Template:PatchDiff/March 15, 2013 Patch (Beta)/tf/resource/tf portuguese.txt

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18711871"[english]TF_MatchOption_PrivateSlots" "Private Slots"
18721872"TF_MatchOption_MaxTime" "Tempo de Jogo Máximo"
18731873"[english]TF_MatchOption_MaxTime" "Max Game Time"
1874N/A"TF_MatchOption_WinLimit" "Limite de Rondas para Ganhar"
N/A1874"TF_MatchOption_WinLimit" "Limite de rondas ganhas"
18751875"[english]TF_MatchOption_WinLimit" "Round Win Limit"
18761876"TF_GameTime" "Tempo de Jogo"
18771877"[english]TF_GameTime" "Game Time"
21332133"[english]TF_IM_Arena_NoDie" "There is no respawning in Arena mode, so don't die!"
21342134"TF_IM_Arena_Losing" "Os jogadores da equipa derrotada podem ter que ficar de fora na ronda seguinte se outros jogadores estiverem a aguardar para jogar"
21352135"[english]TF_IM_Arena_Losing" "Players on the losing team may have to sit out the next round if other players are waiting to play"
2136N/A"TF_IM_Arena_Scramble" "As equipas serão redistribuídas após uma equipa atingir o limite para vencer"
N/A2136"TF_IM_Arena_Scramble" "As equipas serão misturadas após uma equipa alcançar o limite de vitórias"
21372137"[english]TF_IM_Arena_Scramble" "The teams will be scrambled after one team reaches the win limit"
21382138"TF_GET_TURRETKILLS_NAME" "Atirador de Sentinela"
21392139"[english]TF_GET_TURRETKILLS_NAME" "Sentry Gunner"
35033503"[english]TF_Exit" "Exit"
35043504"Leaderboard_BestMoments" "MELHORES MOMENTOS"
35053505"[english]Leaderboard_BestMoments" "BEST MOMENTS"
3506N/A"TF_Timelimit" "Tempo por mapa (minutos)"
N/A3506"TF_Timelimit" "Minutos por mapa"
35073507"[english]TF_Timelimit" "Time per map (minutes)"
3508N/A"TF_WinLimit" "Limite para vencer (pontuação)"
N/A3508"TF_WinLimit" "Limite de vitórias (pontos)"
35093509"[english]TF_WinLimit" "Win limit (score)"
35103510"TF_MaxRounds" "Limite de rondas (rondas)"
35113511"[english]TF_MaxRounds" "Round limit (rounds)"
39693969"[english]Attrib_HealthDrain" "%s1 health drained per second on wearer"
39703970"Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Increased" "+%s1% de força de dano auto-infligido"
39713971"[english]Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Increased" "+%s1% self damage force"
3972N/A"Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Decreased" "%s1% de força de auto-dano"
N/A3972"Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Decreased" "%s1% de força de dano auto-infligido"
39733973"[english]Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Decreased" "%s1% self damage force"
39743974"Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Reduced" "+%s1% de resistência a danos de fogo no utilizador"
39753975"[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Reduced" "+%s1% fire damage resistance on wearer"
44594459"[english]TF_Bot_Generic_ClassName" "Player"
44604460"TF_OSXItem" "Auriculares"
44614461"[english]TF_OSXItem" "Earbuds"
4462N/A"TF_OSXItem_Desc" "Representação de OSX!"
N/A4462"TF_OSXItem_Desc" "OS X a bombar!"
44634463"[english]TF_OSXItem_Desc" "OSX represent!"
44644464"Gametype_Training" "Modo de treino"
44654465"[english]Gametype_Training" "Training Mode"
44834483"[english]Tip_1_14" "As a Scout, use Mad Milk to douse flames on yourself and on your teammates."
44844484"Tip_1_15" "Enquanto Scout, a Shortstop e a Pistola usam a mesma reserva de munições, por isso fica atento à tua munição se tiveres ambas as armas equipadas."
44854485"[english]Tip_1_15" "As a Scout, the Shortstop and Pistol share the same ammo reserve, so be mindful of your ammo while you have both equipped."
4486N/A"Tip_1_16" "Enquanto Scout, se tiveres a Bengala de Açúcar equipada, os inimigos mortos por ti deixarão cair sempre kits de primeiros-socorros, seja qual for a arma que usaste para matá-los."
N/A4486"Tip_1_16" "Enquanto Scout, se tiveres a Bengala de Açúcar equipada, os inimigos mortos por ti deixarão cair sempre kits de primeiros socorros, seja qual for a arma que usaste para matá-los."
44874487"[english]Tip_1_16" "As a Scout, if you have the Candy Cane equipped, killed foes will always drop free health kits, regardless of which weapon you used."
44884488"Tip_2_5" "Enquanto Sniper, um tiro na cabeça da Espingarda Sniper totalmente carregado pode liquidar a maioria das classes instantaneamente."
44894489"[english]Tip_2_5" "As a Sniper, a fully charged Sniper Rifle head shot can kill most classes instantly."
45214521"[english]Tip_3_13" "As a Soldier, Medics cannot target you for healing or ÜberCharges while you actively wield the Equalizer. You will also be unable to call for a Medic."
45224522"Tip_3_14" "Enquanto Soldier, lembra-te que os ataques do Meio-Zatoichi matam instantaneamente um inimigo que também o esteja a usar!"
45234523"[english]Tip_3_14" "As a Soldier, remember that the Half-Zatoichi attacks instantly kill any enemy that is also wielding one!"
4524N/A"Tip_3_15" "Enquanto Soldier, a Caixa Negra cura-te quando infliges dano com um rocket a um inimigo. Usa-a quando Medics aliados e kits de primeiros-socorros são escassos."
N/A4524"Tip_3_15" "Enquanto Soldier, a Caixa Negra cura-te quando infliges dano com um rocket a um inimigo. Usa-a quando Medics aliados e kits de primeiros socorros forem escassos."
45254525"[english]Tip_3_15" "As a Soldier, the Black Box heals you whenever you damage an enemy with a rocket. Use it when friendly Medics and health kits are scarce."
45264526"Tip_3_16" "Enquanto Soldier, as Canhoneiras reduzem os danos que normalmente ocorrem em saltos com rocket. Usa-as quando o posicionamento e a mobilidade são especialmente importantes."
45274527"[english]Tip_3_16" "As a Soldier, the Gunboats greatly reduce health loss from rocket jumps. Use them when positioning and mobility are especially important."
45894589"[english]Tip_6_6" "As a Heavy, you don't lose momentum while spinning up your Minigun in the air. Use this to surprise enemies around corners!"
45904590"Tip_6_8" "Enquanto Heavy, és mais rápido a atacar com os teus punhos do que com as Luvas de Boxe Mortais. \"Equipa-os\" juntamente com a Sandvich para poderes lidar com alguém que se atreva a interromper o teu almoço."
45914591"[english]Tip_6_8" "As a Heavy, your fists swing faster than the Killing Gloves of Boxing. Equip them with the Sandvich to quickly dispatch lunchtime attackers. "
4592N/A"Tip_6_9" "Enquanto Heavy, a Sandvich pode ser largada pressionando %attack2%. Uma Sandvich largada pode curar um companheiro de equipa, tal como um estojo de primeiros-socorros."
N/A4592"Tip_6_9" "Enquanto Heavy, a Sandvich pode ser largada pressionando %attack2%. Uma Sandvich largada pode curar um companheiro de equipa, tal como um kit de primeiros socorros."
45934593"[english]Tip_6_9" "As a Heavy, the Sandvich can be dropped by hitting %attack2%. A dropped Sandvich can heal a teammate similarly to a health kit."
45944594"Tip_6_10" "Enquanto Heavy, assegura-te que apanhas outra Sandvich se largares a tua. As Sandviches podem ser restauradas ao apanhar estojos de primeiros socorros, mas só se estiveres com os teus pontos de vida no máximo."
45954595"[english]Tip_6_10" "As a Heavy, be sure to get another Sandvich if you drop yours. Sandviches can be replenished from health kits, but only if your current health is full."
60436043"[english]Store_CartItems" "%s1 Items"
60446044"Store_EstimatedTotal" "total estimado"
60456045"[english]Store_EstimatedTotal" "estimated total"
6046N/A"Store_WAStateSalesTax" "taxa de venda será calculada para residentes do estado de Washington"
N/A6046"Store_WAStateSalesTax" "Impostos de venda serão calculados para residentes do estado de Washington"
60476047"[english]Store_WAStateSalesTax" "sales tax will be calculated for WA state residents"
60486048"Store_TotalSubtextB" "todos os itens TF2 serão adicionados à tua mochila após a compra"
60496049"[english]Store_TotalSubtextB" "all TF2 items will be added to your backpack after purchase"
60916091"[english]StoreCheckout_InvalidParam" "A programmer messed up! An invalid parameter was passed to the game coordinator. Try the purchase again."
60926092"StoreCheckout_InternalError" "Parece que houve um erro ao iniciar ou ao atualizar a tua transação. Por favor espera um pouco e tenta novamente ou contacta o apoio para mais assistência."
60936093"[english]StoreCheckout_InternalError" "There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance."
6094N/A"StoreCheckout_NotApproved" "O coordenador do jogo não conseguiu aprovar a sua transacção com o Steam. Tenta proceder à compra mais tarde."
N/A6094"StoreCheckout_NotApproved" "O coordenador do jogo não conseguiu aprovar a transação com o Steam. Tenta proceder à compra mais tarde."
60956095"[english]StoreCheckout_NotApproved" "The game coordinator was unable to approve your transaction with Steam. Please try the purchase again later."
60966096"StoreCheckout_NotLoggedin" "Deverás ter sessão iniciada no Steam para concluíres uma compra."
60976097"[english]StoreCheckout_NotLoggedin" "You must be logged in to Steam in order to complete a purchase."
61016101"[english]StoreCheckout_NoAccount" "Your Steam account is currently unavailable. Please try this purchase again later."
61026102"StoreCheckout_InsufficientFunds" "Não possuis fundos suficientes para proceder à compra."
61036103"[english]StoreCheckout_InsufficientFunds" "You do not have enough funds to complete the purchase."
6104N/A"StoreCheckout_TimedOut" "Esta transacção excedeu o limite de tempo. Tenta proceder à compra novamente."
N/A6104"StoreCheckout_TimedOut" "Esta transação excedeu o limite de tempo. Tenta proceder à compra novamente."
61056105"[english]StoreCheckout_TimedOut" "This transaction has timed out. Please try the purchase again."
61066106"StoreCheckout_SteamAccountDisabled" "A tua conta Steam está desactivada e não podes efectuar uma compra."
61076107"[english]StoreCheckout_SteamAccountDisabled" "Your Steam account is disabled and cannot make a purchase."
61096109"[english]StoreCheckout_SteamAccountNoPurchase" "Steam wallet transactions have been disabled on this account."
61106110"StoreCheckout_OldPriceSheet" "A tua lista de produtos local está desactualizada. A solicitar uma nova."
61116111"[english]StoreCheckout_OldPriceSheet" "Your local product list is out of date. Requesting a new one."
6112N/A"StoreCheckout_TransactionNotFound" "Esta id de transacção não foi encontrada pelo coordenador do jogo. Tenta proceder à compra novamente."
N/A6112"StoreCheckout_TransactionNotFound" "Esta id de transação não foi encontrada pelo coordenador do jogo. Tenta proceder à compra novamente."
61136113"[english]StoreCheckout_TransactionNotFound" "This transaction's id wasn't found by the game coordinator. Please try the purchase again."
61146114"StoreCheckout_TransactionCanceled" "Transação cancelada. Não foste cobrado."
61156115"[english]StoreCheckout_TransactionCanceled" "Transaction canceled. You have not been charged."
61636163"[english]TF_UseItem_Title" "Use Item?"
61646164"TF_UseItem_Text" "Tens a certeza de que pretendes usar %item_name%? Este ainda pode ser usado %uses_left% vez(es) antes de ser removido do teu inventário)"
61656165"[english]TF_UseItem_Text" "Are you sure you want to use %item_name%? It has %uses_left% use(s) before it will be removed from your inventory."
6166N/A"TF_UseItem_Success" "O item na posição de acção foi utilizado com sucesso!"
N/A6166"TF_UseItem_Success" "O item no compartimento de ação foi usado com sucesso!"
61676167"[english]TF_UseItem_Success" "The item in the action slot was used successfully!"
61686168"TF_UseItem_GiftNoPlayers" "Não existem outros jogadores presentes no jogo actual para receber o presente!"
61696169"[english]TF_UseItem_GiftNoPlayers" "There are no other players present in your current game to receive your gift!"
6170N/A"TF_UseItem_Error" "Ocorreu um erro ao tentar utilizar o item na posição de acção."
N/A6170"TF_UseItem_Error" "Ocorreu um erro ao tentar usar o item no compartimento de ação."
61716171"[english]TF_UseItem_Error" "There was an error trying to use the item in your action slot."
61726172"TF_UseItem_MiniGameAlreadyStarted" "Esse mini-jogo já foi iniciado."
61736173"[english]TF_UseItem_MiniGameAlreadyStarted" "That mini-game has already been started."
84238423"[english]TR_DemoRush_IntroTitle" "Payload Game Mode"
84248424"TR_DemoRush_Intro" "Bem-vindo(a) a Goldrush! Para este treino só irá ser jogado o primeiro dos três estágios e não há limite de tempo."
84258425"[english]TR_DemoRush_Intro" "Welcome to Goldrush! For training only the first stage of three stages will be played and there is no time limit."
8426N/A"TR_DemoRush_IntroDescription" "Nos mapas de Carregamento, a equipa Blue leva um carrinho-bomba através de pontos de controlo até ao objectivo final para ganhar. Cada ponto de controlo recompensa a equipa Blue com tempo adicional."
N/A8426"TR_DemoRush_IntroDescription" "Nos mapas de Carregamento, a equipa BLU leva um carrinho-bomba através de pontos de controlo até ao objetivo final para ganhar. Cada ponto de controlo recompensa a equipa BLU com tempo adicional."
84278427"[english]TR_DemoRush_IntroDescription" "In Payload maps Blue escorts a cart through checkpoints to the final goal to win. Each checkpoint awards Blue additional time."
84288428"TR_DemoRush_IntroPush" "Para mover o carrinho coloca-te perto dele. Para além de fornecer energia e munição, ele irá andar mais rápido quanto maior for o número de jogadores perto dele."
84298429"[english]TR_DemoRush_IntroPush" "To move the cart stand next to it. In addition to supplying health and ammo, it will move faster with more players nearby."
1052210522"[english]AbuseReport_Discard" "Discard"
1052310523"AbuseReport_SaveForLater" "Terminar mais tarde"
1052410524"[english]AbuseReport_SaveForLater" "Finish Later"
10525N/A"AbuseReport_SelectOne" "-- seleccionar --"
N/A10525"AbuseReport_SelectOne" "-- selecionar --"
1052610526"[english]AbuseReport_SelectOne" "-- select --"
1052710527"AbuseReport_Notification" "Relatório de abuso pronto a submeter"
1052810528"[english]AbuseReport_Notification" "Abuse Report Ready to Submit"
1167211672"[english]TF_Winter2011_SantaHat" "The B.M.O.C."
1167311673"TF_Winter2011_SantaHat_Desc" "Sê o \"Big Man of Christmas\" com este peludo chapéu com pompom!"
1167411674"[english]TF_Winter2011_SantaHat_Desc" "Be the Big Man of Christmas with this fur-fringed pom-pom hat!"
11675N/A"TF_SpyCicle" "O Spy-cicle"
N/A11675"TF_SpyCicle" "Espiãolactite"
1167611676"[english]TF_SpyCicle" "The Spy-cicle"
1167711677"TF_SpyCicle_Desc" "É o presente perfeito para um homem que tem tudo: uma estalactite enfiada nas costas. Nem os ricos podem comprar isso nas lojas."
1167811678"[english]TF_SpyCicle_Desc" "It's the perfect gift for the man who has everything: an icicle driven into their back. Even rich people can't buy that in stores."
1206212062"[english]Tip_1_17" "As a Scout, be careful when using Crit-A-Cola. Saving it for surprise attacks and taking advantage of your speed can help you avoid taking mini-crit damage."
1206312063"Tip_1_18" "Enquanto Scout, tu e os teus aliados recuperam vida perdida quando acertam em inimigos encharcados pelo Leite Louco. Usa-o no início de combates para melhorares as hipóteses de sobrevivência da tua equipa."
1206412064"[english]Tip_1_18" "As a Scout, you and your allies regain lost health when hitting enemies drenched in Mad Milk. Initiate fights with it to improve your team's survivability."
12065N/A"Tip_1_19" "Enquanto Scout, o Batedor de Boston faz com que inimigos comecem a sangrar quando acerta, mas se falhares, irá causar sangramento em ti próprio. Sangramentos podem ser curados rapidamente com kits de primeiros-socorros."
N/A12065"Tip_1_19" "Enquanto Scout, o Batedor de Boston faz com que inimigos sangrem ao serem acertados, mas se falhares, vais acertar em ti próprio e começarás a sangrar. Podes parar um sangramento rapidamente com um kit de primeiros socorros."
1206612066"[english]Tip_1_19" "As a Scout, the Boston Basher causes foes to bleed when struck, but missing will cause self-inflicted bleeding. Bleeding can be quickly cured with health kits."
1206712067"Tip_1_20" "Enquanto Scout, o Sol-numa-Vara causa danos críticos em inimigos em chamas, mas é mais fraco do que o Taco padrão. Ataca com Pyros da tua equipa para tirares o proveito máximo do Sol-numa-Vara."
1206812068"[english]Tip_1_20" "As a Scout, the Sun-on-a-Stick deals critical damage to burning foes, but is otherwise weaker than the Bat. Work with friendly Pyros to make full use of it."
1214812148"[english]Tip_4_28" "As a Demoman, you can use the Sticky Jumper to get to the front lines quickly. Be careful! It inflicts no damage at all, requiring you to rely on your primary and melee weapons!"
1214912149"Tip_4_29" "Enquanto Demoman, o Corta-Crânios do Escocês diminui a tua velocidade. Experimenta usá-lo com a Tarja de Investida ou a Barreira Esplêndida para compensar pela redução de velocidade."
1215012150"[english]Tip_4_29" "As a Demoman, the Scotsman's Skullcutter will reduce your speed. Consider pairing it with the Chargin' Targe or Splendid Screen in order to offset the speed reduction."
12151N/A"Tip_4_30" "Enquanto Demoman, o Persuasor Persa converte todas as munições apanhadas em kits de primeiros-socorros, impedindo-te de adquirir munições para as tuas armas primária e secundária. Certifica-te que cada tiro conta!"
N/A12151"Tip_4_30" "Enquanto Demoman, o Persuasor Persa converte todas as munições que apanhares em kits de primeiros socorros, impedindo-te de adquirir munições para as tuas outras armas. Faz cada disparo valer a pena!"
1215212152"[english]Tip_4_30" "As a Demoman, the Persian Persuader converts all ammo pickups into health packs, preventing you from acquiring ammo for your primary and secondary weapons. Make every shot count!"
1215312153"Tip_5_13" "Enquanto Medic, atacas com a tua Serra de Ossos 25%% mais rápido do que com a Super Serra. Usa a Serra de Ossos em situações defensivas onde a Super Serra não é tão importante."
1215412154"[english]Tip_5_13" "As a Medic, your Bonesaw swings 25%% faster than the Übersaw. Use the Bonesaw in defensive situations in which an ÜberCharge isn't as important."
1217012170"[english]Tip_5_30" "As a Medic, if you have been separated from your team, call out for a Medic yourself by pressing %voicemenu 0 0% to alert nearby teammates to your position."
1217112171"Tip_5_31" "Enquanto Medic, a Overdose aumenta a tua velocidade proporcionalmente à quantidade de energia na tua barra de ÜberCarga! Equipa a Overdose quando precisas de chegar às linhas da frente ou fazer uma fuga rápida!"
1217212172"[english]Tip_5_31" "As a Medic, the Overdose increases your speed proportionally to the amount in your ÜberCharge meter! Equip the Overdose when you need to reach the front lines or make a quick escape!"
12173N/A"Tip_6_7" "Enquanto Heavy, usa a tua Sandvich para fins curativos! Pressiona %attack2% para a atirares ao chão, de modo a que jogadores da tua equipa a apanhem como se fosse um kit de primeiros-socorros. Não te preocupes, ela vem em cima de um prato para não se sujar."
N/A12173"Tip_6_7" "Enquanto Heavy, usa a tua Sandvich para fins curativos! Pressiona %attack2% para a atirares ao chão de modo que os teus aliados a possam apanhar como se fosse um kit de primeiros socorros. Não te preocupes, ela vem em cima de um prato para não se sujar."
1217412174"[english]Tip_6_7" "As a Heavy, use your Sandvich to heal up! Use %attack2% to throw it on the ground for friendly players to pick up as health. Don't worry, it comes with a plate to keep it clean."
1217512175"Tip_6_13" "Enquanto Heavy, as Luvas de Correr Urgentemente aumentam a tua velocidade mas todos os danos que receberes enquanto as usas serão mini-críticos. Usa-as para chegar rapidamente às linhas da frente ou para emboscar inimigos."
1217612176"[english]Tip_6_13" "As a Heavy, the Gloves of Running Urgently increase your speed dramatically but you take mini-crits while using them. Use the speed bonus to quickly reach the frontlines or to ambush enemies."
1220412204"[english]Tip_7_25" "As a Pyro, the Flamethrower's compression blast (%attack2%) is a very useful tool. Use it to push enemies, even invulnerable Medics and their buddies, off cliffs or into other environmental hazards."
1220512205"Tip_7_26" "Enquanto Pyro, o Desengordurante inflige menos danos por queimaduras posteriores mas permite-te mudar de arma quase instantaneamente. Isto permite-te executar mais facilmente combinações de ataques fatais, tais como incendiar um inimigo e depois usar o Queimachado para infligires um golpe crítico!"
1220612206"[english]Tip_7_26" "As a Pyro, the Degreaser inflicts less afterburn damage but allows you to switch weapons almost instantly. This helps you perform deadly combination attacks, such as setting the enemy on fire and using the Axtinguisher to inflict a critical hit!"
12207N/A"Tip_7_27" "Enquanto Pyro, o Coçador de Costas inflige danos adicionais, mas os Medics e os Distribuidores irão demorar mais tempo a curar-te. Contudo, os kits de primeiros-socorros dão-te mais vida que o normal, por isso tenta memorizar as suas localizações no mapa!"
N/A12207"Tip_7_27" "Enquanto Pyro, o Coçador de Costas inflige danos adicionais, mas os Medics e os Distribuidores irão demorar mais tempo a curar-te. Contudo, os kits de primeiros socorros dão-te mais vida do que o normal, por isso tenta memorizar as suas localizações no mapa!"
1220812208"[english]Tip_7_27" "As a Pyro, the Backscratcher inflicts additional damage, but Medics and dispensers will heal you more slowly. Healthpacks will provide you with more health than normal however, so note their locations on the map!"
1220912209"Tip_7_28" "Enquanto Pyro, a descarga de ar do Lança-chamas pode ser usada para enfrentar Demomen que estejam a usar a Tarja de Investida! Usa as tuas descargas de ar na altura certa e poderás empurrar o Demoman para trás antes que ele possa atacar, e depois podes contra-atacar!"
1221012210"[english]Tip_7_28" "As a Pyro, the Flamethrower's compression blast can be used to counter Demomen using the Chargin' Targe! Time your compression blast correctly, and you can push the Demoman back before he can strike, and then counter-attack!"
1223812238"[english]Tip_8_39" "As a Spy, the Diamondback inflicts less damage, but will store a guaranteed Critical Hit for every building destroyed by your Electro Sappers. Destroy an Engineer's buildings before confronting him, and you will have a significant advantage!"
1223912239"Tip_8_40_old" "Enquanto Spy, o Coator aumenta o tempo necessário para ativar a tua camuflagem. Mantém-te a uma certa distância se quiseres ter o tempo adequado para te camuflares completamente."
1224012240"[english]Tip_8_40_old" "As a Spy, the Enforcer increases the amount of time needed to activate your cloak. Maintain your distance in order to have adequate time to completely cloak."
12241N/A"Tip_8_40" "Enquanto Spy, se levares quaisquer danos por fogo enquanto usas a Spy-cicle, esta irá derreter e terás de esperar antes de a poderes usar de novo."
N/A12241"Tip_8_40" "Enquanto Spy, se levares quaisquer danos por fogo enquanto usas a Espiãolactite, esta irá derreter e terás de esperar antes de a poderes usar de novo."
1224212242"[english]Tip_8_40" "As a Spy, taking any fire damage when using the Spy-cicle will melt the weapon, requiring you to wait before you can use it again."
1224312243"Tip_9_18" "Enquanto Engineer, as Mini-Armas Sentinela de Combate proporcionadas pelo Pistoleiro são erguidas muito mais rapidamente que as Armas Sentinela normais e requerem menos munições para serem construídas. Isto torna as Mini-Armas Sentinela de Combate numa ferramenta ofensiva perfeita."
1224412244"[english]Tip_9_18" "As an Engineer, the Gunslinger's Combat Mini-Sentry Guns build much faster than normal Sentry Guns and require less ammo to build. This makes Combat Mini-Sentry Guns the perfect offensive tool."
1447514475"TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks3" "Mutilação Mecânica"
1447614476"[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks3" "Mech Mutilation"
1447714477"TF_MVM_Map_Any" "<Any map>"
14478N/A"[english]TF_MVM_Map_Any" "<Any map>"
N/A14478"[english]TF_MVM_Map_Any" "< Any map >"
1447914479"TF_MVM_Victory_Complete" "Missão Completa"
1448014480"[english]TF_MVM_Victory_Complete" "Mission Complete"
1448114481"TF_MVM_Victory_TourProgress" "Progresso"
1609616096"[english]Replay_Contest_Category20124" "Best Original Universe"
1609716097"Replay_Contest_Category20125" "Melhor no Geral"
1609816098"[english]Replay_Contest_Category20125" "Best Overall"
16099N/A"TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremium_Title" "Fazer Upgrade à Conta?"
N/A16099"TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremium_Title" "Fazer Upgrade?"
1610016100"[english]TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremium_Title" "Upgrade Account?"
1610116101"TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremium_Text" "Tens a certeza que pretendes fazer upgrade à tua conta? (%item_name% ainda pode ser usado %uses_left% vez(es) antes de ser removido do teu inventário)"
1610216102"[english]TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremium_Text" "Are you sure you want to upgrade your account? (%item_name% has %uses_left% use(s) before it will be removed from your inventory)"
1629216292"[english]TF_TheMercsMuffler" "The Merc's Muffler"
1629316293"TF_TheMercsMuffler_Desc" "O perfeito acessório de inverno para aquelas alturas quando a diversão festiva se torna num tiroteio fatal. Absorve sangue 90% melhor do que qualquer outro cachecol no mercado!"
1629416294"[english]TF_TheMercsMuffler_Desc" "The perfect winter accessory for those times when your holiday fun escalates into a high-casualty firefight. 90% more blood-absorbent than any other scarf on the market!"
16295N/A"TF_TheBarnstormer" "Barnstormer"
N/A16295"TF_TheBarnstormer" "O Aviador"
1629616296"[english]TF_TheBarnstormer" "The Barnstormer"
1629716297"TF_TheBarnstormer_Desc" "Vive as emoções do chapéu e dos pelos faciais do mais famoso aviador/cineasta/colecionador de unhas-e-Jaraté americano com este estiloso chapéu de aviador e este bigode libertino de estrela de cinema."
1629816298"[english]TF_TheBarnstormer_Desc" "Step into the headgear and facial hair of America's favorite aviator/filmmaker/toenail-and-Jarate collector with this hotshot aviator hat and rakish movie star moustache."
16299N/A"TF_TheBarnstormer_Style0" "Barnstormer, Estilo 1"
N/A16299"TF_TheBarnstormer_Style0" "O Aviador, Estilo 1"
1630016300"[english]TF_TheBarnstormer_Style0" "TheBarnstormer Style 1"
16301N/A"TF_TheBarnstormer_Style1" "Barnstormer, Estilo 2"
N/A16301"TF_TheBarnstormer_Style1" "O Aviador, Estilo 2"
1630216302"[english]TF_TheBarnstormer_Style1" "TheBarnstormer Style 2"
1630316303"TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced2" "Crachá Operação Engenharia Mecânica"
1630416304"[english]TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced2" "Operation Mecha Engine Badge"
1677216772"[english]TF_ImportPreview_PoseRUN" "Run"
1677316773"TF_ImportPreview_Action0" "Rir-se"
1677416774"[english]TF_ImportPreview_Action0" "Laugh"
N/A16775"Econ_MarketTooltipFormat" "( %s1 disponível(eis) no Mercado da Comunidade Steam a partir de %s2 )"
N/A16776"[english]Econ_MarketTooltipFormat" "( %s1 available on the Steam Community Market starting at %s2 )"
N/A16777"TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems" "Mostrar dados do Mercado:"
N/A16778"[english]TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems" "Show Community Market Info:"
N/A16779"TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems_Never" "Nunca"
N/A16780"[english]TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems_Never" "Never"
N/A16781"TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems_WhenBordersOnly" "Ao exibir contorno do Mercado"
N/A16782"[english]TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems_WhenBordersOnly" "When Showing Marketable Borders"
N/A16783"TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems_Always" "Sempre"
N/A16784"[english]TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems_Always" "Always"
N/A16785"Tooltip_ShowMarketDataOnItems" "Alguns itens podem ser comprados e vendidos no Mercado da Comunidade Steam. Esta opção permite-te controlar quando informações de itens referentes ao Mercado, incluindo preços e disponibilidades atuais, aparecem em descrições de itens."
N/A16786"[english]Tooltip_ShowMarketDataOnItems" "Some items can be bought and sold on the Steam Community Market. This option allows you to control when Community Market information about items, including current Market availability and prices, will appear in item descriptions."
N/A16787"TF_Backpack_ShowNoBorders" "Sem contornos"
N/A16788"[english]TF_Backpack_ShowNoBorders" "No Item Borders"
N/A16789"TF_Backpack_ShowQualityBorders" "Mostrar contornos da raridade"
N/A16790"[english]TF_Backpack_ShowQualityBorders" "Show Quality Color Borders"
N/A16791"TF_Backpack_ShowMarketableBorders" "Mostrar só contornos do Mercado"
N/A16792"[english]TF_Backpack_ShowMarketableBorders" "Show Marketable Borders Only"
N/A16793"TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_Festive2011_Style0" "Festivo"
N/A16794"[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_Festive2011_Style0" "Festive"
N/A16795"TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_Festive2011_Style1" "O Mais Festivo"
N/A16796"[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_Festive2011_Style1" "Festivest"
N/A16797"TF_TournamentMedal_Empty" "Medalha de Torneio"
N/A16798"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Empty" "Tournament Medal"
N/A16799"TF_TournamentMedal_Empty_Desc" " "
N/A16800"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Empty_Desc" ""
N/A16801"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_1st" "Primeiro Lugar - UGC Highlander Platinum"
N/A16802"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_1st" "UGC Highlander 1st Place Platinum"
N/A16803"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_2nd" "Segundo Lugar - UGC Highlander Platinum"
N/A16804"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_2nd" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place Platinum"
N/A16805"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_3rd" "Terceiro Lugar - UGC Highlander Platinum"
N/A16806"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_3rd" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place Platinum"
N/A16807"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_1st" "Primeiro Lugar - UGC Highlander Silver"
N/A16808"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_1st" "UGC Highlander 1st Place Silver"
N/A16809"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_2nd" "Segundo Lugar - UGC Highlander Silver"
N/A16810"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_2nd" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place Silver"
N/A16811"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_3rd" "Terceiro Lugar - UGC Highlander Silver"
N/A16812"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_3rd" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place Silver"
N/A16813"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_1st" "Primeiro Lugar - UGC Highlander Steel"
N/A16814"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_1st" "UGC Highlander 1st Place Steel"
N/A16815"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_2nd" "Segundo Lugar - UGC Highlander Steel"
N/A16816"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_2nd" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place Steel"
N/A16817"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_3rd" "Terceiro Lugar - UGC Highlander Steel"
N/A16818"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_3rd" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place Steel"
N/A16819"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_1st" "Primeiro Lugar - UGC Highlander Iron"
N/A16820"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_1st" "UGC Highlander 1st Place Iron"
N/A16821"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_2nd" "Segundo Lugar - UGC Highlander Iron"
N/A16822"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_2nd" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place Iron"
N/A16823"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_3rd" "Terceiro Lugar - UGC Highlander Iron"
N/A16824"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_3rd" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place Iron"
N/A16825"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_1st" "Primeiro Lugar - UGC Highlander"
N/A16826"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_1st" "UGC Highlander 1st Place"
N/A16827"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_2nd" "Segundo Lugar - UGC Highlander"
N/A16828"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_2nd" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place"
N/A16829"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_3rd" "Terceiro Lugar - UGC Highlander"
N/A16830"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_3rd" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place"
N/A16831"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season8" "Liga UGC Highlander - Temporada 8"
N/A16832"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season8" "UGC Highlander League Season 8"
N/A16833"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_Participant" "Participante - UGC Highlander Platinum"
N/A16834"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_Participant" "UGC Highlander Platinum Participant"
N/A16835"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_Participant" "Participante - UGC Highlander Silver"
N/A16836"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_Participant" "UGC Highlander Silver Participant"
N/A16837"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_Participant" "Participante - UGC Highlander Steel"
N/A16838"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_Participant" "UGC Highlander Steel Participant"
N/A16839"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Gold" "Medalha de Ouro - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão Premier"
N/A16840"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Gold" "ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal"
N/A16841"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Silver" "Medalha de Prata - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão Premier"
N/A16842"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Silver" "ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal"
N/A16843"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Bronze" "Medalha de Bronze - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão Premier"
N/A16844"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Bronze" "ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal"
N/A16845"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Group_Winner" "Vencedor de Grupo - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão 1"
N/A16846"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Group_Winner" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner"
N/A16847"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Group_Winner" "Vencedor de Grupo - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão 2"
N/A16848"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Group_Winner" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner"
N/A16849"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Group_Winner" "Vencedor de Grupo - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão 3"
N/A16850"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Group_Winner" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner"
N/A16851"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division4_Group_Winner" "Vencedor de Grupo - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão 4"
N/A16852"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division4_Group_Winner" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner"
N/A16853"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division5_Group_Winner" "Vencedor de Grupo - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão 5"
N/A16854"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division5_Group_Winner" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner"
N/A16855"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division6_Group_Winner" "Vencedor de Grupo - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão 6"
N/A16856"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division6_Group_Winner" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner"
N/A16857"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão Premier"
N/A16858"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation Medal"
N/A16859"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão 1"
N/A16860"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal"
N/A16861"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão 2"
N/A16862"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal"
N/A16863"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão 3"
N/A16864"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal"
N/A16865"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division4_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão 4"
N/A16866"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division4_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal"
N/A16867"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division5_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão 5"
N/A16868"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division5_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal"
N/A16869"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division6_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L 6v6 Divisão 6"
N/A16870"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division6_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal"
N/A16871"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Gold" "Medalha de Ouro - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 1"
N/A16872"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal"
N/A16873"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Silver" "Medalha de Prata - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 1"
N/A16874"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal"
N/A16875"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Bronze" "Medalha de Bronze - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 1"
N/A16876"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal"
N/A16877"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Gold" "Medalha de Ouro - ETF2L Highlander Divisão Premier"
N/A16878"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Gold Medal"
N/A16879"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Silver" "Medalha de Prata - ETF2L Highlander Divisão Premier"
N/A16880"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Silver Medal"
N/A16881"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Bronze" "Medalha de Bronze - ETF2L Highlander Divisão Premier"
N/A16882"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Bronze Medal"
N/A16883"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Group_Winner" "Vencedor de Grupo - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 1"
N/A16884"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Group_Winner" "ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Group Winner"
N/A16885"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Group_Winner" "Vencedor de Grupo - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 2"
N/A16886"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Group_Winner" "ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Group Winner"
N/A16887"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Group_Winner" "Vencedor de Grupo - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 3"
N/A16888"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Group_Winner" "ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Group Winner"
N/A16889"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Group_Winner" "Vencedor de Grupo - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 4"
N/A16890"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Group_Winner" "ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Group Winner"
N/A16891"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Group_Winner" "Vencedor de Grupo - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 5"
N/A16892"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Group_Winner" "ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Group Winner"
N/A16893"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division6_Group_Winner" "Vencedor de Grupo - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 6"
N/A16894"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division6_Group_Winner" "ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Group Winner"
N/A16895"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L Highlander Divisão Premier"
N/A16896"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Participation Medal"
N/A16897"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 1"
N/A16898"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participation Medal"
N/A16899"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 2"
N/A16900"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participation Medal"
N/A16901"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 3"
N/A16902"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Participation Medal"
N/A16903"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 4"
N/A16904"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Participation Medal"
N/A16905"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 5"
N/A16906"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Participation Medal"
N/A16907"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division6_Participation" "Medalha de Participação - ETF2L Highlander Divisão 6"
N/A16908"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division6_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Participation Medal"
N/A16909"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo1_Gold_Medal" "Medalha de Ouro - ETF2L Ultiduo #1"
N/A16910"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo1_Gold_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #1 Gold Medal"
N/A16911"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo2_Gold_Medal" "Medalha de Ouro - ETF2L Ultiduo #2"
N/A16912"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo2_Gold_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #2 Gold Medal"
N/A16913"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo3_Gold_Medal" "Medalha de Ouro - ETF2L Ultiduo #3"
N/A16914"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo3_Gold_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #3 Gold Medal"
N/A16915"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo4_Gold_Medal" "Medalha de Ouro - ETF2L Ultiduo #4"
N/A16916"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo4_Gold_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #4 Gold Medal"
N/A16917"TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo1_Gold_Medal" "Medalha de Ouro - ESH Ultiduo #1"
N/A16918"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo1_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #1 Gold Medal"
N/A16919"TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo2_Gold_Medal" "Medalha de Ouro - ESH Ultiduo #2"
N/A16920"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo2_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #2 Gold Medal"
N/A16921"TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo3_Gold_Medal" "Medalha de Ouro - ESH Ultiduo #3"
N/A16922"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo3_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #3 Gold Medal"
N/A16923"TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo4_Gold_Medal" "Medalha de Ouro - ESH Ultiduo #4"
N/A16924"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo4_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #4 Gold Medal"
N/A16925"TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo5_Gold_Medal" "Medalha de Ouro - ESH Ultiduo #5"
N/A16926"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo5_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #5 Gold Medal"
N/A16927"TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo6_Gold_Medal" "Medalha de Ouro - ESH Ultiduo #6"
N/A16928"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo6_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #6 Gold Medal"
N/A16929"TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo7_Gold_Medal" "Medalha de Ouro - ESH Ultiduo #7"
N/A16930"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo7_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #7 Gold Medal"
N/A16931"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season1" "Temporada 1"
N/A16932"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season1" "Season 1"
N/A16933"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season2" "Temporada 2"
N/A16934"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season2" "Season 2"
N/A16935"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season3" "Temporada 3"
N/A16936"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season3" "Season 3"
N/A16937"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season8" "Temporada 8"
N/A16938"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season8" "Season 8"
N/A16939"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season9" "Temporada 9"
N/A16940"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season9" "Season 9"
N/A16941"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season10" "Temporada 10"
N/A16942"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season10" "Season 10"
N/A16943"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season11" "Temporada 11"
N/A16944"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season11" "Season 11"
N/A16945"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season12" "Temporada 12"
N/A16946"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season12" "Season 12"
N/A16947"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season13" "Temporada 13"
N/A16948"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season13" "Season 13"
N/A16949"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style0" "ETF2L"
N/A16950"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style0" "ETF2L"
N/A16951"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style1" "Demoman"
N/A16952"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style1" "Demoman"
N/A16953"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style2" "Engineer"
N/A16954"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style2" "Engineer"
N/A16955"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style3" "Heavy"
N/A16956"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style3" "Heavy"
N/A16957"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style4" "Medic"
N/A16958"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style4" "Medic"
N/A16959"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style5" "Pyro"
N/A16960"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style5" "Pyro"
N/A16961"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style6" "Scout"
N/A16962"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style6" "Scout"
N/A16963"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style7" "Sniper"
N/A16964"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style7" "Sniper"
N/A16965"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style8" "Soldier"
N/A16966"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style8" "Soldier"
N/A16967"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style9" "Spy"
N/A16968"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style9" "Spy"
N/A16969"TF_Wearable_Mascot" "Mascote"
N/A16970"[english]TF_Wearable_Mascot" "Mascot"
N/A16971"TF_Wearable_Bandages" "Ligaduras"
N/A16972"[english]TF_Wearable_Bandages" "Bandages"
N/A16973"TF_Wearable_Axe" "Picareta de Alpinista"
N/A16974"[english]TF_Wearable_Axe" "Cosmetic Axe"
N/A16975"TF_LinuxItem" "Tux"
N/A16976"[english]TF_LinuxItem" "Tux"
N/A16977"TF_LinuxItem_Desc" "Linux a bombar!"
N/A16978"[english]TF_LinuxItem_Desc" "Linux represent!"
N/A16979"TF_LinuxItem_Style0" "Normal"
N/A16980"[english]TF_LinuxItem_Style0" "Normal"
N/A16981"TF_LinuxItem_Style1" "Demoman"
N/A16982"[english]TF_LinuxItem_Style1" "Demoman"
N/A16983"TF_LinuxItem_Style2" "Pyro"
N/A16984"[english]TF_LinuxItem_Style2" "Pyro"
N/A16985"TF_Trading_Service_Unavailable" "Houve um problema ao enviar o pedido de troca. O sistema de trocas pode estar temporariamente indisponível ou a tua conta não pode enviar pedidos de momento."
N/A16986"[english]TF_Trading_Service_Unavailable" "There was a problem sending your trade request. Trading may be temporarily unavailable or your account may not be able to send trade requests right now."
N/A16987"TF_Trading_YouBlockedThem" "Não podes trocar com esse jogador porque o bloqueaste no Steam."
N/A16988"[english]TF_Trading_YouBlockedThem" "You cannot trade with that player because you have blocked them on Steam."
N/A16989"TF_Trading_NeedVerifiedEmail" "Tens de ter o teu endereço de e-mail verificado no Steam antes de enviares pedidos de troca."
N/A16990"[english]TF_Trading_NeedVerifiedEmail" "You must have verified your email address on Steam before sending trade requests."
N/A16991"TF_Trading_NeedSteamGuard" "Tens de ativar o Steam Guard na janela de definições do Steam antes de enviares pedidos de troca."
N/A16992"[english]TF_Trading_NeedSteamGuard" "You must enable Steam Guard from Steam's Settings window before sending trade requests."
N/A16993"TF_Trading_SteamGuardDuration" "Tens de ter o Steam Guard ativado há pelo menos %days% dias antes de poderes participar numa troca."
N/A16994"[english]TF_Trading_SteamGuardDuration" "You must have had Steam Guard enabled for at least %days% days before you can participate in a trade."
N/A16995"TF_Trading_TheyCannotTrade" "O outro jogador não está disponível para trocar. Mais informação ser-lhe-á mostrada se ele te convidar para trocar."
N/A16996"[english]TF_Trading_TheyCannotTrade" "The other player is not available to trade. More information will be shown to him or her if they invite you to trade."
N/A16997"TF_Armory_Item_TournamentMedal" "Este item é uma medalha de torneio. As medalhas de torneio são criadas, atribuídas, e distribuídas pelos vários organizadores de torneios."
N/A16998"[english]TF_Armory_Item_TournamentMedal" "This item is a tournament medal. Tournament medals are created, awarded, and distributed by the various tournament organizers."
N/A16999"TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadType" "Tipo de item desconhecido"
N/A17000"[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadType" "Unknown item type"
N/A17001"TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMissingModel" "O modelo de detalhes elevados está em falta para o %class%"
N/A17002"[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMissingModel" "%class% is missing high detail model"
N/A17003"TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedComplexModel" "O modelo %file% tem %count% triângulos, e pode ter até %limit% triângulos"
N/A17004"[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedComplexModel" "Model %file% has %count% triangles, can be at most %limit% triangles"
N/A17005"TF_BrutalBouffant" "Bouffant Brütal"
N/A17006"[english]TF_BrutalBouffant" "The Brütal Bouffant"
N/A17007"TF_BrutalBouffant_Desc" "Esta combinação pesada e brutal de suíças e poupa para todas as classes foi tosquiada à mão a partir das jubas de headbangers islandeses, tecida com agulhas de tricô encrustadas com sigilos de significância oculta e enviada por avião diretamente para o inferno."
N/A17008"[english]TF_BrutalBouffant_Desc" "This brutally heavy all-class sideburns and mullet combo was hand-sheared from the manes of Icelandic headbangers, woven with sigil-encrusted knitting needles of occult significance, and air-mailed straight out of hell."
N/A17009"TF_ShredAlert" "O Alerta Metaleiro"
N/A17010"[english]TF_ShredAlert" "The Shred Alert"
N/A17011"TF_ShredAlert_Desc" "Liberta o poder profano do Senhor das Trevas (Yngwie Malmsteen) e esmaga os teus oponentes com riffs borbulhantes, licks ferventes e baladas capazes de destruir emoções!"
N/A17012"[english]TF_ShredAlert_Desc" "Harness the unholy power of the Dark One (Yngwie Malmsteen) and crush your opponents with blistering riffs, lava-hot licks and emotionally crippling power ballads!"
N/A17013"TF_TurnerAllStars" "All-Stars do Buck Turner"
N/A17014"[english]TF_TurnerAllStars" "Buck Turner All-Stars"
N/A17015"TF_TurnerAllStars_Desc" "Chamadas assim em honra do famoso corredor de Badlands que bateu o recorde de velocidade em terra por ter dormido com mulheres de outros homens. Turner criou estas sapatilhas para escapar a multidões furiosas de maridos, mas infelizmente não conseguiu fugir das diabetes. Ambos os seus pés foram amputados mais tarde."
N/A17016"[english]TF_TurnerAllStars_Desc" "Named after the famous Badlands sprinter who set a land speed record for sleeping with other men's wives. Turner designed the shoes to escape angry mobs of husbands, but sadly could not outrun diabetes. Both his feet were later amputated."
N/A17017"TF_VoxDiabolus" "Vox Diabolus"
N/A17018"[english]TF_VoxDiabolus" "Vox Diabolus"
N/A17019"TF_VoxDiabolus_Desc" "Com esta máscara do grupo anarquista Vox Populi, podes aterrorizar os teus inimigos, fazendo-os pensar que és o próprio diabo, ou pior, um manifestante. De qualquer maneira, vão todos evitar-te à entrada do supermercado quando andares a pedir assinaturas."
N/A17020"[english]TF_VoxDiabolus_Desc" "With this Vox Populi anarchist mask, you can terrify your enemies into thinking you're the Devil Himself, or worse, a protestor. Either way, they're probably going to avoid you at the entrance to the supermarket when you try to get them to sign something."
N/A17021"TF_PoundingFather" "O POW Fundador"
N/A17022"[english]TF_PoundingFather" "The Pounding Father"
N/A17023"TF_PoundingFather_Desc" "Heavy não consegue mentir. Heavy é o primeiro presidente dos Estados Unidos. De esmagar homenzinhos-bebé."
N/A17024"[english]TF_PoundingFather_Desc" "Heavy cannot tell lie. Heavy is first President of United States. Of crushing little baby men."
N/A17025"TF_BlindJustice" "Justiça Cega"
N/A17026"[english]TF_BlindJustice" "Blind Justice"
N/A17027"TF_BlindJustice_Desc" "Gostarias de obter o respeito das pessoas que estão a uma distância indeterminada do teu lado direito? Usa este crachá de platina da agência Pinkerton e vive tu mesmo esta experiência!"
N/A17028"[english]TF_BlindJustice_Desc" "Want to command respect from people standing at an indeterminate distance from your immediate right? Bolt on a platinum Pinkerton badge and experience the thrill for yourself!"
N/A17029"TF_IronMask" "A Pessoa da Máscara de Ferro"
N/A17030"[english]TF_IronMask" "The Person in the Iron Mask"
N/A17031"TF_IronMask_Desc" "Peru? Frango? Pato? A tua cabeça? Este forno de cozinha portátil vai assar qualquer coisa que puseres lá dentro."
N/A17032"[english]TF_IronMask_Desc" "Turkey? Chicken? Game hens? Your head? This cast iron poultry furnace will smoke anything placed inside it."
N/A17033"TF_DoeBoy" "Doe-Boy"
N/A17034"[english]TF_DoeBoy" "The Doe-Boy"
N/A17035"TF_DoeBoy_Desc" "Protege os pensamentos importantes na tua cabeça, tais como \"liberdade\", \"independência\" e \"democracia\", com aço americano bom e honesto em forma de chapéu. Este capacete dura para sempre (exceto quando está sob temperaturas que excedem os 1400ºC, nessa altura derrete)."
N/A17036"[english]TF_DoeBoy_Desc" "Protect the important thoughts in your head -- ones like \"liberty\" and \"freedom\" and \"democracy\" -- with good, honest, hat-shaped American steel. This helmet won't run (until heated to 2500°F)!"
N/A17037"TF_DoeBoy_Style0" "Cucu..."
N/A17038"[english]TF_DoeBoy_Style0" "Peek-a-boo..."
N/A17039"TF_DoeBoy_Style1" "'Tou-te a ver!"
N/A17040"[english]TF_DoeBoy_Style1" "I see you!"
N/A17041"TF_StrawBoat" "Chapéu de Palha de Sydney"
N/A17042"[english]TF_StrawBoat" "The Sydney Straw Boat"
N/A17043"TF_StrawBoat_Desc" "Atira este chapéu ao chão para exprimir raiva, ou atira-o ao ar para exprimir alegria! Faz uma viagem no tempo com este chapéu para aprenderes como os teus antepassados exprimiam as suas emoções no tempo em que ainda não existiam emoticons!"
N/A17044"[english]TF_StrawBoat_Desc" "Throw this hat on the ground to express rage, or in the air to express joy! Take a hat-based trip through time to learn how your great grandparents displayed emotions in the days before emoticons!"
N/A17045"TF_SteelSongbird" "Mini-Songbird"
N/A17046"[english]TF_SteelSongbird" "The Steel Songbird"
N/A17047"TF_SteelSongbird_Desc" "O local de trabalho de um sniper solitário é bastante sossegado. Porque não desfrutas da assustadora sinfonia rítmica de parafusos a serem constantemente defecados por este pássaro mudo e incontinente que se assusta facilmente?"
N/A17048"[english]TF_SteelSongbird_Desc" "It gets pretty quiet in that sniper's nest. Why not treat yourself to the haunting rhythmic symphony of bolts being constantly pooped by this mute, easily terrified incontinent bird?"
N/A17049"TF_CroftsCrest" "Crachá Croft"
N/A17050"[english]TF_CroftsCrest" "Croft's Crest"
N/A17051"TF_CroftsCrest_Desc" "Este crachá demonstra aos teus inimigos que tu és tão corajoso como uma miúda britânica de 17 anos ensanguentada, trémula e choramingona."
N/A17052"[english]TF_CroftsCrest_Desc" "This badge lets your enemies know you're as brave as a shivering, weeping, blood-stained 17-year-old British girl."
N/A17053"TF_FortuneHunter" "O Caçador de Fortunas"
N/A17054"[english]TF_FortuneHunter" "The Fortune Hunter"
N/A17055"TF_FortuneHunter_Desc" "Esteja ele esquecido no fundo de uma tumba velha ou escondido a olho nu numa cavidade por trás dos globos oculares de alguém, qualquer tesouro está apenas a uma picaretada de distância graças a esta ferramenta de montanhismo confiável."
N/A17056"[english]TF_FortuneHunter_Desc" "Whether it's lying at the bottom of a dusty tomb or hiding in plain sight in the cavity behind someone's eyeballs, any treasure is just one swing away with this trusty adventure axe."
N/A17057"TF_TombWrapper" "O Tombo Raider"
N/A17058"[english]TF_TombWrapper" "The Tomb Wrapper"
N/A17059"TF_TombWrapper_Desc" "Estas ligaduras rudimentares foram roubadas de uma múmia que estava a ser preparada para cirurgia num hospital-pirâmide do antigo Egito. É certo que estão imundas, mas não deixam de ter um valor inestimável."
N/A17060"[english]TF_TombWrapper_Desc" "These coarsely woven bandages were stolen from a mummy being prepped for surgery in an ancient Egyptian pyramid hospital. They're filthy! But priceless."