File:Tf koreana.txt
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Tf_koreana.txt (file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
September 3, 2013 Patch (previous patches)
10371037"[english]TF_AD_TakeFlagToPoint" "Take the flag to\nthe Command Point."
10381038"TF_AD_YouSecuredPoint" "점령 지점 1을\n%s1을(를)장악했습니다!!"
10391039"[english]TF_AD_YouSecuredPoint" "You secured\nCommand Point %s1 !!"
1040N/A"TF_AD_AttackersSecuredPoint" "공격 측이 점령 지점\n%s1을(를)장악했습니다!!"
N/A1040"TF_AD_AttackersSecuredPoint" "공격 측이 %s1 지점을\n장악했습니다!!"
10411041"[english]TF_AD_AttackersSecuredPoint" "Attackers Secured\nCommand Point %s1 !!"
10421042"TF_AD_FlagReturned" "깃발이 기지로 돌아왔습니다."
10431043"[english]TF_AD_FlagReturned" "Flag has returned to base."
10851085"[english]Team_Capture_OwnPoint" "Defend\nthis point."
10861086"Team_Capture_NotNow" "지금은 장악이\n불가능합니다."
10871087"[english]Team_Capture_NotNow" "No capturing\nat this time."
1088N/A"Team_Capture_Owned" "장악 지점\n이미 소유하고 있습니다."
N/A1088"Team_Capture_Owned" "장악 지점\n이미 점령됨."
10891089"[english]Team_Capture_Owned" "Capture Point\nalready owned."
1090N/A"Team_Progress_Blocked" "적군에서\n점령을\n차단했습니다."
N/A1090"Team_Progress_Blocked" "적군이\n점령을\n차단했습니다."
10911091"[english]Team_Progress_Blocked" "Progress\nblocked\nby enemy"
10921092"Cant_cap_stealthed" "은폐 상태일 때는\n지점을 장악할 수 없습니다."
10931093"[english]Cant_cap_stealthed" "Cannot capture point\n while stealthed."
25652565"[english]TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Remove 20 stickybombs by killing the Demomen who produced them."
25672567"[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_NAME" "Krazy Ivan"
2568N/A"TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC" "물 속에서 적군 50명을 처치하십시오."
N/A2568"TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC" "수중에서 물 속의 적군 50명을 처치하십시오."
25692569"[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies while both you and your victim are underwater."
25712571"[english]TF_HEAVY_TAKE_MULTI_DAMAGE_NAME" "Rasputin"
26472647"[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_NAME" "Don't Touch Sandvich"
26482648"TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_DESC" "나타샤를 사용하여 스카웃 50명을 사살하십시오."
26492649"[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_DESC" "Kill 50 Scouts using Natascha."
26512651"[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_NAME" "Borscht Belt"
26522652"TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_DESC" "K.G.B.로 헤비 10명을 처치하십시오."
26532653"[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_DESC" "Kill 10 Heavies with The K.G.B."
27732773"[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_SCOUT_WITH_THEIR_BALL_DESC" "Stun a Scout with their own ball."
27752775"[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_NAME" "Retire the Runner"
2776N/A"TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_DESC" "크릿-어-콜라 효과를 받고 있는 스카웃을 죽이십시오."
N/A2776"TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_DESC" "치명적인 콜라 효과를 받고 있는 스카웃을 죽이십시오."
27772777"[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_DESC" "Kill a Scout while they are under the effect of Crit-a-Cola."
27792779"[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_NAME" "Caught Napping"
32113211"[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEFENSELESS_NAME" "Geneva Contravention"
32123212"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEFENSELESS_DESC" "라운드가 끝나고 무방비 상태인 플레이어 3명을 처치하십시오."
32133213"[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEFENSELESS_DESC" "Kill 3 defenseless players after a single match has ended."
N/A3214"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_NAME" "어디에다 대고 신성한 내 몸에 불질이야"
32153215"[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_NAME" "Semper Fry"
32163216"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_DESC" "불 붙은 상태에서 적군 20명을 처치하십시오."
32173217"[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_DESC" "Kill 20 enemies while you are on fire."
32833283"[english]TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_NAME" "Ride of the Valkartie"
32843284"TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_DESC" "수레를 30초 동안 미십시오."
32853285"[english]TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_DESC" "Ride the cart for 30 seconds."
N/A3286"TF_SOLDIER_ASSIST_MEDIC_UBER_NAME" "로켓과 우버다, 그지 깽깽이들아!"
32883288"TF_SOLDIER_ASSIST_MEDIC_UBER_DESC" "메딕이 우버차지를 발동시켰을 때 우버차지가 끝나기 전에 적군 5명을 폭사시키십시오."
32893289"[english]TF_SOLDIER_ASSIST_MEDIC_UBER_DESC" "Assist a Medic in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge."
32913291"[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_SOLDIER_GRIND_NAME" "Kilt in Action"
32923292"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_SOLDIER_GRIND_DESC" "적 솔저 500명을 죽이십시오."
32933293"[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_SOLDIER_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 500 enemy Soldiers"
42294229"[english]TF_CheatDetectedMinor" "Your account has been flagged for circumventing the item distribution system. We have removed the items that were illegally obtained.\n\nFuture violations will result in the loss of all your items."
42304230"TF_CheatDetectedMajor" "귀하의 계정이 부정 행위 사용자로 등록되었습니다. 배낭의 모든 아이템이 제거되었습니다.\n\n향후 부정 행위가 적발되면 계정이 정지될 수 있으니 주의하시기 바랍니다."
42314231"[english]TF_CheatDetectedMajor" "Your account has been flagged for circumventing the item distribution system. We have removed all items in your inventory.\n\nFuture violations may result in your account being disabled."
4232N/A"TF_HonestyReward" "축하합니다! 정직함의 대가로 새로운 모자를 받았습니다!\n\n(일부 다른 플레이어는 양심이 부족하거나 운이 나쁨)"
N/A4232"TF_HonestyReward" "축하합니다! 정직함의 대가로 새로운 모자를 받았습니다!\n\n(일부 다른 플레이어는 양심이 부족했거나, 운이 좋지않았습니다.)"
42334233"[english]TF_HonestyReward" "Congratulations! Your Honesty has been rewarded with a new hat!\n\n(Some other players were less scrupulous, and have been less fortunate)"
42344234"TF_medigun_autoheal" "메딕: 메디건은 발사 단추를 누르지 않아도 치료를 계속합니다."
42354235"[english]TF_medigun_autoheal" "MEDIC: Medigun continues healing without holding down fire button."
52335233"[english]Attrib_BuildingCostReduction" "%s1 metal reduction in building cost"
52345234"TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun" "개척자의 정의"
52355235"[english]TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun" "The Frontier Justice"
5236N/A"TF_Unique_Achievement_Laser_Pointer" "랭글러"
N/A5236"TF_Unique_Achievement_Laser_Pointer" "원격 조련 장비"
52375237"[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Laser_Pointer" "The Wrangler"
52385238"TF_Unique_Robot_Arm" "총잡이"
52395239"[english]TF_Unique_Robot_Arm" "The Gunslinger"
54995499"[english]TF_ScoutBombingRun_Desc" "Death from above!"
55005500"TF_SoldierShako" "굳센 군모"
55015501"[english]TF_SoldierShako" "Stout Shako"
5502N/A"TF_SoldierShako_Desc" "빅토리아 시대의 밀리터리 패션을\n훌륭하게 재현했습니다."
N/A5502"TF_SoldierShako_Desc" "빅토리아 시대의 군복 양식을\n훌륭하게 재현했습니다."
55035503"[english]TF_SoldierShako_Desc" "The grand achievement of\nVictorian military fashion."
55045504"TF_SoldierRomanHelmet" "부대원 모자"
55055505"[english]TF_SoldierRomanHelmet" "Legionaire's Lid"
55815581"[english]Loadout_OpenTradingDesc" "TRADE ITEMS IN YOUR BACKPACK\nWITH OTHER PLAYERS"
55825582"Loadout_OpenArmory" "Mann Co. 상품 목록 열기"
55835583"[english]Loadout_OpenArmory" "Open the Mann Co. Catalog"
5584N/A"Loadout_OpenArmoryDesc" "TF2 세계에서 발견한\n아이템을 검색합니다."
N/A5584"Loadout_OpenArmoryDesc" "팀포2 세계에서 발견한\n아이템을 검색합니다."
55855585"[english]Loadout_OpenArmoryDesc" "BROWSE THE ITEMS FOUND\nIN THE TF2 UNIVERSE"
55865586"ItemSel_ACTION" "- 액션"
55875587"[english]ItemSel_ACTION" "- ACTION"
71107110"IT_TestingSlot_Misc2" "치장품 2:"
71117111"[english]IT_TestingSlot_Misc2" "Cosmetic 2:"
71127112"IT_TestingSlot_Empty" "<none>"
7113N/A"[english]IT_TestingSlot_Empty" "<none>"
N/A7113"[english]IT_TestingSlot_Empty" "< none >"
71147114"IT_BotAddition_Title" "봇:"
71157115"[english]IT_BotAddition_Title" "Bots:"
71167116"IT_Bot_AutoAdd" "자동으로 추가"
71687168"IT_MDL_Files" "모델 파일 (*.mdl)"
71697169"[english]IT_MDL_Files" "Model files (*.mdl)"
71707170"IT_NoModel" "<none selected>"
7171N/A"[english]IT_NoModel" "<none selected>"
N/A7171"[english]IT_NoModel" "< none selected >"
71727172"IT_SelectModel" "모델 선택"
71737173"[english]IT_SelectModel" "Select Model"
71747174"IT_ItemType" "아이템 유형:"
75667566"Replay_Life" "길이"
75677567"[english]Replay_Life" "LENGTH"
75687568"Replay_None" "<NONE>"
7569N/A"[english]Replay_None" "<NONE>"
N/A7569"[english]Replay_None" "< NONE >"
75707570"Replay_RenderTime" "렌더링 시간"
75717571"[english]Replay_RenderTime" "RENDER TIME"
75727572"Replay_Watch" "보기 / 편집"
99709970"[english]TF_StatelySteelToe" "Stately Steel Toe"
99719971"TF_CopGlasses" "경찰 선글라스"
99729972"[english]TF_CopGlasses" "Security Shades"
9973N/A"TF_TamOShanter" "탬 오 쉔터"
N/A9973"TF_TamOShanter" "탬 오 섄터"
99749974"[english]TF_TamOShanter" "Tam O' Shanter"
99759975"TF_RoguesColRoule" "악한의 꼴 루르"
99769976"[english]TF_RoguesColRoule" "Rogue's Col Roule"
1054010540"[english]AbuseReport_NoSteamMessage" "You must be logged into Steam to process an abuse report."
1054110541"AbuseReport_SucceededTitle" "성공!"
1054210542"[english]AbuseReport_SucceededTitle" "Success!"
10543N/A"AbuseReport_SucceededMessage" "신고 보고서가 제출되었습니다."
N/A10543"AbuseReport_SucceededMessage" "신고 보고서 제출"
1054410544"[english]AbuseReport_SucceededMessage" "Abuse report submitted"
1054510545"AbuseReport_GenericFailureTitle" "오류!"
1054610546"[english]AbuseReport_GenericFailureTitle" "Error!"
1363413634"[english]TF_MVM_USE_CRIT_BOTTLE_NAME" "Kritical Terror"
1363513635"TF_MVM_USE_CRIT_BOTTLE_DESC" "'치명타 증진' 능력이 충전된 수통을 사용하여 거대 로봇을 파괴하십시오."
1363613636"[english]TF_MVM_USE_CRIT_BOTTLE_DESC" "Use a canteen charged with 'Crit Boost' to destroy a giant robot."
13637N/A"TF_MVM_USE_UBER_BOTTLE_NAME" "독일의 기술력은 세계 제이이이일!!"
N/A13637"TF_MVM_USE_UBER_BOTTLE_NAME" "독일의 기술력은 세계 제이이이이이이이이이이이이이일!!"
1363813638"[english]TF_MVM_USE_UBER_BOTTLE_NAME" "German Engineering"
1363913639"TF_MVM_USE_UBER_BOTTLE_DESC" "'우버차지' 능력이 충전된 수통을 사용하여 15대의 로봇을 파괴하십시오."
1364013640"[english]TF_MVM_USE_UBER_BOTTLE_DESC" "Use a canteen charged with 'ÜberCharge' to destroy 15 robots."
1648316483"[english]Attrib_Sentry_Build_Rate" "Increases sentry build speed by %s1%."
1648416484"Attrib_Teleporter_Build_Rate" "텔레포터 건설 속도 %s1% 증가"
1648516485"[english]Attrib_Teleporter_Build_Rate" "Increases teleporter build speed by %s1%."
16486N/A"Attrib_Grenade_Launcher_Mortar_Mode" "포탄은 2초 동안 타는 도화선을 지녔습니다. 발사 단추를 누르고 있으면 미리 도화선을 태워 포탄이 더 빨리 폭발하도록 조절할 수 있습니다."
N/A16486"Attrib_Grenade_Launcher_Mortar_Mode" "포탄은 1초 동안 타는 도화선을 지녔습니다. 발사 단추를 누르고 있으면 미리 도화선을 태워 포탄이 더 빨리 폭발하도록 조절할 수 있습니다."
1648716487"[english]Attrib_Grenade_Launcher_Mortar_Mode" "Cannonballs have a fuse time of 1 second; fuses can be primed to explode earlier by holding down the fire key."
1648816488"Attrib_Grenade_Not_Explode_On_Impact" "포탄은 충돌해도 터지지 않습니다."
1648916489"[english]Attrib_Grenade_Not_Explode_On_Impact" "Cannonballs do not explode on impact"
1652516525"[english]TF_MVM_Map_Bigrock" "BigRock"
1652616526"TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy4" "분해"
1652716527"[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy4" "Disintegration"
16528N/A"TF_MVM_Challenge_BigRock" "은밀한 칩입"
N/A16528"TF_MVM_Challenge_BigRock" "은밀한 침입"
1652916529"[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_BigRock" "Benign infiltration"
1653016530"TF_MVM_Challenge_Bigrock1" "부서진 부품"
1653116531"[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Bigrock1" "Broken parts"
1690916909"[english]TF_VoxDiabolus" "Vox Diabolus"
1691016910"TF_VoxDiabolus_Desc" "이 민중의 목소리 집단의 무정부주의자 가면으로 적들에게 자신이 진정한 악마이거나 시위자로 보이도록 하십시오. 그들이 어떻게 생각하든 상관없이 당신이 슈퍼마켓 문 앞에서 서명을 요구할 때 피하려 들 것입니다."
1691116911"[english]TF_VoxDiabolus_Desc" "With this Vox Populi anarchist mask, you can terrify your enemies into thinking you're the Devil Himself, or worse, a protestor. Either way, they're probably going to avoid you at the entrance to the supermarket when you try to get them to sign something."
16912N/A"TF_PoundingFather" "권법의 아버지"
N/A16912"TF_PoundingFather" "권법 제정자"
1691316913"[english]TF_PoundingFather" "The Pounding Father"
1691416914"TF_PoundingFather_Desc" "헤비는 거짓말 안해. 헤비는 미국의 첫 번째 대통령이야. 쬐끄만 애같은 놈들을 죽이는 대통령."
1691516915"[english]TF_PoundingFather_Desc" "Heavy cannot tell lie. Heavy is first President of United States. Of crushing little baby men."
1751717517"[english]TF_RedMedic_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Medic Action Figure Promo"
1751817518"TF_BlueMedic_ActionFigure_Promo" "블루 메딕 액션 피규어 판촉물"
1751917519"[english]TF_BlueMedic_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Medic Action Figure Promo"
17520N/A"ItemNameCraftSeries" "제 %s1 시리즈"
N/A17520"ItemNameCraftSeries" " 제 %s1 시리즈"
1752117521"[english]ItemNameCraftSeries" " Series #%s1"
1752217522"GameUI_ParticleHatUseHead" "범상찮은 효과 조정"
1752317523"[english]GameUI_ParticleHatUseHead" "Adjust Unusual"
1757517575"[english]TF_gunpointcoilhat_Desc" "Did you know: before the mercenary fashion world discovered the obvious style and mental health benefits of wearing 22 feet of powered electrical cable around your head, people once wore hatbands made from 'silk' or other barely-lethal textiles! Strange but true."
1757617576"TF_tw2_greek_helm" "백부장"
1757717577"[english]TF_tw2_greek_helm" "The Centurion"
N/A17578"TF_tw2_greek_helm_Desc" "다른 싸구려 모조품과 달리, 이 백부장 투구의 솔 부분은 전사한 적들의 머리카락으로 만들어졌습니다."
N/A17579"[english]TF_tw2_greek_helm_Desc" "Unlike those cheap knock-offs, the brush part of THIS centurion helmet is made from the HEAD hair of your fallen enemies."
1757817580"TF_tw2_greek_armor" "강철 복근"
1757917581"[english]TF_tw2_greek_armor" "The Steel Sixpack"
1758017582"TF_tw2_greek_armor_Desc" "이 주철 흉갑은 여러분이 그토록 바라던 상상의 근육에 맞추어 제조되었습니다."
1764717649"[english]TF_Wearable_Supplies" "Supplies"
1764817650"TF_Wearable_Augmentation" "장식용 강화장치"
1764917651"[english]TF_Wearable_Augmentation" "Cosmetic Augmentation"
N/A17652"TF_Wearable_PuffyShirt" "펑퍼짐한 상의"
N/A17653"[english]TF_Wearable_PuffyShirt" "Puffy Shirt"
1765017654"TF_Wearable_SpiritAnimal" "정신적 야수"
1765117655"[english]TF_Wearable_SpiritAnimal" "Spirit Animal"
1765217656"TF_Wearable_Helmet" "머리 보호구"
1785717861"[english]TF_jul13_thirst_quencher" "The Dry Gulch Gulp"
1785817862"TF_jul13_thirst_quencher_Desc" "\"난 배고프면 먹고, 목마르면 마시고, 누가 사람을 죽여달라 하면 따르지.\""
1785917863"[english]TF_jul13_thirst_quencher_Desc" "\"When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm thirsty, I drink. And when a man needs killin', I oblige him.\""
N/A17864"TF_jul13_el_muchacho" "젊은이"
N/A17865"[english]TF_jul13_el_muchacho" "El Muchacho"
1786017866"TF_jul13_furious_fryup" "배낭형 브로일러"
1786117867"[english]TF_jul13_furious_fryup" "The Backpack Broiler"
N/A17868"TF_jul13_furious_fryup_Desc" "등심, 등심을 보자구나!"
N/A17869"[english]TF_jul13_furious_fryup_Desc" "I've got your back... steaks."
1786217870"TF_jul13_hot_rag" "불타는 두건"
1786317871"[english]TF_jul13_hot_rag" "The Burning Bandana"
1786417872"TF_jul13_hot_rag_Desc" "집을 청소할 시간이군."
1786517873"[english]TF_jul13_hot_rag_Desc" "Time to clean house."
1786617874"TF_jul13_soot_suit" "화끈한 정장"
1786717875"[english]TF_jul13_soot_suit" "The Soot Suit"
N/A17876"TF_jul13_soot_suit_Desc" "앞쪽은 사업가, 뒷쪽에는 치명적인 압축 가스 10갤런."
N/A17877"[english]TF_jul13_soot_suit_Desc" "Business up front. Ten deadly gallons of pressurized gas in the back."
1786817878"TF_jul13_bee_keeper" "군체 수호자"
1786917879"[english]TF_jul13_bee_keeper" "The Hive Minder"
1787017880"TF_jul13_bee_keeper_Desc" "전장의 사망 원인 1순위가 뭘까요? 네, 맞아요. 벌침이죠."
1788917899"[english]TF_jul13_king_hair" "The Pardner's Pompadour"
1789017900"TF_jul13_bushmans_blazer" "오스트레일리알카트라즈의 조류학자"
1789117901"[english]TF_jul13_bushmans_blazer" "Birdman of Australiacatraz"
N/A17902"TF_jul13_bushmans_blazer_Desc" "\"독수리의 눈처럼 감시하고 매처럼 쏴. 아무도 안 보는 것같이 춤추라고.\""
N/A17903"[english]TF_jul13_bushmans_blazer_Desc" "\"Watch like an eagle. Strike like a hawk. Dance like no one's watching.\""
1789217904"TF_jul13_cameleon" "카멜레온 벗"
1789317905"[english]TF_jul13_cameleon" "The Cobber Chameleon"
N/A17906"TF_jul13_cameleon_Desc" "\"이 작은 친구는 저격할 때 딱 좋은 동료라 할 수 있지. 조용하고, 위장색까지 둘렀고, 배고플 때 먹을 수 있거든.\""
N/A17907"[english]TF_jul13_cameleon_Desc" "\"This little fellah's the perfect snipin' companion. He's quiet, he's camouflaged, and if you get hungry, you can eat 'im.\""
1789417908"TF_jul13_falconer_punch" "응사꾼"
1789517909"[english]TF_jul13_falconer_punch" "The Falconer"
N/A17910"TF_jul13_falconer_punch_Desc" "\"이 응사꾼의 장갑은 저격할 때 쓰기 딱 좋지. 튼튼하고 편안한 데다가 매가 앉으면 먹어치울 수 있거든.\""
N/A17911"[english]TF_jul13_falconer_punch_Desc" "\"This falconer's glove's perfect for snipin'. It's sturdy, it's comfortable, and if a falcon lands on it, you can eat 'im.\""
1789617912"TF_jul13_sweet_shades" "그레이밴"
1789717913"[english]TF_jul13_sweet_shades" "Graybanns"
N/A17914"TF_jul13_sweet_shades_Desc" "그레이 만이 무정한 악당이긴 합니다. 하지만 그 사람은 정말 끝내주는 선글라스를 만든다고요. 상황을 탓하지 말고, 사람을 탓합니다. (응?)"
N/A17915"[english]TF_jul13_sweet_shades_Desc" "Gray Mann might be a heartless villain. But he DOES make some sweet sunglasses. Hate the player, not the game."
1789817916"TF_jul13_blam_o_shanter" "흑색부대"
1789917917"[english]TF_jul13_blam_o_shanter" "The Black Watch"
N/A17918"TF_jul13_blam_o_shanter_Desc" "이 스코틀랜드 보병용 탬 오 섄터는 너무나도 제정신이었던 제5대대를 기념하여 만들어졌습니다. 이 대대가 화약으로 술을 담그려다가 실수로 점착 폭탄을 만들었거든요."
N/A17919"[english]TF_jul13_blam_o_shanter_Desc" "This Scottish infantry tam o'shanter commemorates the desperately sober 5th batallion, who tried to make liquor out of gunpowder and accidentally invented sticky bombs."
1790017920"TF_jul13_trojan_helmet" "폭파르타 전사"
1790117921"[english]TF_jul13_trojan_helmet" "The Tartan Spartan"
N/A17922"TF_jul13_trojan_helmet_Desc" "\"제군들, 오늘 밤 술은 지옥에서 마신다! 그리고 지금은 아직 해가 중천에 떴으니 여기서도 마시자!\""
N/A17923"[english]TF_jul13_trojan_helmet_Desc" "\"Lads, tonight we DRINK IN HELL! And it's only noon right now, so let's ALSO DRINK RIGHT HERE!\""
1790217924"TF_jul13_scotsmans_golfbag" "게일식 골프 가방"
1790317925"[english]TF_jul13_scotsmans_golfbag" "The Gaelic Golf Bag"
1790417926"TF_jul13_bagdolier" "보르시 벨트"
1790517927"[english]TF_jul13_bagdolier" "The Borscht Belt"
N/A17928"TF_jul13_bagdolier_Desc" "\"작은 주머니가 아주 많아. 이제 헤비는 네 쪼그만 꼬마총을 나르는 걸 도울 수 있어.\""
N/A17929"[english]TF_jul13_bagdolier_Desc" "\"So many little pouches. Now Heavy can help carry your itty-bitty baby guns.\""
N/A17930"TF_jul13_bro_plate" "다스 고르통보호기"
N/A17931"[english]TF_jul13_bro_plate" "Das Naggenvatcher"
1790617932"TF_jul13_bro_plate_Desc" "\"귀하의 머리 중앙에는 머리뼈가 있습니다. 허나 이것만으로는 부족하죠! 이 모자는 그 바깥 부분을 위한 머리뼈입니다.\" (독일어 설명문 번역.)"
1790717933"[english]TF_jul13_bro_plate_Desc" "\"In the center of your head lives a skeleton. It is not enough! This hat is a head-skeleton for the outside.\" (Description translated from German.)"
N/A17934"TF_jul13_gallant_gael" "위스키 턱받이"
N/A17935"[english]TF_jul13_gallant_gael" "The Whiskey Bib"
N/A17936"TF_jul13_gallant_gael_Desc" "\"가끔 네가 사기 단지에서 목정을 들이키다 보면 좀 흘릴때가 있지. 이 진짜 스코틀랜드식 위스키 턱받이로 떨어지는 마지막 방울까지 놓치지 마.\""
N/A17937"[english]TF_jul13_gallant_gael_Desc" "\"Sometimes when yer swiggin' woodgrain alcohol from a clay jug, a wee bit can miss the mouth, like. Catch those precious drops with a genuine Scottish whiskey bib.\""
1790817938"TF_jul13_king_pants" "나팔바지 개척자"
1790917939"[english]TF_jul13_king_pants" "The Flared Frontiersman"
1791017940"TF_jul13_the_presidential" "밸리 포지"
1793517965"[english]TF_jul13_harmburg" "The Harmburg"
1793617966"TF_jul13_harmburg_Desc" "\"이 모잘 쓰니 어때? '잘 생겨 보여'? 아니면 '엄청 잘 생겨 보여'?.\""
1793717967"[english]TF_jul13_harmburg_Desc" "\"How do I look in this hat? On a scale of 'Handsome' to 'Extremely Handsome'.\""
N/A17968"TF_jul13_gaelic_garb" "게일족 의복"
N/A17969"[english]TF_jul13_gaelic_garb" "The Gaelic Garb"
N/A17970"TF_jul13_gaelic_garb_Desc" "\"그리고 우리는 적에게 목숨을 내줄지언정 이 펑퍼짐한 셔츠를 입을 자유는 뺏지 못한다고 말할 거야! 엉, 뭐라고 했어 해비시? 아. 그리고 이 어깨띠도!"
N/A17971"[english]TF_jul13_gaelic_garb_Desc" "\"And we'll tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM! To wear these POOFY SHIRTS! What's that, Havish? Oh. AND THESE SASHES!\""
1793817972"TF_jul13_shoguns_guard" "쇼군의 어깨 보호대"
1793917973"[english]TF_jul13_shoguns_guard" "The Shogun's Shoulder Guard"
N/A17974"TF_jul13_shoguns_guard_Desc" "\"다음 번에 또 웬 동정심 많은 새끼가 환경 상태 운운하며 징징대거든 그 새끼 눈물샘은 장군에게 처박히는 줄 알아라. 절대로 이 어깨의 문을 열지 않겠다!\""
N/A17975"[english]TF_jul13_shoguns_guard_Desc" "\"The next time some bleeding heart cries on your shoulder about the state of the environment, he can slam his tear ducts into the Shogun. This shoulder is CLOSED!\""
1794017976"TF_jul13_class_act" "다스 머찌고꼴리는머뤼터르"
1794117977"[english]TF_jul13_class_act" "Das Gutenkutteharen"
1794217978"TF_jul13_class_act_Desc" "\"귀하의 두피 위에 있는 머리카락은 육체적인 매력이 있습니다. 이제는 우리는 연애 관계를 맺어야 합니다.\" (독일어 설명문 번역.)"
1794517981"[english]TF_jul13_double_clue" "The Belgian Detective"
1794617982"TF_jul13_double_clue_Desc" "\"경위, 문 닫아! 이 안에 살인마가 있어!\" [정적 후] \"나야!\" [푹! 푹! 푹! 푹! 푹!]"
1794717983"[english]TF_jul13_double_clue_Desc" "\"Inspector, seal the door! Someone in this room is a MURDERER!\" [pause] \"Me!\" [stab stab stab stab stab]"
N/A17984"TF_jul13_generals_attire_Desc" "\"이 제복은 나폴레옹 전쟁 당시 호레이쇼 넬슨이 입었던 거다! 배가 가라앉으면 그는 대포를 등에 이고 수영을 했다! 대포알이 떨어지면 그는 자기 자신을 선체에 발사했다! 그는 그토록 프랑스인들을 이기고 싶었던 거다!\""
N/A17985"[english]TF_jul13_generals_attire_Desc" "\"This uniform was worn by Horatio Nelson during the Napoleonic Wars! If you sunk his ship he would swim at you with a cannon on his back! If he ran out of cannonballs he would fire himself at your hull! That is how bad he wanted to beat the French!\""
1794817986"TF_jul13_lt_bites" "깨물이 중위"
1794917987"[english]TF_jul13_lt_bites" "Lieutenant Bites"
1795017988"TF_jul13_lt_bites_Desc" "이 녀석의 취미가 뭐냐고? 일단 광견병에 걸리고는 그걸 사람들에게 옮기지! 좋아하는 음식? 상한 사워 크림과 팔뚝 고기다!"
1795117989"[english]TF_jul13_lt_bites_Desc" "Hobbies: contracting rabies, giving people rabies. Favorite foods: spoiled sour cream rations, arm meat."
N/A17990"TF_jul13_gangplank_garment_Desc" "\"이 사나이의 해적 군대는 노략질 따윈 안 한다, 벌레 새끼야! 이 배에서 넌 이 바다에 진보주의자나 빨갱이가 없도록 경계를 설 것이며, 잠을 제때 자도록 할 것이다!\""
N/A17991"[english]TF_jul13_gangplank_garment_Desc" "\"We do not plunder in this man's pirate army, maggot! On this ship you will patrol the seas for liberals and Communists, and go to bed at a sensible hour!\""
1795217992"TF_jul13_blood_banker" "혈액 은행업자"
1795317993"[english]TF_jul13_blood_banker" "The Blood Banker"
1795417994"TF_jul13_blood_banker_Desc" "\"오, 예치하실 게 있다고요? 제가 처리해드리죠. 등짝에 칼 하나 꽂아드리겠습니다.\""
1798918029"[english]TF_jul13_honchos_heavy_reader_Desc" "\"These glasses help Heavy read sad stupid poem on your tombstone.\""
1799018030"TF_jul13_dandy_yankee" "헌법 제정자"
1799118031"[english]TF_jul13_dandy_yankee" "The Founding Father"
N/A18032"TF_jul13_dandy_yankee_Desc" "이 셔츠는 조국을 사랑하던 사람들이 실제 입었던 단정한 내의 대신 주름 장식으로 가득한 비단 군복을 입는 무시무시한 평행 세계를 나타낸 것입니다."
N/A18033"[english]TF_jul13_dandy_yankee_Desc" "This shirt envisions a terrifying alternate universe where our nation's patriots wore frilly-cuffed silk blouses instead of the respectable undershirts they possessed in actual history."
1799218034"cp_process_final_description" "본 커뮤니티 맵의 제작자는 Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge입니다.
1801318055To win each team must own all three Control Points."
N/A18056"Attrib_AmmoPerShotMissed" "빗맞힐 경우 탄약 %s1 소모"
N/A18057"[english]Attrib_AmmoPerShotMissed" "Per Shot Missed: -%s1 ammo"
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current | 23:46, 2 August 2024 | (1.26 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch. |
20:04, 25 July 2024 | (1.19 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch. | |
01:09, 10 January 2024 | (1.19 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch. | |
19:06, 20 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch. | |
02:04, 19 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch. | |
21:06, 15 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch. | |
22:23, 12 July 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch. | |
18:38, 20 March 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch. | |
21:21, 1 March 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 1, 2023 Patch. | |
15:15, 6 January 2023 | (1.07 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 5, 2023. |
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