Message Board
~www~ 你好
- 我是一位香港人,所以可不可以給我一個機會翻釋zh_hant的頁面?
- 還有,香港文法和台灣文法是有甚麼分別?
WanRyan 18:30, 10 January 2013 (PST)
有關 Steam 社群市集的翻譯
就在剛剛,我把 Steam 社群市集的頁面翻譯好了,但卻發現有一個問題:
有關「Items can be put up for the amount of money the seller wishes to receive, or the amount the seller wishes the buyer will pay」這一段落,
個人沒用過 Steam 社群市集,因此想問問兩句意思是否真的相同,還是真的有差。
JasonKai 22:39, 19 January 2013 (PST)
~www~ 你好
剛剛我把January 25, 2013 Patch/zh-hant的頁面翻譯好了,不過主畫面也謤示着頁面不存在,所以只想問下原因。WanRyan 19:23, 25 January 2013 (PST)
Iron mask image
Heyo, The Person in the Iron mask image had two images uploaded. the one I marked is poor quality. Refer to the english page for the other image. Ashes 22:55, 22 February 2013 (PST)
好久沒有回來了,謝謝你的幫忙,夥計~ 咱們吃午飯去~~ ┏ (゜ω゜)=
Nafoul 19:51, 2 March 2013 (PST)
Marketable tag in the infobox
You should talk to windpower about this, it may mess with his bot somewhat. Furthermore, you should update the Market page as a near-simultaneous edit to this one, so that we can see what you mean by "the market page will suffice". Darkid (|
) 07:00, 14 March 2013 (PDT)