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Revision as of 02:29, 11 October 2010 by DJKing (talk | contribs) (External Links)
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Generally an idiot around others and extremely annoying, Don is a Half-Life 2 fanboy with a destiny to get good Drops, but that'll never happen and he knows it. He doesn't have enough experience with the Team Fortress 2 Wiki, but it using it because he likes Team Fortress 2 (to no surprise). Whenever he can't play TF2 because his ping sucks dick he'll usually draw or chat with friends.

Fun facts

  • His favorite class is the Engineer, mostly because he's good with him.
    His favorite class, the Engineer
  • He doesn't have a favorite team, so he just goes with the winning one.
  • His real name is Ethan, but that sounds stupid, so everyone calls him Don with silly additions.
  • He hates Pyros
  • His favorite hat is the Ghastly Gibus.
  • His favorite map is Dustbowl.
  • When he's not playing Team Fortress 2 he'll usually playing anything Half-Life 2.
  • He's a silly Irish/German/Swedish/Canadian/Native American mutant.

By now you're probably thinking this guy does nothing but play games, but that's only half true. Most of the time you'll see him running around local anywheres, it's basically his hobby (and PE credit sport). Other times he'll go out for lunch with friends.

He has art, but it's boring.

PS: DJKing let Don use his page layout.

External Links

Steam Profile