User:Eqahzfqzxeyjadg/Community Strategy Template

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May I make a suggestion? Run.
The Spy

Lead-in paragraph about the class's basic information, such as health, speed, stock weapons, abilities, and such. Filler follows. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam lobortis viverra felis, non volutpat magna aliquam vel. Morbi lobortis interdum convallis. Sed at auctor mauris. Mauris lectus felis, rutrum varius lacus ut, elementum aliquet turpis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent at orci id augue tempus commodo. Vestibulum aliquam feugiat nisi, quis viverra urna scelerisque ut. Sed porttitor eu diam id condimentum. Proin molestie ipsum a mollis sodales. Maecenas aliquam, velit eget rhoncus.

Quick Tips

At-a-glance strategies that the basic player can understand and execute without needing any extra weapons or complicated strategy. Filler follows.

  • Typically, you should cloak when heading towards an enemy objective. A teammate running in the opposite direction is suspicious and a prime candidate for Spy checking.
    • While disguised, enemies are much less likely to Spy check you if you head in their direction with your back turned to them as if running from a battle with your real teammates.
  • Learn to play other classes first. Once you know how each class acts, you will be able to more easily trick your enemies.
    • Pay attention to which class you are disguised as. Snipers and Engineers normally stay in one area while Pyros can often be seen patrolling a base.
    • The Scout disguise is generally bad for fooling enemies; you will not move as fast as a real Scout does. However, you can use the Scout disguise to hide, as his body is much smaller than other classes.
    • The Medic disguise is generally bad for fooling enemies; Medics who are not healing are suspicious to many players. However, it does give you a reason to be behind them.
    • The Engineer disguise can be good. Stand next to Engineer buildings with the Wrench out; when the coast is clear, sap enemy buildings and make your escape.
    • The Sniper disguise can be good for surveillance, as you won't attract too much attention behind enemy lines. However, you can't scope, so make sure to not stand in one spot too long.
  • Disguise while you are cloaked if you are behind enemy lines. Doing so will prevent your enemies from seeing the smoke of your disguise animation.
    • Press (by default) B to automatically activate your previous disguise.
  • If you are using the Invisibility Watch or the Dead Ringer you are able to regain Cloak, both while cloaked and uncloaked, by picking up ammo boxes and dropped weapons.
  • Unless you are using the Dead Ringer, cloaking will take about one second. Cloak before you enter enemy territory, as you will always show as your team color when cloaking and uncloaking, thus revealing yourself to the enemy.
  • Be aware that the sounds of you decloaking and backstabbing (unless you are using a Silent Killer knife) are rather loud. Enemies will likely hear these sounds and react. Using the sounds of gunfire from the battlefield can mask this.
  • Always work with your team. Despite your abilities of backstabbing, cloaking, and disguising, you are still very vulnerable and working in conjunction with your team will improve your ability as a Spy.


First group of tips is more in-depth strategy that still isn't weapon specific, but is still easy to understand. Filler follows.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas luctus ac ipsum vehicula facilisis. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas luctus ac ipsum vehicula facilisis. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas luctus ac ipsum vehicula facilisis. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas luctus ac ipsum vehicula facilisis. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas luctus ac ipsum vehicula facilisis. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas luctus ac ipsum vehicula facilisis. Quisque.


These subsections cover the classes specific abilities, E.G. rocket jumping for soldiers. Filler follows.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis tristique magna. Vivamus faucibus nisi id ante congue dictum. Quisque.

Weapon Specific

Secondary weapons

Revolver / Big Kill

Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Critical
Killicon revolver.png 6 24 55-60 35-45 16-25 120
Big Kill
Big Kill
Killicon big kill.png

The weapon-specific section goes really in-depth about the classes specific weapons, with strategy realted specifically for this weapon without going into full loadouts. No other information in this template's subsection. Filler follows.

  • The Revolver is the Spy's primary weapon. While not as powerful as the Knife's backstabbing capabilities, it is still an integral part of the Spy's arsenal. It is moderately accurate and has a fast reload time.
  • Use the Revolver for killing low-health classes and when Backstabs are not easy or possible due to the location of the enemy. It's also viable when you are being chased; 6 medium range shots will take down most classes.
  • Due to the Scout's quick movement, it can be better to shoot Scouts rather than try to stab them.
  • Use the Revolver against Snipers who use the Razorback. While the Ambassador can deal critical damage on a Headshot, the Revolver is also a good option because of its fast rate of fire. It is also better against Huntsman-wielding Snipers, as they tend to move around more.
  • Use the Revolver in conjunction with the Sapper. Sap an Engineer's Sentry Gun and when he returns to repair it, shoot him. 3 to 4 hits will kill him, after which you can shoot his buildings if necessary.
    • If the Engineer has just begun building his Sentry Gun, Dispenser, or Teleporter, 1 to 2 shots will take it down - use the Revolver instead of the Sapper for a long-range destruction. This will help prevent you from being discovered as well.
  • Remember that the Revolver is 100% accurate if you allow 1.25 seconds between shots (approximately how long it takes to reload your Revolver). Use this to pick off wounded enemies or to snipe buildings from a distance. Long range shots, despite only doing about 20 damage to players, will deal full damage to buildings.
  • When navigating narrow corridors, keep your Revolver out. If they are fooled by your disguise, run by them and backstab them. If they begin to attack you, begin to backpedal while side-strafing and shooting them.

Ambassador + reskins

Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Critical
Killicon ambassador.png 6 24 46-56 31-37 15-19 102
Killicon sniperriflehs.png 6 24 102 102 102 102
Festive Ambassador
Festive Ambassador
Killicon ambassador.png 6 24 46-56 31-37 15-19 102
Killicon sniperriflehs.png 6 24 102 102 102 102
  • At the cost of weaker bullets and slower firing rate, The Ambassador deals crits upon a headshot.
    • The Ambassador will only headshot if the crosshair is at its smallest size. Allow just under one second in between shots to ensure your ability to headshot.
  • The Ambassador can also be used to snipe Engineer buildings from a distance, similar to the Revolver, as an alternative to sapping. Remember, if an Engineer is working on the building, killing the Engineer first is preferable.
    • Headshotting the Engineer may lead him to run away to find a source of Health. Use the time that he is away to destroy his buildings.
  • With good aim, the Ambassador can be deadly against a Scout. If you manage to headshot him at close quarters, he will only have 23 health left (8 with the Sandman), therefore you can finish him off with a single slash of the Knife or another shot, depending on your range.
  • Razorback Snipers have resistance against backstabs, but not against bullets. Take the time to headshot enemy Razorback Snipers. Assuming the Sniper is not overhealed, a single headshot followed by a simple body shot - which can be fired faster than the Sniper is able to react - is enough to kill him.
  • The ability to see enemy health is invaluable when equipped with the Ambassador. When it drops below half of its base value, the health meter is shown in red. Against all classes except the Heavy, this means a guaranteed kill upon a headshot.
  • If you miss a backstab on a low-health class (but still get a hit), switch to the Ambassador and a headshot will likely dispatch the enemy.


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Critical
Killicon l'etranger.png 6 24 44-48 28-36 15-18 96
  • The L'Etranger converts firepower into potential fleeing power. It allows you to turn scenarios where scoring a kill with the Revolver or Ambassador is too difficult into the ability to run away - and save your life.
    • Be aware that the L'Etranger has a very distinctive "crack" sound when fired, which will alert nearby enemies to your presence.
  • The +15% Cloak per hit is applied regardless of the amount of damage you do to the opponent or your distance from him. Remember that the L'Etranger is 100% accurate 1.25 seconds after shooting and use this to recharge your Cloak safely from a distance.
  • The L'Etranger increases clock duration by 40%, this allow more breathing room when Spies want to get behind enemy lines.
    • When equipped the Dead Ringer and Clock and Dagger last as long as the default Invisibility Watch without the gun, 9 seconds.
  • Keep in mind that both the Invisibility Watch and Dead Ringer's Cloak timers can be replenished by picking up Ammo boxes or weapons or standing next to a Dispenser.
    • As the Cloak and Dagger is not recharged by sources of ammo, the L'Etranger can be very effective when used with it.
    • Nonetheless, always be aware of your surroundings when using the L'Etranger. It is not recommended for you to try and regain Cloak via the L'Etranger if there are many enemies around with no allies. In a case like this, it is better to hide instead.
  • Remember that the L'Etranger does less damage than both the Revolver and Ambassador. If you need more firepower, consider using one of those alternatives.
    • The L'Etranger also does less damage to buildings, making a Sap-n-Shoot technique harder.
  • Though the L'Etranger can be used effectively with the Dead Ringer, be aware that once players realize both items are being used, they will likely Spy check around your fake corpse and try to make sure you are actually dead.
  • Positioning is key as Spy, and when using the L'Etranger is no exception; when shooting from a relatively hidden position, you are less likely to be found while regaining your Cloak.


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Critical
Killicon enforcer.png 6 24 70-72 41-55 24-26 144
  • The Enforcer is a Revolver replacement that trades stealth for extra firepower. In exchange for a bonus 20% base damage inflicted while undisguised, the Enforcer fires 20% slower, and cannot deal random critical hits.
    • This functions similarly to the L'Etranger, except the Enforcer trades Cloak Recharge for Damage. If you lose your disguise after backstabbing an enemy or missing your backstab, you can use the Enforcer to take out any additional pursuers rather than flee from them.
    • The reduced firing speed of the Enforcer can be offset by the increased damage as long as you undisguise first, then try to make your shots hit the enemy.
  • If you can, pair this with the Your Eternal Reward, since you'll be undisguised for the most part and therefore make the Enforcer more helpful than ever.
  • The Enforcer allows you to kill low health classes in 2 shots at point-blank range. Therefore, you can kill Razorback Snipers or Engineers trying to remove a Sapper easily.
  • The Enforcer will destroy any Engineer buildings faster than the Revolver, taking 5 shots for a Level 3 Sentry Gun. You can use this to take down enemy buildings faster, by sapping them and then shooting at them while they're disarmed.


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Critical
Killicon diamondback.png 6 24 47-51 30-33 14-21 102
  • The Diamondback is a promotional weapon for the Spy. It does less damage per shot than the Revolver and is incapable of random Crits, but has the ability to store Critical hits when your Sappers are involved in the destruction of enemy buildings. Each destruction or assist involving your Sapper will give the Diamondback one guaranteed Critical hit.
  • Consider using the Diamondback if the enemy team has several Engineers. When you have several Crits, you can drop any non-overhealed class in 3 shots, thus becoming a major threat.
  • You can use the Diamondback's rather loud firing to lure enemies into a backstab trap.
  • Even if you lack Crits, the Diamondback is still a relatively viable weapon. It does the same amount of damage as the Ambassador, but with no firing speed penalty.
  • The Diamondback is 100% accurate if you allow 1.25 seconds between shots. When combined with the Crit boost, the 100% accurate bullets can effectively snipe enemies at long range. Most enemies will die in 2 to 3 shots.
  • Engineers with the Gunslinger can build Mini Sentry Guns. These Sentry Guns are great for racking up crits to use.