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Revision as of 02:40, 11 February 2012 by Admega (talk | contribs) (Best friend)
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Admega is a Team fortress 2 player, and serveral other games. Admega joined steam at March/28/2011. He plays Team fortress 2 from July/26/2011 - To the date

About Admega

  • Real name: Saul
  • He lives at Mexico,Merida,Yucatan.
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Male
  • Language: Spanish, English and french.
  • Operating computer system: Windows 7 Ultimate.
  • Youtube Account: Yv5saul
  • Phone Number: (+57)999-137-38-17 (Telcel)
  • Personal phrase: I'm a cool dude, eventually (especially on Mondays) crazed, but still a good friend

Team Fortress 2 Stats

Most played classes

  1. Spy
  2. Engineer
  3. Pyro
  4. Scout
  5. Medic

Most weapons used

  1. Spy-cicle
  2. Gunslinger
  3. Backburner
  4. Force of nature
  5. Quick-fix

Best friends

Zackypoo Miascolbic



  • "Admega" Was named orinaly "Omega" in 2 games
  • "Admega" comes from a mix of two names (Adrian and Omega)
  • The name of "Admega" was used first in a "Bloonsworld" level