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Revision as of 07:53, 8 December 2011 by Odin691991 (talk | contribs) (AI bots)
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Ez az oldal a játék béli botokról szól, a Team Fortress Wiki, lásd még: Kategória:Felhasználói botok.
Az emberi csapattársak bíráskodnak a másik felett, de ezek a lélektelen automaták? IGEN. Ők nem vakok, de ŐK csendben maradnak. Szóval a hozzá nem értésed titokba marad, amit a sírba visznek magukkal.
Fejlesztő Mac aranyköpés

A botoknak alapvetően két fajtájuk van a Team Fortress 2-ben: AI botok, és Puppet(bábú) botok. Az AI botok kifinomult mesterséges intelligenciával rendelkeznek, hogy azt csinálják, mint egy valódi játékos is csinálna, és csalások nélkül használhatóak. A bábú botoknak ezzel szemben nem rendelkeznek AI-val, de hasznosak tesztelésre, és gyakorlásra. A bábú botokhoz elengedhetetlen, hogy a szerveren engedélyezve legyenek a csalások, ami automatikusan kikapcsol minden célkitűzést.

AI botok

AI botok azért készültek, hogy az emberi játékosokat szimulálják, úgy, hogy nem állnak közvetlen irányítás alatt. A kasztokat teljesen véletlenszerűen választják, amivel játszani fognak. A botok kifinomult AI kódokat használnak, ami a PlayerBot-on és az Infected AI-n alapszik, ami kiemelt figyelmet kapott a Left 4 Dead sorozatban.[1] AI botokhoz nem szükséges, hogy a szerveren engedélyezzék a csalásokat, ennélfogva botkkal is ugyanúgy gyűjtheted a célkitűzéseket, mint valódi emberi játékosokkal. Egy jelentős különbség van az emberi és a számítógép által irányított játékosok között: a botok nem látják a deathcamot, miután megölöd őket, így a megölésük után a gúnyolódás nem vált ki olyan reakciókat tőlük, mint azt egy emberi játékostól, és a deathcamos célkitűzéseket sem tudod megcsinálni velük.

AI botok közvetett irányítás alatt állnak, a következők alapján:

  • Bármelyik barátságos, vagy ellenséges bot, akire a játékos ráviszi a célkeresztjét a helyezkedés alatt gúnyolódni fog.
  • A szanitéc bot gyógyítani fog, ha a "Szanitéc!" hangparancsot hallatod.
  • Ha egy szanitéc bot gyógyít téged, és az über töltés készen van, akkor a "Gyerünk!Gyerünk!Gyerünk!"("Go go go!") vagy "Aktiváld a töltést!" hang paranccsal el fogja tolni az übert.

Jelenlegi AI bot státusz

AI botok béta tesztelés, és fejlesztés alatt állnak, ezáltal válnak egyre kifinomultabbá. Jelenleg minden kaszt megfelelően működik, a sapkátalan fejlesztés óta, még ez egykor hibás kém is. AI botok csak egyes pályákon működnek megfelelően: a hegy királya, vonatozós, homokvihar, kanyon, szerezd meg a zászlót, és Mann kúria (az utóbbi kettőn csak a tf_bot_add paranccsal). Az AI botok használata a nem támogatott pályákon is lehetséges az előbbi konzol paranccsal, de ezeken a pályákon a botok nem fogják modellezni az emberi játékosokat.

Megjegyzés: A az előre programozott botok a legnépszerűbb pályákhoz készültek.

AI bot nevek

Az AI botok arra vannak programozva, hogy más-más neveken játszanak, ezek többsége a Valve korábbi játékaira utal, de a legtöbb mégis a Team Fortress-hez kapcsolódik természetesen. Sok ezek közül a Steam fórumáról származik.

Odin691991 megjegyzése: az alábbi neveket szándékosan nem fordítottam le magyarra, mivel így sok közülük elvesztené a valódi jelentését, vagy egyedi hangzását, ezáltal ti sem látnátok meg a párhuzamot a nevek, és a korábbi Valve-s játékok között.

Botok használata nem támogatott pályákon

  1. Írd be a konzolba, hogy: "sv_cheats 1"
  2. Írd be a konzolba, hogy: "nav_generate"
  3. Várd meg amíg a játék legenerálja a botok által bejárható lehetséges útvonalakat.
  4. A pálya újratöltődik (az útvonalak elmentődnek, az előző lépéseket nem szükséges megismételni)
  5. Írd be a konzolba, hogy: "tf_bot_add <kívánt botok száma>"
  6. Kapcsold ki a csalásokat az "sv_cheats" paranccsal, hogy a végére 0-t (nem kötelező, de ha nem teszed meg nem csinálhatsz célkitűzéseket).

A botokat bármelyik pályán használhatod, ha követed a fenti lépéseket, anélkül, hogy meg kellene ismételned őket. Egyedül "tf_bot_add <number>" parancsot kell használnod, ahányszor csak új botokat szeretnél.

Hivatalos bot támogatott pályák

AI bot viselkedés

  • A botok képtelenek a feloldható tartalmak viselésére, ilyenek például a nem alap fegyverek, sapkák, kiegészítők.
  • A botok csak ritkán használnak mást az elsődleges fegyverükön kívül.
  • A botok képtelenek különleges ugrásokra (mint a rakéta ugrás), vagy épületek szállítása (a mérnök botok automatikusan elpusztítják az épületeiket, ha a pálya célja tovább halad).
  • Ha egy bot megöl egy játékost, akkor rögtön gúnyolódni fog, nem törődve azzal, hogy ellenséges tűz alatt van.
  • Kém botok (és játékosok) teljesen figyelmen kívül vannak hagyva a botok által, miközben álcázzák magukat, de ha 'megérintesz' egy ellenséges botot, sappert használsz, lősz, vagy elrejtőzöl, minden bot, aki látott téged meg fog jegyezni, de ha miközben láthatatlan vagy, és úgy alakulsz át egy másik kasztá, akkor a bot automatikusan úgy értelmezi, hogy meghaltál, és felhagy a kereséssel.
  • Pyro botok használják a kompresszor fújást az ellenséges lövedékek, és személyek ellen, ha 'könnyű' fokozat felett vannak.
  • Szanitéc botok a mesterlövészeket (és néhány esetben a mérnököket) gyógyítják utoljára, még ha azok a "Szanitéc!" hangparancsot használják is.
  • Spy and Sniper bots currently do not appear on Easy mode: they will only appear on Normal mode and beyond.
  • If a disguised Spy bot on expert sees you Cloak, he will be able to follow you while you are invisible regardless of if your Cloak is blinking or not.
  • Bots do not attack during setup time unless they are attacked first (with the exception of Demoman bots planting stickybombs).
  • Engineer bots may build a Sentry in a funny place before immediately destroying it, before looking for metal and repeating the process again.


  • When bots use voice commands (such as "Spy!" and "Move Up!"), text versions of the voice commands do not display.
  • Engineer bots can stand inside their own buildings.

AI bot commands

To use AI bots on supported maps, the server administrator should type the following commands into the console:[2]

Command Description
tf_bot_add This command will create one or more AI bots of random classes on random teams. They will also be assigned amusing human-like names.
tf_bot_add [<count>] [<class>] [<team>] [<difficulty>]
Specifies the number of bots to spawn. If omitted, one bot is spawned.
As of this writing, specifying a number greater than the maximum number of players, including any human players, causes the bots to freeze. Thus if there is a 24 player server (the default), and one human player, do not spawn more than 23 bots.
The classname of the class can be Demoman, Engineer, HeavyWeapons, Medic, Pyro, Scout, Soldier, Sniper, or Spy
Specifies the team name to assign the bot, where team can be red or blue.
Sets the difficulty level for the bot, where difficulty can be easy, normal, or hard.
tf_bot_add red 3 heavyweapons easy will add three Heavies to the RED team at the easy skill level.
tf_bot_difficulty Defines the skill of bots joining the game.
tf_bot_difficulty <level>
Sets the difficulty level for the bots. Values are: 0=easy, 1=normal, 2=hard, 3=expert. Default is "Normal" (1).
tf_bot_difficulty 2 will set all bots created after this command to "Hard" difficulty.
tf_bot_force_class If set to a class name, all TFBots will respawn as that class.
tf_bot_force_class <class>
The classname of the class can be Demoman, Engineer, HeavyWeapons, Medic, Pyro, Scout, Soldier, Sniper, or Spy. Default is "" (aka blank).
tf_bot_force_class medic will make all TFbots respawn as Medic.
tf_bot_join_after_player If nonzero, bots wait until a player joins before entering the game.
tf_bot_join_after_player <integer>
Either 1 or 0. Default is 1 (enabled).
tf_bot_join_after_player 0 will make TFBots join the game when added even if no players are on a team.
tf_bot_keep_class_after_death If zero, bots will always respawn as a different class.
tf_bot_keep_class_after_death <integer>
Either 1 or 0. Default is 0 (disabled).
tf_bot_keep_class_after_death 1 will prevent TFBots from changing class.

This command will remove one or all AI bots.

tf_bot_kick <name/all>
Specifies the name of bot to remove or all.
tf_bot_kick CEDA will kick the TFbot named "CEDA" if one exists.
tf_bot_prefix_name_with_difficulty If nonzero, append the skill level of the bot to the bot's name
tf_bot_prefix_name_with_difficulty <integer>
Either 1 or 0. Default is 0 (disabled).
tf_bot_prefix_name_with_difficulty 1 will cause added bots to have names like "1 Aimbot" (normal) and "3 Saxton Hale" (expert).
tf_bot_quota Determines the total number of TFBots in the game. Only has effect if "tf_bot_quota_mode" = "fill" or "match".
tf_bot_quota <integer>
Whole number between 0 and how many players the server can hold. Default is 0.
tf_bot_quota 2, if tf_bot_quota_mode = match, will add two bots to the server for every one human.
tf_bot_quota_mode Determines the type of quota.
If 'normal', the server will never add/remove TFbots without explicit commands and bot_quota has no effect.
If 'fill', the server will adjust bots to keep N players in the game, where N is bot_quota.
If 'match', the server will maintain a 1:N ratio of humans to bots, where N is bot_quota.
tf_bot_quota_mode fill will always keep (bot_quota - # of human players) bots in the game.
tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance Determines how often a Bot will taunt a human victim.
tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance <integer>
Whole number between 0 and 100. Default is 20.
tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance 0 Bots will never taunt when killing a human player.
tf_bot_tauntvictim_chance 100 Bots will always taunt when killing a human player.
tf_bot_melee_only Determines whether a bot should only use Melee weapons or not.
tf_bot_melee_only <integer>
Either 1 or 0. Default is 0 (disabled).
tf_bot_melee_only 1 will have bots using only Melee weapons.

Puppet bots

Puppet bots have no AI code and cannot move or act on their own. These bots can be used like puppets though, players can manipulate them to follow the player's commands such as following the player around and firing their weapons. Puppet bots are mainly used for testing purposes and can also create stunning visuals if manipulated accordingly, as seen here.

Puppet bot commands

Not all of the following commands work; for clarity, the complete list of commands is included.

Note: entering the command without any values will display the command's current setting and a brief description.

Command Description
bot This command will create a bot on the given team with the specified class and name. If team or name is omitted, they will be assigned randomly.
bot -team <teamname/number> -class <classname> -name <botname>
-team teamname/number
Specifies the team name or number to assign the bot. Where name/number can be RED or 1, BLU or 0
-class classname
The classname of the class can be Demoman, Engineer, Heavy, Medic, Pyro, Scout, Soldier, Sniper, or Spy
-name botname
botname can be anything. If there is already someone with the same name, an incremental number (starting at 1) surrounded with parenthesis will be added to the beginning of the name. For example, joe, (1)joe, (2)joe, etc. If no name is given then the name will be "bot" followed by a number starting with 01; for example, the first bot will be bot01, the next bot02, and so on.
bot -team red -class Engineer -name joe
bot_changeclass Force all bots to change to the specified class.

Does not seem to be implemented, nothing happens.


Make all bots change teams. This forces all the bots to switch teams. If a bot was on the RED team then it will now be on the BLU team and vice versa.

bot_command Sends specified command on behalf of specified bot.
bot_command <botname> <console command>
botname is the name or id of the bot to send the command to.
console command can be any of the ones listed in Scripting#Console Commands.
Example 1
bot_command bot01 "voicemenu 0 0"
Example 2
bot_command bot01 "taunt"
The slot commands (slot1, slot2, etc.) do not work with bot_command, however with bot_forcefireweapon, all bots in that class can be made to switch to a weapon and start firing, then made to stop. Only the entire group of bots in that class can be made to do so, however.
bot_defend Set to a team number, and that team will all keep their combat shields raised.

For instance, Heavies will spin their miniguns.

bot_dontmove Bots are allowed or prevented from moving. When set to 1 the bots cannot move but they can still turn and jump. Note with a combination of this command and bot_mimic bots can be moved to certain areas and left there.
bot_dontmove <0/1>
Bot is allowed to move, or not.
bot_dontmove 1
bot_flipout When on, this command will make the bots fire the current weapon selected. Default is to use primary_fire, but if bot_forceattack2 is set to 1 then secondary fire is used.
bot_flipout <0/1>
On when set to 1. Off when set to 0.
bot_flipout 1
bot_forceattack This will make all the bots automatically fire whatever weapon they currently have selected. If bot_forceattack2 is set to 0, then the bots will execute primary_fire. If bot_forceattack2 is set to 1, then the bots will execute secondary_fire.

Note this does nothing if bot_mimic is active (set to 1).

bot_forceattack <0/1>
Bot will not fire if set to 0 and fire repeatedly if set to 1.
bot_forceattack 1
bot_forceattack2 This will make all the bots execute secondary_fire on whatever weapon they currently have selected when bot_forceattack is set to 1.
bot_forceattack2 <0/1>
Bot will use its weapon's secondary_fire when set to 1, primary_fire when set to 0
bot_forceattack2 1
bot_forceattackon When firing, do not tap fire, hold it down. When this command is set to 0, the bot acts like it is continuously tapping the fire button (useful for the Pistol, but not for the Heavy's Minigun). If this command is set to 1, the bots acts as if it is holding down the fire button (useful for the Heavy's Minigun).
bot_forceattackon <0/1>
On when set to 1. Off when set to 0.
bot_forceattackon 1
bot_forceattack_down When firing, don't tap fire, hold it down. If this is set to 0 then the bot will act like they are continuously tapping the fire button (useful for the Stickybomb Launcher). If this is set to 1 then the bot will act as if it is holding down the fire button (useful for the Minigun).
bot_forceattack_down <0/1>
On when set to 1, off when set to 0
bot_forceattack_down 1
bot_forcefireweapon Forces all bots who have the specified weapon to switch to and fire it.

If a bot does not have this weapon, nothing happens to it (unless it is firing a different weapon, in which it stops)

bot_forcefireweapon <weapon filename>
filename is usually tf_weapon_ <weapon name>.
bot_forcefireweapon tf_weapon_fists makes all Heavy bots switch to and repeatedly attack with their Fists, and all other bots stop attacking.

bot_forcefireweapon tf_weapon_shotgun_pyro makes all Pyro bots switch to and repeatedly fire their Shotguns, and all other bots stop attacking.

To make all bots stop attacking, simply specify a non-existent weapon filename. Anything without tf_weapon in it isn't a TF2 weapon, so the bots won't shoot it, for example bot_forcefireweapon ,,
Bots' loadouts cannot be changed, therefore you cannot make them fire unlockable weapons.

Kills the specified bot.

bot_kill <bot name>
Makes the specified bot commit suicide.
bot_kill bot01
bot_mimic Bot uses usercmd of player by index.

The bot will execute all keystrokes issued by a player, mimicking movements, turns, jumps, fire, etc. It should be noted that bots will not mimic Medic calls, weapon switches, or taunts.

Note this overrides bot_forceattack but does not override bot_dontmove.

bot_mimic <0/1>
On when set to 1, off when set to 0
bot_mimic 1

Inverts the movement of the bots; moving left makes the bots move right, moving forwards makes the bots move backwards, etc.

The direction which the bot is looking is not affected.

bot_mimic_inverse <0/1>
On when set to 1, off when set to 0
bot_mimic_inverse 1

Offsets the bots' yaw. The bots will face in a direction this angle from the player. By default this is set to 180 so that all bots will face the player. Setting this to 0 will face the bots in the same direction as the player.

bot_mimic_yaw_offset <0-360>
Set the direction by specifying angle in degrees
bot_mimic_yaw_offset 180
bot_randomnames <0/1>
On when set to 1, off when set to 0
bot_randomnames 1
bot_refill Refills all bots' Ammo counts, including Metal for Engineers.

Syntax: bot_refill

bot_saveme This makes all the bots call for a Medic, equivalent to issuing bot_command <botname> "voicemenu 0 0" to every bot.

Syntax: bot_saveme <0/1>

On when set to 1, off when set to 0
bot_selectweaponslot This makes the first bot select weapon in specified weapon slot.

0 = primary; 1 = secondary; 2 = melee; 3 = special Note this only works for the first bot spawned. There doesn't seem to be a way to specify other bots.

bot_selectweaponslot <n>
Set n to weapon slot that bots should switch to.
bot_selectweaponslot 2
bot_teleport Teleports a specified bot to a given coordinate.

Map coordinates of where you are standing can be found by typing Status in the console.

bot_teleport <botname> <X> <Y> <Z> <Pitch> <Yaw> <Roll>
Where botname is the bot name or id to teleport.
X Y Z are the map coordinates.
Pitch Yaw Roll is the direction the bot should face.
bot_teleport bot01 -4815 1385 -447 0 0 0
bot_whack Delivers lethal damage from player to specified bot. This basically kills the bot with the currently selected weapon, probably used for testing during development.
bot_whack <botname>
Where botname is the name of bot to "whack".
bot_whack bot109

Update history

December 17, 2009 Patch (WAR! Update)
  • Added work-in-progress Bots for beta testing in KOTH maps.

January 6, 2010 Patch

  • Various improvements to combat behaviors.
  • In KOTH mode, Bots are now:
    • More likely to roam around and hunt enemies if there is lots of time left.
    • Become more likely to push for the point as time runs down, or their teammates start to capture it.
  • Medic bots now:
    • Opportunistically "overheal" nearby friends when they can.
    • Prioritize healing of injured nearby friends more.
    • Don't focus on Heavies quite so exclusively.
    • Don't spam their Medi Gun continuously at round start.
    • Won't choose cover far below their heal target so much (koth_nucleus).
    • Fight back with their Syringe Gun appropriately.
  • General bot improvements:
    • They no longer stand still on the point when capturing or defending it.
    • They choose more varied routes now.
    • They choose better defensive spots around captured points.
    • They fall back to another weapon when they entirely run out of ammo.
    • They adjust their FOV when using zoomed in Sniper scope.
    • They treat in-range Sentry Guns as the most dangerous threat.
    • They fire their weapons is more realistic bursts.
    • Engineers use their Shotgun properly.
  • Added a "virtual mousepad" concept to rework how bots track enemy players.
    • They now periodically estimate the position and velocity of the enemy they are tracking, instead of "locking on".
    • Addresses the "180 spin around and fire", "Heavy bot is OP", "Sniper bot is OP", and "I can't fight a Heavy bot as a Scout" issues.
  • Tuned Sniper spot finding algorithm to generate more diverse locations, partially .addressing the "Predictable Sniper camping spots" issue.
  • Soldier bots are more careful to not fire rockets that will explode on nearby geometry and kill them.
  • Fixed a bug where bots tried to heal from a Dispenser being carried by an Engineer.
  • Tuned scoreboard logic to guard against malicious server operators spoofing bot pings to hide the "BOT" tag.
  • Added more bot names as suggested by the TF community.

April 28, 2010 Patch

  • Bots don't retreat to gather health as readily if they are in combat.
  • Bots no longer retreat when moving to block a point capture.
  • Bots should now equip an appropriate combat weapon and fight while moving to collect health.
  • Bots who are roaming the map and hunting now chase down their victims, following them around corners.
  • Bots that fire projectiles (ie: rockets/grenades/etc) don't hold down their fire button for a minimum time. This was causing Soldier bots to fire rockets into nearby walls as they strafed, killing themselves.
  • Soldier bots now switch to their Shotgun after firing all four rockets when engaging an enemy.
  • Added a few more bot names from community suggestions.
  • Fixed a behavior loop with Engineer metal gathering.

June 10, 2010 Patch (Mac Update)

  • Added Offline Practice mode, with support for KOTH maps and Dustbowl.
  • [Nem dokumentált] Looking at a bot player for a few seconds now causes it to taunt.

June 11, 2010 Patch

  • Fixed a case where servers could get stuck in an infinite loop while spawning bots.
  • Fixed a level change crash related to Bot navigation meshes.

June 14, 2010 Patch

  • Fixed server crash related to bots and health kits.

June 16, 2010 Patch

  • Medic bots now respond when nearby humans call for Medic.
  • If a Medic bot is healing you and has an ÜberCharge ready, using the voice commands "Go go go!" or "Activate Charge!" will force the Bot to activate the ÜberCharge.

July 19, 2010 Patch

  • Improved performance of bot computations that are done when a point is captured, a round starts, or a checkpoint reached.
  • Fixed Engineer bots infinite build-destroy behavior loop regression.
  • Fixed Medic bots losing their charge if they touch a resupply cabinet.
  • Fixed a crash due to having multiple types of bot systems running in-game simultaneously.
  • Fixed bot behavior issue resulting in bot pile-ups near level 3 Teleporter entrances.
  • Bots no longer consider sapped Sentry Guns a dangerous threat.
  • Bots will not try to navigate through enemy spawn rooms (unless they have won the round).
  • Engineer bots will avoid building Teleporters on steep slopes which could hinder teammate movement.
  • Added tf_bot_pyro_always_reflect cvar. Set to 1 to make Pyro bots always reflect projectiles, regardless of difficulty level.

April 14, 2011 Patch (Hatless Update)

  • Added Spy TFBots. Spy bots have basic cloaking, diguising, sapping, and backstabbing behaviors now, and are ready to join the fight
  • TFBots understand the basics of the Payload scenario now, and will push the cart on offense, and try to stop the cart on defense
  • Added navigation meshes for pl_goldrush, pl_badwater, pl_upward, pl_thundermountain, and pl_hoodoo_final
  • Improved TFBot reactions to cloaked and/or disguised enemy Spies
  • Improved Demoman bot behaviors for planting sticky bomb traps
  • Demoman bots will now try to move to a safe spot and lob stickybombs onto enemy sentry nests to destroy them
  • Soldier bots switch to their Shotgun after emptying their Rocket Launcher at close/medium range
  • TFBots will no longer hide from sapped or carried sentryguns
  • Engineer bots are better at moving their Sentry Gun nest as the scenario changes
  • Improved Sniper bot algorithm for finding good sniping spots for both Capture Point and Payload scenarios
  • Sniper bots will take opportunistic shots at targets while they move to their desired sniping spot
  • Fixed bug where Sniper bots would sometimes stand around in their spawn room doing nothing.
  • Improved TFBot ability to find a safe vantage spot to attack enemy Sentry Guns
  • TFBots will no longer try to use a teleporter entrance they can't actually reach
  • Added tf_bot_melee_only cvar. If set to 1, all TFBots will be restricted to only using their melee weapon

April 18, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed a server crash that could occur if TFBots were used across map changes

May 5, 2011 Patch (Replay Update)

  • [Nem dokumentált] Bots now properly target the Horseless Headless Horsemann as an enemy.

July 22, 2011 Patch

  • [Nem dokumentált] Bots now work on CTF maps.

July 26, 2011 Patch

August 23, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed crash with Demoman* bots trying to detonate stickybombs that had already been destroyed
  • Added tf_bot_kill console command (syntax identical to tf_bot_kick)
  • Bots obey melee only mode a bit better
  • Added func_nav_avoid to allow map creators control over where bots "like" to go
  • Fixed issue with Demoman bot reloading between each stickybomb he fired, causing him to be very slow at setting traps/destroying sentries
  • Bots never taunt if carrying the flag now
  • Aiming logic for Huntsman sniper bots
  • Sniper bots prioritize enemy snipers more aggressively, as well as enemy engineers now
  • Improved Demoman bot sentry gun sticky bombing
  • Bots will no longer try to use health entities assigned to the enemy team
  • Added simplistic behaviors for Chargin' Targe, and various consumables (Bonk drink, sandvich, etc)
  • Medic* bots stay a bit closer to their patient now
  • Sniper* bots go after very nearby enemies with their melee weapon now
  • Added func_tfbot_hint entity to allow map creators to tell sniper bots good places to lurk
  • Sniper* bots opportunistically fire on viable targets they encounter while on the way to their desired lurking spot
  • Spy* bots are more aggressive about backstabbing an engineer before sapping his nest now

September 6, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed a server crash related to bots

October 13, 2011 Patch (Manniversary Update & Sale)

  • TFBots have a percentage chance of noticing weapon fire based on their difficulty level. Easy bots are fairly oblivious, and Expert bots notice pretty much everything.
  • TFBots now treat certain weapon attacks as "quiet" (Spy knife, cloaking/uncloaking, some melee weapons, fists, etc). "Quiet" weapons can only be heard by TFBots when nearby, and their chance of being noticed is halved if the environment is "noisy" (ie., lots of non-quiet gunfire going on in the area). This greatly improves Spies ability to backstab TFBots without the entire team immediately turning on them.
  • Spy bot improvements:
    • Spy bots are much better about circling around and backstabbing their victims now
    • Improved Spy bot target selection in some situations (ie: clusters of sentries and enemy players)
    • Spy bots will give up on an attack and retreat if an enemy sentry gun aims at them
    • Spy bots now avoid nearby enemies while disguised and/or cloaked so they don't bump into them and give themselves away
    • Spy bots now have a simple notion of when their “cover is blown" now
    • Spy bots lead their target's position as they chase them down for a backstab now
    • Spy bots don't go after victims until setup time has elapsed
    • Hard and Expert Spy bots avoid looking at their prey until they get close and go for the stab
    • Easy Spy bots don't avoid enemies, or try to get behind before stabbing
    • Normal Spy bots don't avoid enemies
    • Fixed bug where Spy bots would jump against the enemy spawn gates during setup time
  • Medic bot improvements:
    • Medic bots stick much closer to running patients now
    • Medic bots stick much closer to their patient if they have an Ubercharge ready, or are deploying their Uber
    • Medic bots hide from Sentryguns now, too
  • Pyro bot improvements:
    • Pyro bots are less "pushy" with their compression blast, but will use it against Ubers and to get enemies off of a capture point
  • [Nem dokumentált] Added new bot names.
