~www~'s Message Board
~www~ 你好
- 我是一位香港人,所以可不可以給我一個機會翻釋zh_hant的頁面?
- 還有,香港文法和台灣文法是有甚麼分別?
WanRyan 18:30, 10 January 2013 (PST)
有關 Steam 社群市集的翻譯
就在剛剛,我把 Steam 社群市集的頁面翻譯好了,但卻發現有一個問題:
有關「Items can be put up for the amount of money the seller wishes to receive, or the amount the seller wishes the buyer will pay」這一段落,
個人沒用過 Steam 社群市集,因此想問問兩句意思是否真的相同,還是真的有差。
JasonKai 22:39, 19 January 2013 (PST)
~www~ 你好
剛剛我把January 25, 2013 Patch/zh-hant的頁面翻譯好了,不過主畫面也謤示着頁面不存在,所以只想問下原因。WanRyan 19:23, 25 January 2013 (PST)
Iron mask image
Heyo, The Person in the Iron mask image had two images uploaded. the one I marked is poor quality. Refer to the english page for the other image. Ashes 22:55, 22 February 2013 (PST)
好久沒有回來了,謝謝你的幫忙,夥計~ 咱們吃午飯去~~ ┏ (゜ω゜)=
Nafoul 19:51, 2 March 2013 (PST)
Marketable tag in the infobox
You should talk to windpower about this, it may mess with his bot somewhat. Furthermore, you should update the Market page as a near-simultaneous edit to this one, so that we can see what you mean by "the market page will suffice". Darkid (|
) 07:00, 14 March 2013 (PDT)
- You're right. The change I made was a bit haste, I shouldn't change it without discussion. But I think it needs some modification. I will find a time to talk to him.
07:07, 14 March 2013 (PDT)
Nafoul 05:26, 15 March 2013 (PDT)
TO ~www~
Oh hi
Just wanted to say thanks for your continued and hard work the wiki :3
That's all~ — Wind 22:50, 27 March 2013 (PDT)
Voting system
As you yesterday asked for help regarding the new voting system, and me and others were too busy/afk to explain it at that time, I thought I could add info to your talk page, if you are still interested:
- Join IRC channel #tfwiki-cap
- If you can't join there, PM WindPower and he'll give you access there
- Read the topic of #tfwiki-cap, contains useful information and link to logs.
- Use that link in topic to access logs
- Read logs by entering nominee's name from Nominations page, add password which you can find #tfwiki-cap channel's topic, and as date set "All time"
- After reading logs and nominee's contributions (selectively, of course no need to check all ;D), go into #tfwiki-cap, start sublog by typing !startlog nomineesname, make your comments, and close sublog by typing !endlog
- Done
Here you go, I hope you are still interested :p
-Asplode 06:01, 2 April 2013 (PDT)
sorry for the disgambs
i saw you edited my disgambs, sorry if i caused any trouble or if i annoyed you
Hecarimz 20:08, 6 April 2013 (PDT)
Request again :P
Remember them categories? Well there are three more /zh-hant ones that are missing. If you could please translate them that would be great!
Also, If you could ask our active /zh-hans translator to help out on the list as well that would be awesome. Once again thanks again for the hard work! Ashes 13:14, 23 May 2013 (PDT)
- Okay~ About the zh-hans, I will see if there are translators and inform them the work.
17:52, 23 May 2013 (PDT)
- Alright. Thanks mate :D Ashes 18:27, 23 May 2013 (PDT)
Oh hi again. One more zh-hant categories just showed up in this nice red list. Could you translate them please. This. Also, Any luck on any zh-hans translators? I've contacted Nafoul however no luck on a response. Ashes (talk) 01:56, 25 June 2013 (PDT)
- I don't know if he wants to translate the zh-hans or not. He probably went back to deal with the strings about DOTA2 in STS because that's what he usually focuses on. Perhaps I will find his Steam account and ask him directly.
02:10, 25 June 2013 (PDT)
Translation work goes on
They got me a PC here on my desk in the office, so I guess I can continue doing translation on weekdays.
Ready to review the 57 items in the recent update, good luck.
P.S. They put me in an elementary school in a small aboriginal village of Bunun, which is on a mountain in the southeast of Nantou close to Hualien.
Fresh air, few loads of work, trees trees and trees, floating clouds just right above inches of ye head.
I should but I won't say hope you're here, cus it's pretty far far away from civilized world...
- Well, it's been a long time since I got to the place which had such environment. It felt good,but I still prefer my own desktop ;)
- Anyway, thanks for your later help of translation. I am getting busier than I have ever imagined...
19:56, 27 May 2013 (PDT)
They fixed that DISPLAYTITLE template, now all page tab shows corresponding translated page title 。・゚・(´▽`)・゚・。
- Yeah~I told you that someday they will fix that problem.
- BTW, I did not see you translate the pages. I have caught a serious cold, my final exams and reports are at risk, and I become more tired in translating recently. Therefore I think I need a long break (from Wiki and Steam).
- I really feel sorry about pulling out the place right now, but I cannot hold on further. Maybe I will see you in July.
04:29, 3 June 2013 (PDT)
- I copied the names and descriptions to a word file on my desktop, doing that offline. I planned to complete them all before sending the file to you and have you check on that. Since I'm still in an office, I don't think I can just sit there and busy working on my own stuff. Plus the earthquake on June 2nd messed up my school, I'm still doing cleaning job for the office, campus and dorm. Guess I can get back to this before Thursday, I'll contact you once I complete the translation via Steam and Wiki. Hope you recover from cold soon. Peace out~
- Now I see all the name are translated, I am going to stop doing them offline and add the undone pages directly. I'll get this finished.