Template:Saxxy owner

From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 04:18, 9 June 2011 by Seb26 (talk | contribs) (remove wiki username column, as the table is fairly crowded and it isn't really that relevant (also there was only one wiki guy who got one))
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Documentation for Saxxy owner

This template is for use with List of Saxxy owners.


{{Saxxy Owner
 | steamname   = Name on STEAM at the time of addition
 | communityid = Community ID of receipient for steamcommunity.com (excluding the steamcommunity.com/id|profiles/ bit)
 | type        = Accepts 'id' or 'profiles'. Defaults to 'profiles'.
 | notes       = Notes, other information, if relevant.
 | serial      = Item serial for the Saxxy, available off optf2.com. Also accepts 'deleted'

See also