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The BLU team attempts to capture a control point while the RED Scout back-caps the midpoint.
The Scout

偷點戰術最早是指在標準 5 控制點占領模式中,搶在敵方成功佔領我方控制點之前率先搶下敵方控制點;同樣的戰術也可以應用於攻擊/防禦控制點模式以及彈頭車模式,偷點戰術的意義已經被衍伸為泛指任何在敵方房線後方占領據點的行為。





一個理想的偷點目標通常所需的占領時間較短,或是難以迅速回防,例如Gravel Pit的控制點 C 。


偷點戰術通常很難應用於最後一個控制點,因為此時大部份的敵方成員將會試圖防守這個點,但由於最後一個控制點占領所需的時間極短,因此有時亦不妨一試;此時間諜通常較偵查兵更適合執行這個戰術,因為間諜可以迅速的破壞控制點附近的步哨並背刺任何粗心大意的玩家後(你的永恆獎賞在此時非常管用,可以避免你被敵方發現 ),再占領控制點;倘若最後一個控制點附近尚未架起步哨的話,火焰兵也是一個在執行偷點戰術時不錯的選擇,他們的壓縮氣爆能推開任何試圖阻止佔點的防守者;最後,假如最後一個控制點剛剛開放佔領時,偵察兵也可以試著執行偷點戰術,由於偵察兵佔點的速度之快,敵方較低等級的步哨或是迷你步哨可能來不及在你完成佔領之前殺死你,你也可以利用Bonk! 原子能量飲料好躲過敵方步哨。由於佔領所需時間的不同,有些地圖較其他地圖更容易在最後一個控制點執行偷點戰術;但有些地圖,例如 Gravel Pit 的控制點 C ,便有可能會因為占領控制點所需的時間太長而讓偷點戰術的可行性受到限制。



由於偵察兵在佔領控制點上的專長,因此由偵察兵所進行的偷點戰術是戰場上最典型的偷點戰術之一;偵察兵擁有足夠的速度和兩倍佔點速率,足以在很多情境下成功執行偷點戰術;除此之外,他們的速度也讓她們能在事情出錯時迅速脫離戰鬥,或是避開任何防守者;當裝備Bonk! 原子能量飲料時,偵察兵可以輕易地溜過敵方防線,並在適當的時機執行偷點戰術。


火箭兵爆破兵 is generally only viable with the Pain Train equipped, as it gives the user 2x capture rate much like that of the Scout. Soldiers, and Demomen can use their explosive jumping ability to get past defenders or onto difficult access points. Additionally, both classes have good offensive capability and are able to defend themselves during a back-cap, but will take more bullet damage with the Pain Train equipped.


Pyro-capping is best suited to Pyros carrying the Flamethrower or Degreaser for their cheaper compression blast ability. The Pyro takes a completely defensive stance, compression blasting any enemies attempting to block the capture off the point and also blasting away any projectiles shot at him. Pyro capping may succeed where Spy-capping and Scout-capping will fail if there are opponents around to block the capture. Even if the Spy or Scout is able to kill these opponents, time is wasted fighting over the point and the entire team is alerted to the capture attempt. With Pyro capping, you have the ability to still capture quickly, even if there is 1 or 2 defenders standing on the point; this includes ÜberCharged enemies attempting to block.


Heavy-capping, previously a very difficult tactic, is made much easier with the addition of the Gloves of Running Urgently and somewhat with the Buffalo Steak Sandvich; with the gloves equipped, the Heavy can move into position much more quickly. With the Sandvich, you will take mini-crits, which can be reduced in damage by the Fists of Steel or The Hibernating Bear set. The Heavy's high damage output makes defending a small or enclosed point much easier (such as point C on Gravel Pit). For more open points, Natascha can prevent enemies from reaching the point to block the capture. Eating a Sandvich while capping may provide enough time to capture the point before succumbing to Sentry Gun fire.


Engineer-capping is more difficult to do than other back-cap methods, but can be the most devastating. It involves the Engineer getting behind the enemy lines and constructing a base in anticipation of the final point becoming unlocked. This could involve building a Teleporter, Sentry Gun, or even both. A very risky tactic as you may have no forward defense, Allied players could use the teleporter to mount an attack from behind and have an early presence on the final control point before it becomes unlocked, but there might be a lack of players to defend your point. The more devious strategy is for an Engineer to just build and upgrade a Sentry Gun, hauling it to the final point, and to spawn-camp or use it for protection while capping. Gunslinger-wielding Engineers can also pull out a Mini-Sentry right over the control point and be able to rebuild them, were they destroyed, in almost no time. You may also use the Jag to deploy a sentry in 0.75 sec, possibly with the addition of leveling time.


Medic-capping is typically not performed on its own, but a Medic can offer large benefits to any other class when back-capping. The Medi Gun which gives the ÜberCharge ability allows a team of a Medic and another class to pierce the battle line of the opposition with impunity. This allows the Medic to facilitate a back-cap for a class unable to bypass the battle lines on their own. Then once behind enemy lines, the Medic can heal their partner or attack to increase their partner's effectiveness in the back-cap. The downside is that using the ÜberCharge to push through lines is fairly noticeable. This can still offer benefits though. The enemy team may over-allocate players to deal with your back-cap attempt, leaving their defenses weakened.


Sniper-capping is difficult and very uncommon, as the Sniper is weak at close range. Jarate and the Bushwacka may provide enough damage to prevent a short-range defense; while on more open points, the Sniper may be able to headshot approaching enemies. Huntsman is preferable as a primary weapon, but still not a perfect choice to defend oneself.


Spy-capping is the act of infiltrating the enemy base as Spy and capturing a point the moment it unlocks. While the Spy only has a 1x capture rate and is relatively weak, it is much easier to get behind enemy lines as a Spy and get into position. This works particularly well on Attack/Defend maps given the ample hiding locations and the standard difficulty of breaking enemy lines. This often done on the final point due to quickest timer compared to other points on most maps.

The Cloak and Dagger is useful because of the infinite Cloak capability, but enemies may Spy check in anticipation of a Spy-cap. The Dead Ringer is also useful in that it makes getting behind enemies lines much easier, but provides little hiding ability.

Spy-capping can be quite powerful, but is easy to counter if the defending team thinks it may be tried. All it takes is one player to Spy check the final point and a potential round-winning capture can be averted.

Related achievements

Leaderboard class scout.png 偵察兵


Leaderboard class spy.png 間諜
