Talk:Basic Medic strategy

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Revision as of 08:30, 6 July 2012 by K-Raider NL (talk | contribs) (Defending the crossbow (again))
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Advise mic use

You simply cannot be as effective as you could be while medicing if you don't use a mic or at least communicate effectively with your team. This is something that should be encouraged at every opportunity, as it makes the game better for everyone. Surprising someone with an uber? Not letting them know of danger? Not so good. I feel strongly that advising mic use should be a part of medic strategy, though all that is here is basically a review of the loadout options. But where to add it? Cranberry Jerk 20:00, 7 June 2012 (PDT)

I agree with you. Put it at the top of the page. It is a general strategy and not weapon-specific. K-Raider NL 01:15, 29 June 2012 (PDT)
Mic usage is part of communication, which is sprinkled throughout the article. No need to mention the mic specifically, as I believe there are pages related to communication here. -- InShane 02:08, 29 June 2012 (PDT)

Removal of my edit?

the prior information on usage of the bonesaw stated it should be swapped out for the vita or ubersaws, as it was near useless in comparison. Rather than tell what somthing is not good for, i changed it to say that the bone saw kept a high damage per second, and still retained a max health of 150, maxing it the best option for direct combat. i think this information is entirely relevant, and i dont know why it was removed. Nk 170 05:43, 25 December 2010 (UTC)

It wasn't well written, and using the Bonesaw is terrible advice in any case. The Amputator is a straight upgrade, and the Vitasaw and Ubersaw are both worlds better than the Bonesaw. Zoolooman 17:25, 25 December 2010 (UTC)
Well if you think it was not well written, i would be happy for you to revise it. However, the bonesaw does have instances where it is preferable to the vita and ubersaws, such as the degroot keep, where the bonuses of these weapons will not be usable, and their downsides are still applied. I think it is more constructive to tell what an item is useful for, rather than simply label it "useless". Again,if you think it was poorly written, i would have been happy for a revision. Nk 170 02:20, 28 December 2010 (UTC)

Removal of my edit

I added that the Amputator is useful for melee-only sudden death overtime. And it is. Apparently, someone saw fit to remove that. I'm a good medic and I know what I'm doing. It's stuff like this that makes it frustrating to contribute here sometimes. I suppose I can just restrict myself to fixing typos from now on. Cranberry Jerk 06:13, 17 October 2011 (PDT)

Hey, don't be discouraged and take that as a personal affront. I am responsible for upkeeping these pages at the moment. Your fact is true, but melee-only sudden death is something that only happens via a server mod - not something that's quite "basic strategy." That's the same reason most references to Medieval Mode were removed and why your addition had to be removed, regardless of its validity. -- InShane 17:49, 17 October 2011 (PDT)

Fair enough, but by that standard, wouldn't the references to Medieval Mode be warranted? Cranberry Jerk 15:32, 18 October 2011 (PDT)

It was argued that Medieval Mode references should have be removed due to the rules only applying on one map. I meant to refer to how specific Medieval Mode tips were - aka not basic strategy. The general trend is good melee weapons excel in Medieval Mode (Demoknight and co.), so most things saying "This is good in Medieval Mode" were simply translated to "This is a decent melee weapon." -- InShane 15:46, 18 October 2011 (PDT)

Crusader's Crossbow isn't a viable weapon, apparently?

Seems kind of odd to go right out and say that the crossbow sucks except for its healing capacity. It's actually pretty great for destroying distant sentries and counter-"sniping" enemy Snipers. I almost never heal teammates with it, since it's the team healing that's the bonus, not the damage capacity. Videofreak 06:19, 28 March 2012 (PDT)

No, the entry doesn't say the Crossbow stinks, it says it's terrible in combat, which is true. In general close range combat, usually where the Medic is actively pursued, the Crossbow is even worse than the Syringe Gun at fighting off Scouts and Soldiers. At long range, Snipers can easily dodge the bolts, especially since they take two bolts to kill at minimum and because the Crossbow has a stupidly long reload time. Picking off Sentries is fun, but most any class can do that since Sentries aren't affected by damage fall-off (Rocket Launcher, Pistol) or ramp-up (Crossbow). If it weren't for the healing abilities, the Crossbow would be pretty much be a downgrade. I'll look at it again later. -- InShane 09:37, 28 March 2012 (PDT)

I like the crossbow. At long range, the weapon has a high damage output, which is useful if your medic buddy can't take down distant targets. (heavies, pyro's with a shotgun vs. soldiers and snipers) Snipers will reconsider aiming at you or nearby allies after you launched an arrow in their direction. It's best to switch between firing arrows and (over)healing your team, altough this only works on maps with plenty of open space. In maps like hightower, players are less likely to be cornered, while snipers are a greater threat. The arrows can deal serious damage, about 60 at the distance snipers prefer. As a bonus, the medieval medic set bonus significantly increases survivability. This weapon does not yield a lot of kills, but that's ok. Neither will the syringe guns. The crossbow gives medics new ways of assisting the team, by damaging or healing at a distance. The downside remains: being less effective when locked in medium to close range combat. Those are situations medics should avoid anyway. I like this weapon because it helps me defend my medic buddies against snipers. I cancel the reload if I have to.(Replay link deleted)K-Raider NL 07:00, 24 April 2012 (PDT)

Please take note of the timestamps before re-initiating. My discussion post still stands; the Crossbow is terrible against Snipers. Pubbing and random videos are fun, but these pages cover general situations, not oddball cases. In theory, a Medic should always have the Medi Gun out so that the Ubercharge builds faster. -- InShane 04:40, 13 May 2012 (PDT)
I still think that the crossbow will do roughly the same amount of damage versus enemies at long range, when compared to fighting scouts and pyros (most likely to flank you) with the syringe gun. With the exception of chasing spies and playing on maps without open spaces like Junction. I think the crusaders crossbow works for medics like the short stop does for scouts. It changes the distance at which you do the most damage, but doesn't change what the class can and can't do. It does not change the priority of healing for medics. Stating that this weapon can be useful is not telling all medics to stop healing and go snipe full-time. I just like to have something to shoot enemies with on big, open maps. The syringe gun simply can't do that. K-Raider NL 05:03, 13 May 2012 (PDT)

I apologise for my earlier behaviour regarding our little disagreement. Since the pyromania update, the reload speed has been decreased by 40%. I'll try it out later today. I already knew it was a good weapon at long range. This buff should make the crossbow more useful at fighting enemies at mid-range to close range. I think it's best to use the crossbow when all allies around you are overhealed, and there are enemies in range. When alone and cornered, use the crossbow until the enemy gets really close and then smash them with the bonesaw. I request that you try out this new crossbow as well and reconsider. K-Raider NL 01:12, 29 June 2012 (PDT)

Ok, I spent some time playing with the medieval medic set. I also got som feedback from advanced players. The crossbow's healing capacities are quite useful at all ranges if you can convince the target to stand still. Healing patients with the medigun is more efficient than shooting enemies at long range, even if the patient is already overhealed. Medics should keep charging their übers. Shooting at snipers is likely to get me killed. The blutsauger is the most powerful primary, as draining health makes Medics hard to kill. However, the crossbow excels when fending off enemies that are chasing you. It is easy to lead your targets then, 2 or 3 arrows and a blow from the bonesaw will make short work of pyros. I took out several pyros this way. It should also work on scouts and spies (running from you), but I have not been able to try that in practice. What I am trying to say, is that the crossbow is more powerful than the syringe gun if you hit most of the time. It has healing capabilities as well, but does not change the Medics primary role. Medics should only use primaries when they are forced to retreat. K-Raider NL 01:30, 6 July 2012 (PDT)