ClockworkSpirit2343's Talk Page
This Talk Page
Every once in awhile I will clear my talk page so it doesn't become so crowded like other user's talk pages. If I delete a certain topic of yours, feel free to add it back. User:ClockworkSpirit2343/TalkSignature
Hey, Please check the last post of a discussion before posting. You revived an old topic that stopped in 2011. Please refrain from doing that. Thanks. Ashes (talk) 19:06, 24 January 2014 (PST)
Danke, Kamerad!
Thank you, good sir, for helping with Item Checklist! Nobody has really worked on it, expect for me, for awhile... Well, thanks again! Auf Wiedersehen! KSquared 09:27, 12 February 2014 (PST)