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Revision as of 04:53, 6 April 2013 by Kjpatricklee (talk | contribs) (my fav loadouts)
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Current Favorite Loadouts

Scout (Scattergun, Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol, Strange Wrap Assassin) Soldier (Rocket Launcher, Strange Reserve Shooter, Strange Market Gardener) Pyro (Degreaser, Strange Reserve Shooter, Strange Axtinguisher) Demoman (Grenade Launcher, Strange Stickybomb Launcher, Frying Pan) Heavy (Minigun, Sandvich, Strange Fists) Engineer (Frontier Justice, Wrangler, Strange Jag) Medic (Strange Overdose, Strange Quick Fix, Strange Ubersaw) Sniper (Strange Sydney Sleeper, Darwin's Danger Shield, Bushwacka, Ol' Snaggletooth hat) Spy (Strange L'etranger, Strange Knife, Sapper)

Favorite hat/accessories combination

Spy (Noh Mercy, Alien Parasite, White-dyed Camera Beard)

Items I want

Earbuds As many stranges as possible (Primary stock weapons would be great)