Unhappy Returns
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Unhappy Returns | |
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Informações da história em quadrinhos | |
Lançamento: | 4 de dezembro de 2013 |
Número de páginas: | 70 |
“ | Eu não acho que temos muito tempo.
— O Demoman
” |
Unhappy Returns (também conhecida como Team Fortress Comics #2) é uma história em quadrinhos lançada no dia 4 de dezembro de 2013. Ela é a segunda parte de uma série de história em quadrinhos em seis partes lançadas duas vezes por mês, continuando de onde a história Ring of Fired parou.
A história começa com o Saxton Hale jovem e a sua namorada, Mags, lutando contra panteras na selva. O Saxton promete que ele nunca a abandonará e alega que ele não pegará a posição do pai dele em Mann Co. However, Charles Darling aparece e forçosamente pega as panteras para que ele possa criar a sua ideia maluca, chamada de "zoológico".
A história corta para a Mags e o Saxton mais velhos, do lado de fora de uma prisão. Foi revelado que o Saxton foi preso por queimar grande parte do zoológico do Charles. O Saxton admite que ele planejou perguntar para Charles para ajudá-lo a pegar a Mann Co. de volta, mas o seu rancor falou mais alto. A Mags e o Saxton saem com a Mags oferecendo a sua ajuda para Saxton recuperar a empresa de volta.
O cenário muda para o Scout e o Spy na prisão, discutindo os seus enforcamentos iminentes. O Scout pratica a sua defesa, enquanto o Spy recomenda que ele pegue o promotor, enquanto ele tira vários de seus dentes. O Scout choraminga sobre isto, lembrando de quando o Soldier era a sua defesa e também quando a sua defesa era uma lâmpada. O Spy se mantem calmo e come um jantar ridiculamente minúsculo. Outro prisioneiro tenta assassinar o Spy enquanto ele está comendo, mas ele aparece misteriosamente com uma faca improvisada em suas costas. O Scout entra em pânico, pensando que eles estavam com sérios problemas agora, já que o prefeito de Teufort iria visitá-los. O prefeito aparece e afirma que ele sentirá falta dos mercenários, oferecendo uma torta para o Scout com uma lixa de unha dentro dela.
Demoman suits up in a civilian disguise along with Soldier, who is reluctant to pose as a civilian, but eventually agrees. Soldier and Demoman set out to find the courthouse where the trial against Scout and Spy will take place. Soldier attempts to interrogate an old woman, but Demoman is much friendlier and gets the location easily, discovering that the hanging will take place soon. Outside the courthouse, people are clamoring for the mercs' death; some even going as far as hanging dolls which resemble the mercs on a pole with ropes around their necks. The mayor delivers a guilty verdict, but promptly discovers the trial hadn't even started; while the public defender explains that the trial was missing almost every figure of the law needed to hold a fair trial. Soldier volunteers as public defender, not realizing they already have one. He murders Scout's lawyer and demands that Scout be sent to the electric chair for choosing a different lawyer, shedding his disguise and inadvertently ruining Spy's attempt to escape in the process, leading the onlooking jury to demand impromptu hangings of the Soldier and Demoman.
Meanwhile, Miss Pauling explores the library, burning the Administrator's genealogy records while there, as Pyro burns the library's textbooks. The comic cuts to a flashback taking place 5 and a half months before, in which Spy plans to depart from Teufort and lay low after the Administrator's disappearance, having a jet set to depart in 50 minutes. Scout nervously begs Spy to drive him to the Teufort bank, explaining that all of his savings are in the bank. At first, Spy refuses, but reluctantly agrees after Scout proclaims that it would kill his mother to find out that he lost his entire savings. At the bank, Scout reveals that he traded his entire savings in exchange for twelve cubic yards of Tom Jones memorabilia, planning to sell it for a fortune upon his death. Spy remarks that the idea is terrible, claiming that the chances of Tom Jones' death are incredibly slim and that the man is virtually immortal, deciding only to take the lightest pieces of the memorabilia to his car. The final parts of the scene are shown through the bank's security footage, with the police finding Scout and Spy in the vault and locking them within. With the end of the security footage, the mayor concludes the guilt of the mercs.
The execution has begun, and the ropes are about to tighten. The mayor is slightly sympathetic toward the mercs, but claims that they must pay for their lifetimes of ridiculous crimes, such as rezoning a school. These accusations are revealed to be untrue by Miss Pauling, who bursts onto the scene exclaiming that the mercs had to be innocent, because their "crimes" were actually unwittingly done by the mayor himself. She shows everyone a pamphlet she found at the library outlining mayoral duties, and it explains that mayors cannot hang criminals. The mayor realizes that the mercs hadn't even committed the crimes they were accused of, and attempts to pardon them, but the book says he cannot do that either, so Miss Pauling sets them free. The mayor leaves in order to learn what mayors do, and the townspeople follow him. The mercs are now free, and set out to find the others.
Meanwhile, Mags leads Saxton Hale to Darling's house, where it is revealed that she had worked for him all along. Darling presents Saxton with an unseen proposition.
The scene then cuts to the Dzhugdzhur Mountains in Siberia, where Heavy walks up to an old woman's residence to get a box of supplies, despite the stormy weather. She presents him with a slip of paper, stating that he had received a phone call from a distressed Miss Pauling. Heavy proceeds to walk back out into the snow, leaving the note behind.
- The miniature Cornish Game Hen the Spy removes from his false tooth is a reference to one of his taunts.
- On page 24 the Scout is reading 'GHOST. D.A.'. In Team Fortress Comics #1 the Demoman watches a TV show with the same name.
- The Scout mentions Welsh singer Tom Jones, who is murdered by the Soldier in Team Fortress Comics #1.
- This is the first time that the Demoman is seen without his beanie in official media.
- Charles Darling's invention of the word "zoo" conflicts with Soldier's statement in Meet the Soldier where he claims Sun Tzu invented the zoo.
- Although the RED Scout refers to the events of A Smissmas Story, that comic featured the BLU mercenaries instead.
- The Soldier, who seems confused regarding the bottled water supplies, is implied to be suffering the effects of lead poisoning, suggesting it may factor in his mental instability.