There are nine official classes that can be played in Team Fortress 2. The classes are as follows:
Note the Civilian class cannot be played in the game.
Rolul Claselor
Cele noua clase sunt grupate in 3 tipuri de lupta, ofensiv, defensiv, si de ajutor, dar toate pot fi folosite in alt mod decat cel prestabilit depinzind de strategie.
Clasele ofensive (Scout, Soldier and Pyro) sunt principalele forte de atac ale echipei. Nu conteaza daca este vorba de asalt (puncte de control) sau capturarea inteligentei, aceste clase sunt specializate in cauzarea de haos si distrugere. Scoutii au abilitatea de a captura punctele de doua ori mai rapid deca toate celelalte clase. Soldatii detin o forta devastatoare prin lansatorul de rachete.Pyros pot face ravagii cu flacarile in liniile inamice intr-o ambuscada.
Clasele defensive (Demoman, Heavy si Engineer) au rolul de a bloca accesul inamicilor si de a-i tine departe de punctele vitale de pe harta. In total, defensiva, are cea mai mare putere de foc dintre toate grupele, aceste clase fiind specializate in eliberarea acestei puteri intr-un timp foarte scurt. Demomenul poate apara zone cu bombe lipicioase pe care poate sa le detoneze cand doreste. Heavies sunt excelenti pentru "ciruirea" inamicilor care se apropie si pentru imipingerea inapoi a acestora.Inginerii pot construii turete care au o putere foarte mare, precum si teleportoare si dozatoare.
Clasele de ajutor (Medic, Sniper and Spy) sunt coloana vertebrala a echipei. Ofera claselor ofensive si defensive un mic avantaj in batalie si pot schimba deznodamantul rundei intr-o secunda. Nu conteaza ca opresti un atac prin spatele trupelor inamice sau menti in viata coechipierii, clasele de ajutor sunt mereu binevenite. Medicii au puterea de a regenera viata coechipierilor si de a o marii la 150% din capacitatea maxima .Sniperii pot "scapa" echipa de amenintari de la distanta si folosii Jarate pentru a stinge flacari si pentru a marii atacul coechipierilor. Spionii pot sa se infiltreze in liniile inamice si sa, distruga constructii si sa asasineze amenintari foarte periculoase.
Health points
A Medic may over-heal someone to 150% of their normal health maximum. Classes can refill their health through a number of ways.
Class health points comparison table
Class | Normal Max | Over-healed Max | |
Scout (with the Sandman equipped) |
125 110 |
185 165 | |
Soldier | 200 | 300 | |
Pyro | 175 | 260 | |
Demoman (with the Eyelander equipped, 0 heads) (with the Eyelander equipped, 1 head) (with the Eyelander equipped, 2 heads) (with the Eyelander equipped, 3 heads) (with the Eyelander equipped, 4 heads) |
175 150 165 180 195 210 |
260 225 245 270 290 315 | |
Heavy (within 30 seconds after consuming Dalokohs Bar) |
300 350 |
450 450 | |
Engineer (with the Gunslinger equipped) |
125 150 |
185 225 | |
Medic | 150 | 225 | |
Sniper | 125 | 185 | |
Spy | 125 | 185 | |
Civilian | 50 | 75 |
Speed is measured in-game using the command cl_showpos set to 1, measuring in velocity units (v). The standard movement speed is 100% (that of Spy, Sniper, Pyro, and Engineer). Note forward speed is obtained by pressing the forward, left or right keys, backward speed obtained by pressing the backward key whilst crouching speed is found by pressing the crouch button. Backward speed is generally calculated by 90% of the class's forward speed, whilst crouching is at 33%. Forward and backward speeds are, however, the same when crouching, revving a Minigun as a Heavy or charging/zooming as a Sniper. During humiliation all classes on the winning team will move 10% faster.
For Spies, disguising as a slower class (Soldier, Demoman & Heavy) will accurately reduce the Spy's speed to the appropriate speed of the class he is disguised as (e.g. Spy disguised as Heavy will move to the speed of Heavy) and remain at that speed unless he un-disguises or Cloaks. Disguising as a faster class (Scout, Medic and sometimes Soldier and Demoman) however will not make the Spy move faster and will continue to move at 100% speed.
A Demoman wielding the Eyelander will gain approximately 8% on his speed with every killing blow or "head", whilst with a Chargin' Targe he charges at 250% of the standard movement speed. The speed of Soldier's wielding the Equalizer increases by 10% with every loss of 40 health.
Class speed comparison table
Class | Forward | (abs) | Backward | (abs) | Crouched | (abs) | |
Scout | 133% | 400v | 120% | 360v | 44.4% | 133.33v | |
Soldier (while using Equalizer with 121-160 hp) |
| |
Pyro | 100% | 300v | 90% | 270v | 33.3% | 100v | |
Demoman (while charging with Chargin' Targe) |
250% |
750v |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A | |
Heavy (with Minigun revved) |
77% 37% |
230v 110v |
69% 33% |
207v 99v |
25.5% 0% |
76.67v 0v | |
Engineer (while hauling any building at any level, Combat Mini-Sentry Guns included) |
75% |
225v |
67.5% |
202.5v |
25% |
75v | |
Medic | 107% | 320v | 96% | 288v | 35.5% | 106.67v | |
Sniper |
100% 27%
300v 80v
90% 27%
270v 80v
33.3% 1.33%
100v 4v
| |
Spy | 100% | 300v | 90% | 270v | 33.3% | 100v | |
Civilian | 100% | 300v | 90% | 270v | N/A | N/A |
abs - absolute figures in velocity units (v)
All classes have varying height, with the Engineer being the shortest and the Heavy being the tallest class.
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