
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 23:19, 27 January 2013 by Gentlemann (talk | contribs)
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 Hi i'm nooby Wiki starter.I will try my best to translate much information as possible!!
My hard works :


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|                                 |                                 |                                 |
|    This user is South Korean    |     This user is a Soldier      |     This user is a Sniper       |
|                                 |                                 |                                 |
|                                 |                                 |?????????????????????????????????|                       
|      This user is a SCOUT       |  This user drinks far too much  |?????????????????????????????????|                                
|      UN-FREAKING TOUCHABL       |  Tea                            |?????????????????????????????????|                                 
|                                 |                                 |                                 | 
| This user vigorously mashes F5  |   This user uses word "saxxy"   |  This user watches the Changes  |
| upon any new TF2 update.        |           Tooo much             |  log.(Every Day)                |
|   This user is planning to      |                                 |                                 |
|   contributes to the            | This user really loves to craft |      This user has advanced     |
|   Korean translations of        |  things in Team Fortress 2!     |      knowledge of English.      |
|   Steam and Valve games.        |                                 |                                 |