Welcome to Mio's User Page!
Nice to meet you!
I'm a random Wikian that wandering around many wikis, including this wiki. Nice to meet you..
If needed contact me on my Talk page or my Wikia user page. Or maybe IRC.
March 15, 2025
Ohhey thar
I'm not Mio from K-on, plz.
Oh hello there. Well, I'm just a new wanderer and guest in this wiki. You can call me Mio, Maxxis, or Twily (Sorry, I'm a bronyfag). I can be found on the IRC in #wikia-cod, ##wikia, #tfwiki under the cloak @wikia/Twily-Scratch-chan.
Some more infos about me
- I'm still new here, so maybe I will ask you a lot of stupid questions. XD. But you can feel free to ask me for help anytime?
- I'm participated in the second ARG. (I got credited in the end, ofc)
- I read content on many different wikis to compare quality level.
- I live in Vietnam. Yes, dat 'Nam.
- I'm a Otaku, Brony, Loli, wellwhatever wikian.
This user has yet to meet one that can outsmart boolet.
This user likes Dota 2.
This user was one of the first 10,319 players to obtain the Ghastly Gibus.
This user loves Nyan Cat and Nyan Cat loves them too.