Category talk:Infobox templates
Sorting out these infoboxes
Quoting my to-do list:
Comment We have fragmented infoboxes that are shared among items (hat infobox being used for misc items)... one central infobox or truly seperate infoboxes need to be implemented.
I believe it's time to get started with this. I want this discussion to be used to decide which approach we should take for infoboxes: An individual infobox for each type of item OR A global infobox.
Stick your arguments for / against below, use Approve or
Oppose to label the context of your comment under each section:
I'm trying to keep neutral in this discussion, so I'll just add some example opinions on each as I think of them.
-RJ 16:53, 21 October 2010 (UTC)
Individual infoboxes
Oppose Individual infoboxes would be a pain to update if there's an item-wide attribute change. -RJ 16:53, 21 October 2010 (UTC)
Global infobox
Approve Only one place to edit global attribute changes. All the attributes for items would have to be within the item's article - no infobox defaults.