes
Cooper Kid August 14, 2011 Pictogram cross.png No
SilverHammer August 14, 2011 Pictogram tick.png Yes
Nightbox August 14, 2011 Pictogram cross.png No
Loginov August 14, 2011 Pictogram cross.png No
Thebigone August 14, 2011 Pictogram cross.png No

Users who have received a "No" verdict do not necessarily have no chance of getting a Wiki Cap in the future. The staff will continue to watch their progress and re-evaluate them at a later time. They can also be re-nominated for a Wiki Cap, however please refrain from re-nominating a user immediately after they have been declined. Users are encouraged to check their logs and see what can be improved. Candidates may view their logs by contacting WindPower via the Wiki's EmailUser page and asking for a password.