Talk:Strange Filter
Stranges with existing use
What happens if the filter is used on a stat that is already has some tracking? Does it reset that stat to zero?Nintyuk 14:05, 28 December 2012 (PST)
-- Yes just tested this, resets to 0 and adds a suffix to the counter. My new wrench has : "(Cloaked Spies Killed (only Egypt): 0)". Kyhas 07:14, 6 January 2013 (PST)
Counting Kills
Are kills considered "the tracking of a statistic", or do strange filter just affect strange parts? --Spider Shark 16:29, 28 December 2012 (PST)
-- If I follow your question correctly, they track any one statistic you apply it to. So on my wrench I can have the filter effect 1 of these: "Sentry Kills, Wrench Kills, Sappers Removed or Cloaked Spies Killed." So they do effect the non part kills statistic on weapons. Kyhas 07:18, 6 January 2013 (PST)
Multiple Filters?
Can you use more than one filter on a weapon? And if so, will it add multiple prefixes to the weapon's name? Like a Strange Spooky Canadian Technical Shovel? Redjarman 20:23, 29 December 2012 (PST)
-- I tested with this in mind, unfortunately it seems that filters on parts may not give the title. Cloaked Spies on the wrench(BotKiller) did not give me the "Egyptian" title from the filter I used. However I applied the "Hydraulic" to the kills statistic on my escape plan and got the title. Kyhas 07:23, 6 January 2013 (PST)
Additional testing needed
If someone could provide any answers to the following questions that would help greatly to myself and other players interested in filters.
1.)Do filters work on the main statistic of BotKillers, therefore giving them a title?
2.)Are there any reports of filters awarding the title when not on the main statistic?
3.)Filters work on the Spirit of Giving strange misc item. No idea if this means it only tracks gifts given on that map?
Findings so far
You can attach like-parts again once they have been filtered. E.g by filtering one cloaked Spies Killed part to only Egypt, you can now attach a Second cloaked Spies Killed part, for further filtering if you desire.
Filters cannot be removed, in doing so you remove the whole part.
Filters work on the Spirit of Giving strange misc item. No idea if this means it only tracks gifts given on that map?
Kyhas 07:44, 6 January 2013 (PST)
I have done some testing...
1. Yes. Botkillers get the extra prefix. 2. No. The prefix is not awarded if the filter is put on a secondary or tertiary statistic, and is not awarded if the filter is put on any of the 3 Strange Parts. 3. Yes. Only gifts given on that map!
Updated the page to indicate that the prefix is only added when the filter is used on the primary statistic.
Filters on "kill assist" on quick-fix don't give the additional prefix
I just attached filter for Harvest map on one of my s. quick-fix(and selected on "kill assist"), but it didn't give the "Fresh" prefix
so I guess this means s. medigun, s. krits, won't work in the same way either? Or, since krits name change based on kill assist, it might work.
I think I'm going to contact valve about this issue and see if i can get any help for this.
Vault101 02:01, 16 February 2013 (PST)
Bug with Kills against Death Ringer Spies
Since I'm quite unsure if this was fixed by Valve or not, a few months ago I was playing arena and noticed that my Gunslinger got a rank up although the enemy Spy feigned his death. I tested it with my Widowmaker, which doesn't have a filter applied and its counter doesn't raise, only filtered stranges. Can anyone help me confirm that this bug still exists? Davjo 04:55, 19 February 2013 (PST)