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Revision as of 21:58, 15 October 2010 by ButtNakedWonder (talk | contribs)
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Hello, everyone!

I'm ButtNakedWonder, but you can call me Tyler. I'm a huge TF2 fan! I've always wanted to be play a larger part in the community of this game I love, other than a player. I wanted to do something for TF2 and its community. I've tried things like mods, skins, and things like that, but it didn't work out. I was thinking about how to be credit to team in another way and here I am. I can finally contribute something back to the community here, even if it is just information. Here, I hope to give something back to the game and its community for all that it's given me these past 3 years. Hey, look! That's me!