
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 20:56, 30 January 2014 by Warlike (talk | contribs) (removing some old stuff)
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Basic information
Icon: Killicon postal pummeler.png
Type: Grizzled Veteran
Native language: English, Dutch, Basic French (reading comprehension).
Team Fortress 2
Favorite classes: Spy
Favorite maps: ctf_2fort, plr_hightower
Favorite hats: Magnanimous Monarch
Contact information
Steam page: [1]

More commonly known as R3N. in the TF2 community. I have been playing TF2 for quite some time (albeit on and off sometimes). I had always known about the Wiki but never participated in editing it (or any wiki for that matter) until it was brought to my attention that some of the Spy sections were a little lacking or displayed outdated or flat out false or unviable information. So I signed up around January 2011 and started editing a few articles, adding some stuff and cleaning up some grammar errors and the like.

What I like to do the most on the TF2 Wiki:

  • Clean up articles for better reading (English and Dutch wiki)
  • Add strategies and/or tips on improving gameplay.
  • Partake in the IRC channel frequently.
  • Add to stubb articles as much as I can and am able to with my knowledge.
  • Translate articles for the Dutch wiki as it is severely lacking (has gotten a lot better now however).
  • Update templates on the Dutch wiki.
  • Keep an eye out for faulty edits on both the Dutch and other wiki languages.

Regarding past translations done by me

After being nominated a long while back and having received some constructive criticism regarding some of my (very) old translations being a little on the average side, I decided to run down my list of edits and reread articles I translated. I think I have fixed most of them, and most of the errors were unfortunate typo's that could have been seen in the first place with some double-checking. Anyway, thank you guys for the feedback and I'm glad to announce that my older translations are now on par with the rest of my work!


Flag Netherlands.png This user is Dutch. Gotta love the tulips.
Help center.png This user is considerate of fellow editors and does not quick-undo changes that had good intentions.
Dead heat.png This user has been an editor of the Team Fortress Wiki for 5143 days.

Wikichievement Unlocked!

Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf play game everymap.png

Parlez-Vous Français?
Provide help translating the Team Fortress Wiki to your language.

EpicEric Wikichievement unlocked!
You've been doing a great job on the Dutch articles so far. Keep up the good work!
