Basic information
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Team Fortress 2
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Favourite weapons: |
Strange Jag
Contact information
Steam page: |
Hello Everyone, I'm Stewart, I'm a Comp Sci Undergrad, I'm a fan of most Valve games (HL2 + Eps, P1, P2, L4D, L4D2, and of course TF2), and most Blizzard Games (WoW, SC2). I'm a big programming fan, and can generally be found tinkering with something or other in Java, C++, PHP, etc.
Mouseover Tooltips
In November 2011 I wrote a simple script for the Wiki to show Item Tooltips whem hovering over links to item pages, and posted it as a Suggestion. 6 months later and it never really went anywhere, so I decided to make a Greasemonkey Userscript for it. That script is available here: enjoy, and feel free to give me feedback on it on my Talk Page.
Template:Item checklist
This user hates adverts and loves Team Fortress Wiki's adlessness.
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This user knows how to edit templates and can create them too.
This user has professional knowledge of English.
This user is an employee of RED.
Avert thy gaze! Verily, this unfortunate peasant hath little to no hats!
This user is buildin' a Sentry
This user thinks their cart is faster than your cart.
This user is an Engineer. “I told ya don’t touch that darn thing!”
This user has a Steam profile, which can be found here.
This breuker is Scottish, an naebody shoud think ithergates!
This user dreams of making their own games.
This user supports Steam as a content delivery system.
This user likes Half-Life 2.
This user is an active Portal 2 test subject.
This user owns The Orange Box.
This user fought off the zombie apocalypse with a veteran, a girl, an IT guy, and a guy who hates everything.
This user fought off the zombie apocalypse with a gambler, a coach, a rambling mechanic, and a reporter.
This user enjoys watching Doctor Who. "But actually from a non-linear, non-subjective point of view it's actually a big ball of wibbly wobbly... timey wimey... stuff."
This user uses Firefox as their web browser.