Hi, hello, hi. Yes, most of this page is merely suggestions. However, they also act as a sandbox for wiki formatting, so I can do two things at the same time.
2013 was a year with plenty of hats, miscs and weapon tweaks. One flaw though - no new weapons. It's a real shame as there's room for both weapon changes and new stuff (e.g. Pyromania - weapon changes on their own don't seem as special as when there's new stuff added too.) I've got ideas here and my reasoning behind them. True, a user page in the middle of nowhere is hardly the best place to get ideas noticed, but oh well. Either laugh at my inept sense of game balance or appreciate suggestions you consider decent.
Weapon tweaking
Some weapons are fine. Some weapons are a little too dominant in their slot or difficult to use. And some aren't exactly OP or UP, just got a few issues that need evening out. Here's my take on some weapons.
Generally speaking, the Scout is pretty well-balanced. There's no great hurry to tweak his unlocks.
Shortstop, Holy Mackerel
Take off the knockback penalty and healing bonus from the Shortstop and put it on the Holy Mackerel.
That way, the Holy Mackerel actually does something outside the niche role of discovering Dead Ringer Spies, and the Shortstop no longer has an annoying downside which puts me off using the weapon. If adding those two stats on the Holy Mackerel seem strange, consider that flooding the killfeed with hit notifications tells everyone you have those passive advantages and disadvantages. So it all fits together.
Soda Popper
Switch Hype to build through damage rather than running.
The point of this change is to distinguish between the Soda Popper and Force-A-Nature, which seem to be getting too similar. This way, the Soda Popper's jump ability's better but requires more effort than the Force-A-Nature's force jump.
In addition to current stats, the second concecutive hit on an enemy ignites them. No random crits. Possibly a mild damage buff (to only -20% damage penalty for example.)
Weapons with guarenteed crits shouldn't get random crits or else it messes up people's plans on how to deal with the weapon (I'm looking at you, Bushwacka!)