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I play 6v6 Scout.

Steam Profile[1]

Every time I open a new tab in Google Chrome, I always click on The Official TF2 Wiki button on my favorites bar, look at the main page for about 2 seconds, then exit and go to do what ever I was doing. I still have no clue why, maybe it's because I always want to be ready for an update.

I have 9 items named after Fallout Songs.

My Goal: To add as much tips as I can to the Community Strategy pages, and make it full of useful advice.


An' here I go again on my own Goin' down the only road I've ever known, Like a drifter I was born to walk alone An' I've made up my mind I ain't wasting no more time.

You're motorin' What's your price for flight? In finding Mister Right You'll be alright tonight

Cause I'm as free as a bird now, And this bird you can not change. Lord knows, I can't change. Lord help me, I can't change. Lord I can't change, Won't you fly high free bird yea.


"We have no beginning. We have no end. We are infinite. Millions of years after your civilization has been eradicated and forgotten, we will endure." -Sovereign

“We are the Harbinger of your ascendance.” -Harbinger

Red Vs Blue

Protect me cone! Worst throw ever, of all time.

Doc: You know, I really think we should try a non-violent approach to resolve this. O'Malley: I agree. Except replace the word "non" with "extremely", and after the word "violent", include the phrase, "blood explosion extraordinaire"! Hahahaha!

"Tell you what: put me back in the wall, I like the wall. It was cozy and it protected me. I miss my wall." -Doc

User Info Boxes

Unusual Logo.png This user owns an Unusual hat.
Backpack Dead Cone.png This user owns a Genuine Dead Cone.
Melee icon Axe.png This user plays air guitar over your smoldering corpse.
Backpack Scattergun.png This user owns a Strange Scattergun.
Rank: Hale's Own
Kills: 8500