< WebAPI
GET http://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_<ID>/GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum/v1
Method-specific parameters
- start_at_match_seq_num (Optional) (uint64)
- The match sequence number to start returning results from.
- matches_requested (Optional) (uint32)
- The amount of matches to return.
Result data
- result
- status
- 1 - Success
- 8 - 'matches_requested' must be greater than 0.
- statusDetail
- A message explaining the status, should status not be 1.
- matches
- A list of matches.
- players
- The list of players within the match.
- account_id
- 32-bit account ID.
- player_slot
- See #Player Slot below.
- hero_id
- The hero's unique ID. A list of hero IDs can be found via the GetHeroes method.
- item_0
- ID of the top-left inventory item.
- item_1
- ID of the top-center inventory item.
- item_2
- ID of the top-right inventory item.
- item_3
- ID of the bottom-left inventory item.
- item_4
- ID of the bottom-center inventory item.
- item_5
- ID of the bottom-right inventory item.
- kills
- The amount of kills attributed to this player.
- deaths
- The amount of times this player died during the match.
- assists
- The amount of assists attributed to this player.
- leaver_status
- What the values here represent are not yet known.
- gold
- The amount of gold the player had remaining at the end of the match.
- last_hits
- The amount of last-hits the player got during the match.
- denies
- The amount of denies the player got during the match.
- gold_per_min
- The player's overall gold/minute.
- xp_per_min
- The player's overall experience/minute.
- gold_spent
- The amount of gold the player spent during the match.
- hero_damage
- The amount of damage the player dealt to heroes.
- tower_damage
- The amount of damage the player dealt to towers.
- hero_healing
- The amount of health the player had healed on heroes.
- level
- The player's level at match end.
- match_id
- The matches unique ID.
- match_seq_num
- A 'sequence number', representing the order in which matches were recorded.
- start_time
- Unix timestamp of when the match began.
- lobby_type
- -1 - Invalid
- 0 - Public matchmaking
- 1 - Practise
- 2 - Tournament
- 3 - Tutorial
- 4 - Co-op with bots.
- 5 - Team match
Player Slot
A player's slot is returned via an 8-bit unsigned integer. The first bit represent the player's team, false if Radiant and true if dire. The final three bits represent the player's position in that team, from 0-4.
┌─────────────── Team (false if Radiant, true if Dire). │ ┌─┬─┬─┬─────── Not used. │ │ │ │ │ ┌─┬─┬─ The position of a player within their team (0-4). │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0