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< Medic buddy
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醫護兵的好夥伴是指那些在攻勢或守勢作戰中,特別適合與醫護兵搭配進行作戰的職業。這些「好夥伴」與一般的病患不同,後者泛指任何醫護兵當下治療的對象;在大部分的情況中,醫護兵往往會選擇好夥伴當作攻擊手,並且讓他們接受 ÜberCharge 的效果進攻。




火箭兵的高生命值與強大的火力在醫護兵持續治療的配合下可以說是如虎添翼;長時間保持超量治療則能讓火箭兵利用火箭跳迅速且安全的抵達戰場,大幅提升其機動性;一個由火箭兵和醫護兵組成的攻擊小組適合在中遠距離摧毀步哨、利用濺射傷害對付大批敵軍,以及俐落地處理掉特定目標;當火箭兵和醫護兵搭配時,裝備火箭發射器直擊火箭更能發揮優勢:當爆擊製造者發揮爆擊效果時,火箭發射器的大範圍傷害讓火箭兵有能力利用一發爆擊火箭清除大批敵軍; ÜberCharge 施放時機的溝通對於這種攻擊小組來說非常重要,如此一來才不會將 ÜberCharge 時間浪費在重新裝填上。






重裝兵大量的生命值讓他們能吸收大量的敵方火力,特別是當超量治療的時候;其龐大的體積與緩慢的移動速度雖然能讓醫護兵輕易的發現並跟上重裝兵的腳步,但同樣的也非常容易吸引敵方的注意;裝備狂奔手套的重裝兵能跟上醫護兵較快的移動速度並為醫護兵的 ÜberCharge 量表充能;在戰鬥中,重裝兵驚人的近距離火力對於保護醫護兵有著很大的幫助;重裝兵在發射機槍時低落的機動性,讓他們對於擊退效果非常脆弱,因此當施放無敵效果時,醫護兵有時必須走在重裝兵前方以吸引火力;若是使用爆擊效果,則重裝兵的機槍能夠輕易地在幾乎任何情況下屠戮敵人,不論戰場是在室內亦或是室外;然而不論是何者,醫護兵在施放效果之前都必須先給重裝兵足夠的時間好讓其轉槍。




The Scout’s low health and suicidal style of play usually mean that he will die easily, even when being healed. While a Medic can use the Quick-Fix to match the Scout's fast speed, the Scout cannot provide the same degree of protection that a typical Medic buddy can. Still, he will often be injured and run back to be healed. These brief periods of time where the two are together are when most Scout/Medic pairs work together. All of the Scout’s weapons run out of ammunition relatively quickly, making an offensive push on the front lines unfeasible. A good Scout is capable of avoiding most damage without an ÜberCharge, making him one of the last candidates to receive it. Should this happen as a last resort, the Scout should stay near the Medic so as to keep the ÜberCharge. Because the Scout’s damage output is so high, he can be a surprisingly good Kritzkrieg target in tight quarters or defensive positions. Even so, an unbuffed Scout may have difficulty dealing with clusters of enemies, making him a poor Medic buddy.


由於工程師很少出現在前線戰鬥,且有能力自行建造補給器,因此醫護兵能提供給工程師的幫助並不多。一名醫護兵持續治療工程師的情形通常只會出現在一種特定的情境下:即工程師試圖在敵方火力攻擊下修復步哨。一名在前線使用牧馬者遙控器的工程師能夠提供毀滅性的火力,但此舉讓工程師的機動性變得較重裝兵更為差勁,因此也無法成為合格的 ÜberCharge 接受者;一項非常規的戰術則是在進攻時,讓工程師利用醫護兵所提供的無敵在關鍵地點迅速布署步哨,以確保步哨能夠在槍林彈雨中順利架設完成。


The Sniper tends to sit at the back of the battlefield, so it is rare that a Medic will heal him. Still, there are situations where healing a Sniper may be beneficial to the team. If locked in a Sniper duel, an overhealed Sniper cannot be killed with a fully charged bodyshot or even an uncharged headshot, giving him a strong advantage. A Sniper carrying the Huntsman will often fight close to the front lines and will require healing. Even when at the front lines, the Sniper’s lack of strong close-range weaponry and the long intervals between shots make protecting the Medic incredibly difficult. Because of these reasons, the Sniper is a poor choice for either of the two ÜberCharges. It is notable that when under the influence of Kritzkrieg, the Sniper does not need to use his Sniper Rifle’s scope to deal the equivalent of an uncharged headshot.


雖然醫護兵的生命值會隨著時間恢復,但是他們並不能自行利用醫療槍迅速治療自己,因此確保醫護兵的存活是十分重要的一件事;然而,在隊伍發動攻勢時選擇另一名醫護兵做為夥伴卻是十分不智的。醫護兵有著隨時間恢復的生命值和高於平均的移動速度,但傷害輸出卻十分貧乏;因此除非狀況十分不利,否則醫護兵最好還是在後方為其他職業準備 ÜberCharge 而非親自上陣殺敵。
假如你真的對自己的技術與兩人間的默契有著十足的信心的話,倒不妨嘗試使用連鎖 ÜberCharge 策略


Because the Spy relies on stealth and disguises, healing him while he is near an enemy will usually blow his cover. Medics should use discretion and heal offensive classes before the Spy. However, since fire negates the Spy’s disguise and Cloak, he should be one of the first classes a Medic extinguishes after encountering a Pyro. Not counting backstabs, the Spy has the lowest damage output out of all nine classes, making him a terrible choice for a frontal assault using any ÜberCharge.

ÜberCharge 接受者

當 ÜberCharging 隊友時,通常是為了完成某項目標;隨著各種清況的差異將會需要不同職業的隊友協助。

Raw damage and Zone control

When attempting to rid an area of multiple enemies, a Heavy or Pyro would be a favorable choice for an ÜberCharge. The Heavy deals respectable damage from short to mid-range, shredding anything nearby. However, his slow speed limits his effectiveness at longer ranges, especially if the enemy retreats or uses cover. The Pyro can deal massive damage when ambushing, meaning that an ÜberCharge can only increase the chaos. While the Pyro is faster than the Heavy, the Flamethrower’s short range renders him even more ineffective against opponents from afar.

Tactical targets

To gain an immediate advantage by taking out a specific target, a Soldier or Demoman make good choices. While slower than the Pyro and weaker than the Heavy, both classes have a range advantage and can still damage multiple enemies at once with their explosive weaponry. Their mobility and firepower can allow a team to gain and keep momentum in an offensive push.

Sentry removal

Depending on the location of the Engineer’s nest, all four favorable Medic buddies can excel at destroying Sentry Guns. The Soldier can fire rockets at buildings from any range, as buildings do not suffer from damage falloff, but is more easily thwarted by an Engineer repairing the Sentry Gun. At close range, the high damage output offered by the Pyro and Heavy allow them to destroy a Sentry Gun and kill the Engineer repairing it. Demomen are typically the best choice for destroying difficult Sentry Guns, as they can negate a repairing Engineer by detonating multiple Stickybombs to destroy the gun in one blast. At slightly farther ranges, it may be necessary for the Medic to run ahead of the patient to draw Sentry Gun fire and prevent knock back. Because critical hits do not affect buildings, the Kritzkrieg is useless against Sentry Guns.

General defense

A typical way to counter an enemy ÜberCharge is to deploy another one on any teammate under fire, as one ÜberCharged player can completely block another’s progress. Remaining charge time after the enemy loses their invulnerability can be used to drive them back, making it more advantageous to deploy the counter ÜberCharge later. An ÜberCharge is a good way to handle an overwhelming number of enemies and can be used on any class as a last resort. It is better for a Medic to deploy an ÜberCharge and waste it than to die while fully charged.



The most important thing about coordinating with a Medic is communication. A Medic buddy should use a microphone or voice commands to warn or direct the Medic. If the Medic does not give orders, his patient should take charge of the situation and speak about how and where to use an ÜberCharge.

When being healed, the patient shouldn't rush ahead of the Medic or run off to the Resupply area, especially when he's the only other teammate nearby; a Medic needs to be healing a teammate in order to build his ÜberCharge meter. The patient should always remain near the Medic unless a more viable Medic buddy arrives to fill his place.

Being constantly healed does not make a patient invincible, especially when under heavy enemy fire. A Medic buddy typically should not push too far forward into enemy territory and know when to retreat, especially if the Medic could easily be flanked. If the Medic is behind cover, a Medic buddy should not move very far away, as the Medic’s Medi Gun has limited range. While the Medic does regenerate health, he cannot heal himself. Priority to receive health packs should always go to the Medic, who can then proceed to heal everyone else.

Keeping the Medic alive allows all team members to easily access a source of healing. In return for healing, a Medic buddy is expected to protect the Medic. A Medic will often die rather than pull out their Syringe Gun, as they trust their patient to eliminate any nearby threats. Because of their importance to the team, Medics will often be targeted by Scouts, Pyros, Snipers, and Spies, classes that rely on ambushes or opportunities. It is necessary to keep moving around while looking for any potential threats.