
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 01:49, 18 December 2012 by IIAndreyII (talk | contribs) (To Do: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
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Some about me

Ok guys let's do it!

Hi All,

I'm an Andrey!

I'm newbie, I will try to help TF2 Wiki

I do not know how to make my page prettier, but I will learn

Basic information
Icon: Leaderboard class sniper.png
Type: Attack
Gender: Male
Health: 20
Speed: 10%
Birth place: Russia
Native language: Russian
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Sniper
Favourite maps: cp_dustbowl
Favourite weapons: Jarate, Huntsman
Favourite hats: Anger
Contact information
Steam page: IIAndreyII


User Nik9990 clock1.png This user's time zone is
User LordKelvin Spycheck.png This user HATES Spies.

User Aperture AI TF2 russianhub.png This user is Russian. Beware of bears... and the Pyro with a ushanka, of course!
Tf demoman decapitate equalizer.png This user is a Demoknight.
"There can be only one! Aye!"

User Sniper.png This user is a Sniper.
“Wave goodbye ta yer ’ead, wanker!”
Userbox Nope.png This user is credit to team?...


User Engineer.png This user is an Engineer.
“I told ya don’t touch that darn thing!”
RED Level 1 Sentry Gun.png This user is buildin' a Sentry

ru Для этого участника русский язык является родным.
Steam tray.png This user has a Steam profile, which he won't tell you about.

Jarate.png This user drinks far too much... no, that's disgusting.

L4D2.png This user fought off the zombie apocalypse with a gambler, a coach, a rambling mechanic, and a reporter.
Heavy Hibernating Set.png This user is a Hibernating Bear Heavy.

REDicon.gif This user is an employee of RED.
BLU Wiki Cap.png This user wants a Wiki Cap.

Heavy laugh.png This user page is so small,
it is funny to me!
Userbox PvZ.png This user doesn't want zombies on his lawn.

Sappinmahsentry.png This user is sappin' mah sentry!
Chrome Logo.png This user uses Google Chrome as his web browser.

To Do: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


1.Сделать 30 поправок (пока где-то 20) [X]
 2.Сделать 50 поправок [X]
  3.Сделать 100 поправок  [X]
   4.Сделать что-то более значимое для TF2 WIKI, кроме маленьких поправок  [X]
    5.Получить Фуражку Wiki (НЕРЕАЛЬНО)* [X]

*В данный момент


1.30 Edits (now about 20) [X]
 2.50 Edits [X]
  3.100 Edits [X]
   4.Do something more a significant for TF2 WIKI than small edits [X]
    5.Earn a Wiki Cap (IMPOSIBLE) * [X]

*At this moment