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![]() | “Ale jesteś malutki! Normalnie mnie rozśmieszasz!” To jest tylko zalążek artykułu. Nie jest więc ukończony. Możesz pomóc Team Fortress Wiki rozbudowując go. |
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The Mann-Conomy Update is a major content release for Team Fortress 2, released on September 30, 2010. In total the update added 65 new items, including community-contributed content from the Polycount Pack contest. The update also introduced the Mann Co. Store, the Steam Wallet Template:W system, and item trading. As an interesting note, clicking the "Mann Co." sign on top of the tower on the front page of the update brings you to a hidden page with a picture of the entire building and its surroundings, and clicking on the gorilla at the bottom of the page will bring you to a picture of the gorilla with a frame around it.
Spis treści
The Scout's Holy Mackerel
The Soldier's Rocket Jumper
- Battalionbackup.png
The Soldier's Battalion's Back-up
- Sydney Sleeper.png
The Sniper's Sydney Sleeper
The Sniper's Darwin's Danger Shield
The Sniper's Bushwacka
The Spy's L'Etranger
The Spy's Your Eternal Reward
The Scout's Bombing Run
- Scout Milkman.png
The Scout's Milkman
The Soldier's Chieftan's Challenge
The Soldier's Grenadier's Softcap
The Soldier's Stout Shako
The Soldier's Dr's Dapper Topper
The Pyro's Handyman's Handle
The Pyro's Napper's Respite
The Pyro's Old Guadalajara
The Demoman's Carouser's Capotain
The Demoman's Sober Stuntman
The Heavy's Pugilist's Protector
The Sniper's Ol' Snaggletooth
The Spy's Familiar Fez
Wiki Cap for all classes
"The Mann Co. Store is an in-game micro-transaction service included in the Mann-Conomy Update. The store allows players to purchase in-game items such as hats, weapons, and action items using money stored in their Steam Wallet. The store does not promote 'pay-to-win' gameplay: There are crafting blueprints and random drops available for any non-cosmetic item. Creators of community contributed items receive a percentage of sales for anything they've created." It is not possible to exploit the shop by buying cheap items and melting them to make more expensive ones because all items bought through the store cannot be crafted or traded.
"Trading is an in-game system allowing players to swap weapons, hats and misc items allowing players to obtain items that they desire. Some items, such as the Gentle Manne's Service Medal, the Golden Wrench and store-bought items and items given through gifts are 'untradable', meaning that they must remain on the original account that obtained them. Surprisingly, Bill's Hat, the Lumbricus Lid and the Alien Swarm Parasite can be traded.
As of now, it is possible to trade with players on a players friends list and with other players in their current server.
If one player has another player's Steam Community ID, then there is also an option to trade directly with that player. This makes it easy to trade with someone who isn't in the same server that you are.
However, although it might seem obvious, both trade "partners" must be playing Team Fortress 2 if they wish to trade. It should also be noted that purchased items are not currently tradeable."