Help talk:Style guide/Weapons

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Revision as of 14:46, 17 October 2010 by The Neotank (talk | contribs) (Crafting Ingredient Blueprints)
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Crafting Ingredient Blueprints

Recently I have seen many edits to the weapon pages, where blueprints have been added regarding the weapon's use as a crafting ingredient. Please discuss whether such blueprints should be added to the guidelines and embraced, or whether they should be removed altogether.--Focusknock 11:23, 17 October 2010 (UTC)

Pictogram comment.png Information: For example: Razorback#As_a_Crafting_Ingredient
Pictogram cross.png Remove: While I see the reason for how to craft the weapon itself, how often do you ask yourself: Oh, what could I make out of that? --CruelCow 11:27, 17 October 2010 (UTC)
Pictogram comment.png Comment Well if I had a spare weapon and I was missing a few other weapons I might be interested to know what I could make. I think it's a pretty good idea.  – Smashman (talk) 11:41, 17 October 2010 (UTC)
Pictogram tick.png Why not?: It's not as if they're harmful to the wiki or anything.