User: NeO mx

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Revision as of 16:34, 25 July 2014 by NeO mx (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to my page! I'm a hungarian, and a hungarian translater. :,D

I'm busy right now for Saxxy Awards 2014 (I'm going animating)

Translated articles:

(7/12/2014) Beer Stein (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/12/2014) Valve Store Shipment Box (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/12/2014) Nail Gun (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/12/2014) Heraldic Targe (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/20/2014) Bullseye's Head (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/20/2014) Monday Night Combat (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/23/2014) Heal Grenade (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/22/2014) Mann Co. Beta Maps (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)

Little Infomation:

Scout Mercenary.png This user is a Mercenary.

Flag Hungary.png This user is Hungarian, and eats goulash!
YouTube Icon.png This user has a YouTube channel, but doesn't want you to find it too easily.