User: NeO mx

From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 13:55, 27 July 2014 by NeO mx (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to my page! I'm a hungarian, and a hungarian translater. :,D

Steam Account

YouTube Channel (If you see on channel an image, that's just 1 year old, and ignore that :) )

I'm busy right now for Saxxy Awards 2014 (I'm going animating)

Translated articles:

(7/12/2014) Beer Stein (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/12/2014) Valve Store Shipment Box (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/12/2014) Nail Gun (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/12/2014) Heraldic Targe (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/20/2014) Bullseye's Head (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/20/2014) Monday Night Combat (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/23/2014) Heal Grenade (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)
(7/22/2014) Mann Co. Beta Maps (Magyar - HUNGARIAN)

Little Infomations:

Edit icon.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki editor.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
Flag Hungary.png This user is Hungarian, and eats goulash!
YouTube Icon.png This user has a YouTube channel, but doesn't want you to find it too easily.
Scout Mercenary.png This user is a Mercenary.

SmallEdit.jpg This user likes to edit articles in teeny baby bits.
Steam tray.png This user has a Steam profile, which they won't tell you about.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
hu Ennek a szerkesztőnek magyar az anyanyelve.
Tf2 100.png This user has logged 100 hours total in Team Fortress 2.
Love and War update.png This user witnessed the Love & War Update!
Minecraftblock.png This user has succumbed to Minecraft addiction.
NVIDIA logo.png This user games with NVIDIA.
Intel Logo.png This user's computer has Intel inside.
Windows Logo.png This user uses Microsoft Windows and does not know what version they are running.
Chrome Logo.png This user uses Google Chrome as their web browser.
Firefox Quantum Logo.png This user uses Firefox as their web browser.
Mouse Icon.png This user plays TF2 with a mouse.
Sfmlogo.png This user knows how to use Source Filmmaker.