This user has spent 227.3 hours of their life playing Team Fortress 2!
This user has been an editor of the Team Fortress Wiki for 4708 days.
This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
This user is afraid of red links.
This user hates overlinking.
This user page is 2,144 bytes large.
{{ }}
This user knows how to edit templates and can create them too.
This user translates Team Fortress 2 to a language other than English.
This user enjoys Team Fortress 2 at more than 70 frames per second.
No smoking please!
This user is an offensineer. "You ladies shoulda' oughta' brought some menfolk with ya."
This user loves to trade items.
This user loves to use the Team Fortress in-game voice menu (a lot) for talking.
This user knows how to create their own hats! God of 3ds Max!
This user was one of the first 10,319 players to obtain the Ghastly Gibus.
This user is credit to team?...
This user constantly calls for MEDIC!
This user oughta' be on a baseball card!
Aaaaaaahhhhh! *bang bang bang*
Wrench smashin' mah Spy!
This user plays air guitar over your smoldering corpse.
Cheers, mate!
This user is an Engineer. “I told ya don’t touch that darn thing!”
This user is a Pyro. “Mhmmh... mmmmm-hmm!”
This user is a Scout. “I'm battin' a thousand!”
This user is a Demoman. “Oh, they’re goin' ta have ta glue you back together... IN HELL!”
This user contributed to the translations of Steam and Valve games.
This user overuses user boxes.
This user is a fan of Gabe.
This user likes to shoot first and ask questions later!
This user drinks far too much coffee.
This user drinks far too much Bonk!
This user dreams of making their own games.
This user makes skins and stuff on Gamebanana. Their profile can be found here.
This user owns The Orange Box.
This user prefers Half-Life 1.
This user likes Half-Life 2.
This user is an active Portal 2 test subject.
This user supports Steam as a content delivery system.
This user's computer has Intel inside.
This user games with NVIDIA.
This user plays TF2 with a mouse.
This user uses Firefox as their web browser.
This user is Austrian.
This user enjoys making people go insane.
This user can't think of fun things to do with their userpage, so they steal them from others!
This user is a big fan of the interrobang in punctuation.