Team Fortress Wiki:Archived discussions/
The community site pages and navbox is not for listing your website to squeeze traffic. It is for documenting notable community websites. This means that the website has seen extensive use and has otherwise left a mark. Since this one has existed for about a month from what evidence I can find. I'm not seeing much purpose of listing it here. -- Lagg 10:47, 19 June 2012 (PDT)
Yes Agree for all the stated reasons, notability/NPOV. User:Darkid/Sig 10:45, 19 June 2012 (PDT)
Agree with this rZ 10:48, 19 June 2012 (PDT)
Agree I've heard of this site, but it's not notable at all. Balladofwindfishes 11:01, 19 June 2012 (PDT)
Disagree What a disappointment to see this page has been deleted. I run, and while the "" domain has only been registered recently, the site itself has been active since November 2011 under / domains -- It is a community site that is used by many and should be listed. Your personal opinion and 2 additional votes from your friends should not be enough to delete a page, now that's my opinion. I strongly suggest you try this google search and you hopefully will realize this was not created for self-publicity. The amount of links you will find, within a "1 month life span" of a site might be overwhelming. You can try searching for "" and "" afterwards (which all redirect to now, btw) -- I don't need the tf2 wiki to get traffic, but I do feel it is a notable tool that deserves its place on here. Ruiner 11:23, 21 June 2012 (PDT)