Ring of Fired

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Ring of Fired
釋出日期: August 27, 2013
頁數: 68

Ring of Fired (也被稱為 絕地要塞漫畫 #1)是一部於2013年8月27日更新釋出的官方漫畫。這也是隔月釋出的漫畫系列的第一部。

Ring of Fired 是由 makani 繪畫,並由 Nick Filardi 上色。


漫畫一開始,薩克斯頓.海爾一手抱著在比棋賽還糟糕的命運中,跟他打鬥的雪怪標本和飛行員,就從飛機上一躍而下。降落在曼恩企業總部後,薩克斯頓.海爾遇見了葛灰.曼恩,並提出了「曼恩企業挑戰亅;如果其他企業的執行長可以赤手空拳打敗薩克斯頓.海爾,他就可以擁有曼恩企業。雖然葛灰.曼恩表示他的年幼女兒 Olivia,才是灰碎石 (Gray Gravel Co.)公司的執行長,但是薩克斯頓.海爾卻對她下不了手。所以曼恩企業便被葛灰.曼恩奪去,他更開除了所有傭兵。而薩克斯頓.海爾則選擇離開國家,而寶琳小姐又發現管理員失蹤了,只在電腦屏幕上留下一段訊息「寶琳小姐... 躲藏亅(Miss Pauling... hide)。

Six months later, the Soldier is now leading a tour of celebrities' homes where he, and a group of elderly women, run to Tom Jones's home where Merasmus is living. The Soldier kills Tom, and Merasmus calls the police. Soon enough, Miss Pauling, dressed as a police officer, "arrests" Soldier and tells him that they need to find the rest of the team. They lure Pyro from his job as CEO of Frontier Engineering by setting fire to a nearby building, while Demoman readily joins them despite becoming overweight and even more of an alcoholic. Miss Pauling explains that the Administrator, whose status is still unknown, gave the order to reassemble the mercenaries.

Meanwhile, Gray Mann finds that Mann. Co's entire supply of Australium has been taken, presumably by the Administrator. It is revealed that Gray's life-extending machine is powered by Australium and that his own supply is starting to run low. An unseen figure explains that all the other Australium sites have been emptied as well.

The team, now consisting of the Soldier, Pyro, Demoman and Miss Pauling, make plans to fly to Siberia and Australia to pick up Heavy and Sniper, respectively. Demoman mentions that Medic now has "a fancy job", while Miss Pauling worries as the Engineer has become especially hard to find. While they deliberate as to where the remaining mercenaries are, they find a newspaper saying that the Scout and Spy have been arrested and will be hanged for large-scale acts of vandalism.



  • The title is a reference to the 1963 Johnny Cash song, "Ring of Fire."
  • The title page is a reference to a famous panel in the comic "Spider-Man No More!"
  • On the title page, a magazine titled "Hat-Wearing MAN" can be seen. This is a reference to the Sniper vs. Spy Update in which hats were added to the game.
  • Page 8 references the origin of Batman, where Batman's alias, Bruce Wayne, witnesses his parents' murder in a back alley after an opera.
  • On pages 45-48, the back page of Pyro's newspaper is the second page of Lecture Valley.
  • Page 61 shows the statue fountain in the Demoman's front yard, still spouting water from the neck from when he first decapitated it with the Eyelander in the WAR! Comic.
  • Demoman's Eyelander is shown to be fully sentient and capable of speech; it was previously shown to be simply haunted and only whisper 'heads'.
  • Demoman is wearing a Badlands Brawlers T-shirt, the same team that appeared in the WAR! Comic.
  • It is revealed that fire itself is what causes Pyro's vision of the world. Without it, Pyro sees everything as dull and grey, but still cartoonish.
  • The color of characters' ties inexplicably changes between panels - Gray Mann's tie changes from gray to blue after he burns his hands on page 15, and it is black on page 24. The same occurs with Mr. Bidwell and Mr. Reddy's ties, both changing from blue to black on page 23.

External links

See also