Supply closet

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Supply closets is a gameplay element that instantly patches up a player when they move near them. They are usually found in respawn rooms.

Specifically touching a supply closet will:

  • Heal the player up to the normal maximum health
  • Refill all the ammunition for all the weapons the player has.
  • Enact any loadout changes
  • Repair the Razorback if it has blocked a backstab attempt
  • Allow the player to switch from honor bound weapons without getting a kill

Supply closets can be team specific and only work for a given team. Supply closets will automatically change behavior upon round win to only allow the winner of the round.

The closet is implemented using the func_regenerate brush entity and can use any model that has open and close animations. The game uses two main models, the traditional locker and a medieval variant. Some maps also use an ambulance car.