Sniper Rifle (Classic)

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The Sniper Rifle is a weapon in the classic Team Fortress games and is only used by the Sniper. By holding down the primary fire, the Sniper can charge a shot; releasing primary fire after charging a shot will fire the Sniper Rifle. A red-colored dot will appear when a shot has been charged enough to be able to fire. Charging a shot will hamper the Sniper's mobility greatly, making it nearly impossible to walk around without being an easy target. Being off the floor by jumping or swimming will prevent the player from firing the Sniper Rifle. Using this, it is possible to jump while charging a shot to avoid wasting ammo. By using secondary fire, the Sniper can toggle between zooming in and zooming out. Unlike Team Fortress 2, the Rifle does not need to be zoomed in to be able to headshot. A non-fatal shot to the leg will reduce the target's running speed until they die or are healed by a Medic.


  • The Sniper Rifle will push any player it is aimed at, regardless of team. This mechanic can be used to Sniper Jump.
  • Aiming a charged shot at another player's head will alert them to your presence by tinting your enemies' vision red.
  • A fatal headshot will gib the victim as if they were killed by an explosion.
