Talk:Killstreak kit

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Revision as of 22:33, 24 November 2013 by JoeyTheDuck (talk | contribs) (Combining all Killstreak Kit crafting related articles)
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There's an important distinction Valve left out: Completing a two cities tour does not earn you a "universal" killstreak kit that can be applied to *any* weapon. It grants a killstreak kit (and a killstreak fabricator? We all got one of those as well) for a SPECIFIC weapon. Meaning that killstreak kit can only be applied to that specific weapon. For example, I earned a rocket launcher killstreak kit and a solemn vow killstreak fabricator, while my friend earned a bushwacka killstreak kit and a pain train killstreak fabricator. Paser (talk) 11:46, 23 November 2013 (PST)

Combining all Killstreak Kit crafting related articles

imo i think all of the different articles for the killstreak kit crafting tools/items should be combined into, or redirect to, this article, which should have all of the information and directions needed for crafting the different killstreak kits, ala Crafting. i can list some info here since i am no good at organizing a wiki page.

Directions so far for the different killstreak kits: level 1: (weapon) killstreak kit - applies killstreak counter to (weapon) when applied level 2: (weapon) specialized kit - applies killstreak counter and animated sheen on (weapon) when applied. level 3: (weapon) professional kit - applies killstreaks, sheen, and eye glow particles to (weapon) when applied.

Two Cities tours => level 1 kits, level 2 fabricators, level 3 fabricators

level 1 kit + weapon => killstreak weapon

level 2 fabricator + killstreak weapon + robot parts => level 2 kit

level 2 kit + weapon => specialized weapon

level 3 fabricator + specialized weapon + specialized weapon + robot parts => professional kit

level 3 kit + weapon => Professional weapon

the killstreak weapons and specialized weapons used in this crafting process can be any weapon. the quality used in steps 2 and on can only be unique as of right now (cannot use (PREFIX) killstreak/specialized weapons in crafting the next tier), but eric has confirmed this will be fixed in the near future.

the robot parts seem to be a random list per kit.

if you know of any more information please add it, otherwise this is what we know so far and is enough to make an article.

have fun JoeyTheDuck (talk) 10:37, 24 November 2013 (PST)

I've uploaded all of the backpack images you guys need for all of the items as well. Special:NewFiles Enjoy. JoeyTheDuck (talk) 10:58, 24 November 2013 (PST)

I think the Kit levels play a role in this and I will investigate soon with some test kit how killstreak items apply and get crafted Baraklava 14:23, 24 November 2013 (PST)
it would just be nice to have some of the essentially information on the main page, first and foremost. JoeyTheDuck (talk) 14:33, 24 November 2013 (PST)

The types of effects

I think the levels of the Specializing sets have something to do with which effect it will get or which tier of effects it will get. Somehow there need to be a way to also transfer that effect to the last weapon when crafting a Professional Killstreak kit, because those have both Sheen and character effects. I will try to add more information tomorrow after I've investigated and bought some sets. We need to collect all the possible Sheens and killstreakers there is in one place and if possible tie them to their levels. If you wonder, you can see in-game which sheen will be produced by hovering the output after you've clicked the specialized set.

Also, that someone could add right away, normal killstreak weapons display the killstreak in the killfeed, not sure if only for you or for all, and at the scoreboard in the end it shows the player with the highest Killstreak. Baraklava 13:59, 24 November 2013 (PST)