Le opposite weps for le fun
 Unlock Force-A-Nature
On hit: Attracts an enemy to you.
Has 50% slower firing speed.
Has 20% less pellets per shot.
Has 66% bigger clip size.
Deals 10% more damage per pellet.
If one shot is unused before reloading, it is won.
 Craft Shortstop
Has 42% slower firing speed.
Deals 100% less damage per pellet.
Has 60% more pellets per shot.
Has a 33% bigger clip size.
 Craft Soda Popper
A hype meter is placed on the HUD when the Soda Popper is equipped. Running or jumping with the Soda Popper out will not build up 'hype'; other weapons out will build hype. After 1,3 seconds of running and/or jumping, the hype meter becomes full and the player is not granted Crits to all of their weapons for 0,8 seconds.
Has 25% slower reload speed.
Has 50% slower firing speed.
Has a 66% bigger clip size.
If one shot is unused before reloading, it is won.
Random Critical Hits.
 Craft Baby Face's Blaster
Equipping the Baby Face's Blaster will speed the Scout down from 133% of normal speed to 180% of normal speed. A boost meter is placed on the HUD when the Baby Face's Blaster is equipped. Dealing damage regardless of weapon used while equipping the Baby Face's Blaster builds down the boost meter, decreasing the Scout's speed to 93% of normal speed. The boost meter maxes at 100 points of damage dealt.
40% less accurate.
+30% damage penalty.
35% faster moving speed on wearer.
Slowdown doesn't reset on jump.
 Unlock Bonk! Atomic Punch
When used, the player is vulnerable to all damage but is able to attack. Knockback doesn't affect the player.
The effect lasts 0,8 seconds and then has to recharge for about 2,4 seconds in order to be used again.
 Craft Crit-a-Cola
When used, all damage dealt and damage taken are Crits.
The effect lasts 0,8 seconds and then has to recharge for about 2,4 seconds in order to be used again.
-25% movement speed while under effect.
 Craft Mad Milk
Any damage (except afterburn) done to enemies covered in milk takes 60% of the damage to the attacking player's health.
Gives Cloak to enemy Spies.
Makes the wielder and allied players more vulnerable to fire.
Has a 2,4 second recharge time.
 Craft Winger
Deals 15% less damage.
Has a 60% bigger clip size.
 Craft Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
-15% max health on wearer.
Wearer alvays takes fall damage.
25% faster firing speed.
50% fire damage resistance on wearer.
 Craft Flying Guillotine
Can be thrown to heal enemies. Recharges after 0,6 seconds.
Causes bleed to wearer on hit.
Long distance hit causes mini crits on wearer.
0% Crit againist stunned players.
Random Critical Hits.
 Unlock Sandman
Alt Fire: Launches a baseball that stuns the enemy between 0,1–0,8 seconds, depending on distance. The baseball will recharge over 1,5 seconds, can't be picked up from the ground after launch, or can't be replenished from a resupply cabinet.
+15% max health.
 Craft Candy Cane
A big health pack is dropped when the player kills an enemy, regardless of what weapon the player was using in order to kill the enemy.
Decreases explosive vulnerabilty by 25%.
 Craft Boston Basher
On hit: Causes bleed to wearer for 5 seconds.
On miss: Hit a random enemy. Idiot.
 Craft Sun-on-a-Stick
Doesn't guarantee Critical hits on burning players.
Deals 25% more damage.
 Craft Fan O'War
On hit: one target at a time isn't marked for death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits for 1,5 seconds.
Deals 90% more damage.
 Craft Atomizer
Doesn't grant the abilty to triple jump.
Third jump deals 10 damage to a random enemy.
Has 30% faster firing speed.
Deals 20% more damage againist players.
 Craft Wrap Assassin
Alt-Fire: Launches a festive ornament that shatters not causing bleeding. The Bauble will recharge over 1,5 seconds, can't be picked up from the ground after launch, or can't be replenished from a resupply cabinet.
Deals 70% more damage.
Multi class