Template:PatchDiff/December 15, 2014 Patch/tf/resource/tf portuguese.txt

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Revision as of 05:58, 16 December 2014 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "tf/resource/tf_portuguese.txt" for patch December 15, 2014 Patch.)
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40354035"[english]Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Increased" "%s1% faster power charge"
40364036"Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Decreased" "Carga de energia %s1% mais lenta"
40374037"[english]Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Decreased" "%s1% slower power charge"
4038N/A"Attrib_ConstructionRate_Increased" "Capacidade de construção %s1% mais rápida"
N/A4038"Attrib_ConstructionRate_Increased" "Taxa de construção %s1% mais rápida"
40394039"[english]Attrib_ConstructionRate_Increased" "%s1% faster construction rate"
4040N/A"Attrib_ConstructionRate_Decreased" "Capacidade de construção %s1% mais lenta"
N/A4040"Attrib_ConstructionRate_Decreased" "Taxa de construção %s1% mais lenta"
40414041"[english]Attrib_ConstructionRate_Decreased" "%s1% slower construction rate"
40424042"Attrib_RepairRate_Increased" "Capacidade de reparação %s1% mais rápida"
40434043"[english]Attrib_RepairRate_Increased" "%s1% faster repair rate"
48114811"[english]BackpackItemsExplanation_Text" "Here you'll find all your items. You can click and drag them to rearrange to your liking.\n\nItems that are equipped in a class's loadout will be marked as 'equipped'."
48124812"BackpackPagesExplanation_Title" "Páginas da mochila"
48134813"[english]BackpackPagesExplanation_Title" "Backpack Pages"
4814N/A"BackpackPagesExplanation_Text" "A tua mochila tem várias páginas de itens. Utiliza estes botões para percorrê-los."
N/A4814"BackpackPagesExplanation_Text" "A tua mochila tem várias páginas de itens. Utiliza estes botões para saltar entre elas."
48154815"[english]BackpackPagesExplanation_Text" "Your backpack has multiple pages of items. Use these buttons to jump between them."
48164816"BackpackDeleteExplanation_Title" "Eliminar itens"
48174817"[english]BackpackDeleteExplanation_Title" "Deleting Items"
55135513"[english]TF_PyroPlunger" "Handyman's Handle"
55145514"TF_PyroPlunger_Desc" "Nome original inglês: HANDYMAN'S HANDLE\n\nRemove todo o tipo de bloqueios."
55155515"[english]TF_PyroPlunger_Desc" "Clears all sorts of blockage."
5516N/A"TF_DemoInquisitor" "Barrete do Embriagado"
N/A5516"TF_DemoInquisitor" "Cartola do Inquisidor Embriagado"
55175517"[english]TF_DemoInquisitor" "Carouser's Capotain"
55185518"TF_DemoInquisitor_Desc" "Nome original inglês: CAROUSER'S CAPOTAIN\n\nNão permitirás que viva uma sentinela."
55195519"[english]TF_DemoInquisitor_Desc" "Suffer not a sentry to live."
55955595"[english]DiscardItem" "Permanently Discard"
55965596"BackpackApplyTool" "Aplicar %s1 a:"
55975597"[english]BackpackApplyTool" "Select the item to apply the %s1 to:"
5598N/A"ApplyOnItem" "USAR COM..."
N/A5598"ApplyOnItem" "Usar com"
55995599"[english]ApplyOnItem" "Use with"
5600N/A"ConsumeItem" "USAR"
N/A5600"ConsumeItem" "Usar"
56015601"[english]ConsumeItem" "Use"
56025602"CustomizeItem" "PERSONALIZAR"
56035603"[english]CustomizeItem" "CUSTOMIZE"
64716471"[english]TF_DemomanPirate_Desc" "Because there's no alliteration\nlike alliteration with an 'ARR!'"
64726472"TF_loadoutrespawn" "Re-entrar logo depois de mudar o equipamento em zonas de re-entrada."
64736473"[english]TF_loadoutrespawn" "Automatically respawn after loadout changes in respawn zones."
6474N/A"RefurbishItem" "RESTAURAR"
N/A6474"RefurbishItem" "Restaurar"
64756475"[english]RefurbishItem" "Restore"
64766476"RefurbishItem_RemovePaintTitle" "Remover Tinta?"
64776477"[english]RefurbishItem_RemovePaintTitle" "Remove Paint?"
66436643"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_WARN_AGGRO" "You have angered the Horseless Headless Horsemann!"
66456645"[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_LOST_AGGRO" "You are no longer IT."
N/A6646"WrapGift" "Embrulhar presente"
66476647"[english]WrapGift" "Wrap Gift"
6648N/A"UnwrapGift" "ABRIR"
N/A6648"UnwrapGift" "Abrir"
66496649"[english]UnwrapGift" "Unwrap Gift"
6650N/A"DeliverGift" "OFERECER"
N/A6650"DeliverGift" "Oferecer"
66516651"[english]DeliverGift" "Deliver Gift"
66526652"NoAction" "SEM AÇÃO"
66536653"[english]NoAction" "NO ACTION"
1740517405"[english]TF_Tool_RoboKey2013" "Robo Community Crate Key"
1740617406"TF_Tool_RoboKey2013_Desc" "Utilizada para abrir Caixotes Comunitários Robóticos trancados."
1740717407"[english]TF_Tool_RoboKey2013_Desc" "Used to open locked Robo Community Crates."
17408N/A"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson" "Uma Chave de Caixote Comunitário Robótico Embrulhada Aleatória"
N/A17408"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson" "Uma Chave do Caixote Comunitário Robótico de Presente Aleatória"
1740917409"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson" "A Random Robo Community Crate Key Gift"
1741017410"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson_Desc" "Quando utilizado, este Item de Ação oferece uma Chave de Caixote Comunitário Robótico a uma pessoa aleatória no servidor!"
1741117411"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives one Robo Community Crate Key\nto a random person on the server!"
17412N/A"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer" "Pilha de Chaves de Caixote Comunitário Robótico Embrulhadas"
N/A17412"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer" "Pilha de Chaves do Caixote Comunitário Robótico de Presente"
1741317413"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer" "Pile of Robo Community Crate Key Gifts"
1741417414"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer_Desc" "Quando utilizado, este Item de Ação dá uma Chave de Caixote Comunitário Robótico a até 23 outras pessoas no servidor!"
1741517415"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Robo Community Crate Key\nto up to 23 other people on the server!"
1783717837"[english]TF_mail_bomber_Desc" "This knight's armor will repel anything someone from the 12th century might throw at you, be it a rock, a sword, a thatched cottage or a Merlin."
1783817838"TF_diehard_dynafil" "Tyurtlenek"
1783917839"[english]TF_diehard_dynafil" "The Tyurtlenek"
17840N/A"TF_diehard_dynafil_Desc" "Nome original inglês: THE TYURTLENEK\n\nÀ volta do pescoço franzino de um intelectual, de um ladrão de joias ou de um francês, a gola alta só exprime a mensagem: \"Por favor dêm-me uma bofetada na cara.\" Mas quando é o Heavy a usar uma, só exprime uma coisa: \"Eu visto o que eu quiser\"."
N/A17840"TF_diehard_dynafil_Desc" "À volta do pescoço franzino de um intelectual, de um ladrão de joias ou de um francês, a gola alta só exprime a mensagem: \"Por favor dêm-me uma bofetada na cara.\" Mas quando é o Heavy a usar uma, só exprime uma coisa: \"Eu visto o que eu quiser\"."
1784117841"[english]TF_diehard_dynafil_Desc" "Around the skinny neck of an intellectual, jewel thief or Frenchman, a turtleneck tells people: \"Please open-hand slap me in the face.\" On the iron frame of the Heavy, it says only: \"I wear what I want.\""
1784217842"TF_hazeguard" "A Máscara de Moxigénio"
1784317843"[english]TF_hazeguard" "The Mair Mask"
1792117921"[english]standin_cap_B" "cap B, the Bridge"
1792217922"standin_cap_C" "ponto C, a Sala de Controlo"
1792317923"[english]standin_cap_C" "cap C, the Control Room"
17924N/A"GetKey" "OBTER CHAVE"
N/A17924"GetKey" "Obter chave"
1792517925"[english]GetKey" "Get key"
1792617926"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProcess" "Filtro Estranho: Process (Comunidade)"
1792717927"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProcess" "Strange Filter: Process (Community)"
1800718007"[english]TF_Jul2013Key_08" "Black Summer 2013 Cooler Key"
1800818008"TF_Jul2013Key_08_Desc" "Usada para abrir uma Geleira Preta de Verão 2013."
1800918009"[english]TF_Jul2013Key_08_Desc" "Used to unlock a Black Summer 2013 Cooler."
18010N/A"TF_Gift_Jul2013_RandomPerson" "Uma Chave de Geleira de Verão Embrulhada Aleatória"
N/A18010"TF_Gift_Jul2013_RandomPerson" "Uma Chave da Geleira de Verão de Presente Aleatória"
1801118011"[english]TF_Gift_Jul2013_RandomPerson" "A Random Summer Cooler Key Gift"
1801218012"TF_Gift_Jul2013_RandomPerson_Desc" "Quando utilizado, este Item de Ação oferece\numa Chave de Geleira de Verão 2013\na uma pessoa aleatória no servidor!"
1801318013"[english]TF_Gift_Jul2013_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Summer 2013 Cooler Key\nto a random person on the server!"
18014N/A"TF_Gift_Jul2013_EntireServer" "Pilha de Chaves de Geleira de Verão Embrulhadas"
N/A18014"TF_Gift_Jul2013_EntireServer" "Pilha de Chaves da Geleira de Verão de Presente"
1801518015"[english]TF_Gift_Jul2013_EntireServer" "Pile of Summer Cooler Key Gifts"
1801618016"TF_Gift_Jul2013_EntireServer_Desc" "Quando utilizado, este Item de Ação oferece\numa Chave de Geleira de Verão 2013\na até 23 outras pessoas no servidor!"
1801718017"[english]TF_Gift_Jul2013_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none random Summer 2013 Cooler Key\nto up to 23 other people on the server!"
1874618746"[english]TF_Spell_LightningBall" "Ball o' Lightning"
1874718747"TF_NineIron_Desc" "Esta arma tem um grande alcance para ataques corpo a corpo.\nDá cada vez mais velocidade e vida\npor cada cabeça que tirares."
1874818748"[english]TF_NineIron_Desc" "This weapon has a large melee range.\nGives increased speed and health\nwith every head you take."
18749N/A"ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s3%s2"
N/A18749"ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s3%s2 %s4"
1875018750"[english]ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s3%s2%s4"
18751N/A"ItemNameQualityFormat" "%s2 (%s1%s3)"
N/A18751"ItemNameQualityFormat" "%s2 (%s1%s3) %s4"
1875218752"[english]ItemNameQualityFormat" "%s1%s4 %s3%s2"
1875318753"ItemNameFormat" "%s2%s5%s6%s4%s3 %s1"
1875418754"[english]ItemNameFormat" "%s1%s6%s5%s2%s4%s3"
2024620246"[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Killstreak_Kits" "This crate contains one of the following Killstreak Kit.\nKits obtained might be Specialized or Professional."
2024720247"TF_LittleBear" "O Pequeno Urso"
2024820248"[english]TF_LittleBear" "The Little Bear"
20249N/A"TF_LittleBear_Desc" "Nome original na versão inglesa: THE LITTLE BEAR\n\nCertifica-te de que o conteúdo dos teus bolsos é distribuído justamente com o último grito em proteção de bolsos Comunista."
N/A20249"TF_LittleBear_Desc" "Nome original na versão inglesa: THE LITTLE BEAR\n\nCertifica-te de que o conteúdo dos teus bolsos é distribuído justamente com o último grito em comunismo de bolso."
2025020250"[english]TF_LittleBear_Desc" "Make sure the contents of your pockets are distributed fairly with the latest in Communist pocket enforcement."
2025120251"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season5" "Temporada 5"
2025220252"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season5" "Season 5"
2060020600"[english]TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_DESC" "Kill a charging Demoman while charging."
2060120601"ItemSel_TAUNT" "- PROVOCAÇÃO"
2060220602"[english]ItemSel_TAUNT" "- TAUNT"
20603N/A"UseKey" "ABRIR C/ CHAVE"
N/A20603"UseKey" "Abrir c/ chave"
2060420604"[english]UseKey" "Open with a key"
2060520605"Recharge" "RECARREGAR"
2060620606"[english]Recharge" "RECHARGE"
20607N/A"ShuffleContents" "BARALHAR"
N/A20607"ShuffleContents" "Baralhar"
2060820608"[english]ShuffleContents" "Shuffle"
2060920609"ShufflingContents" "A BARALHAR..."
2061020610"[english]ShufflingContents" "SHUFFLING..."
2150821508"TF_Nabler_Desc" "
2151021510"[english]TF_Nabler_Desc" ""
21511N/A"TF_EOTL_Crate" "Caixote Comunitário do Fim da Linha"
N/A21511"TF_EOTL_Crate" "Caixote Comunitário do 'End of the Line'"
2151221512"[english]TF_EOTL_Crate" "End of the Line Community Crate"
21513N/A"TF_EOTL_Crate_Desc" "Os conteúdos deste caixote são\ndesconhecidos e chaves normais não\nentram na sua fechadura.\n\nÉ melhor guardares este caixote,\nprovavelmente haverá uma maneira\nde abri-lo mais tarde."
N/A21513"TF_EOTL_Crate_Desc" "Este caixote é especial.\nOs seus conteúdos são desconhecidos e\nprecisa de uma Chave do 'End of the Line'\npara ser aberto.\n\nItens adquiridos de Caixotes Comunitários do 'End of the Line' antes de 5 de janeiro de 2015 terão na descrição uma mensagem especial de apoiante da atualização.\n\nOs itens aqui encontrados podem conter efeitos inusuais exclusivos deste caixote."
2151421514"[english]TF_EOTL_Crate_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIts contents are unknown and requires a\nEnd of the Line Community Crate Key to unlock.\n\nItems found from an EOTL Community Crate before January 5th, 2015, will receive a commemorative early supporter tag.\n\nThe End of the Line Community Crate contains Unusual effects that will only come from this crate."
2151521515"TF_TournamentMedal_GamersAssembly_Gold" "Medalha de Ouro - Gamers Assembly"
2151621516"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GamersAssembly_Gold" "Gamers Assembly Gold Medal"
2153721537"TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2014_Promo_Desc" "
2153921539"[english]TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2014_Promo_Desc" ""
N/A21540"TF_Welcome_eotl_launch" "Bem-vindo(a)"
N/A21541"[english]TF_Welcome_eotl_launch" "Welcome"
N/A21542"TF_Weapon_Wrench_Desc" "Melhora, repara e ergue mais rapidamente construções aliadas ao bater nelas"
N/A21543"[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_Desc" "Speeds up construction, upgrades, and repairs friendly buildings on hit"
N/A21544"TF_Wearable_Shorts" "Calções"
N/A21545"[english]TF_Wearable_Shorts" "Shorts"
N/A21546"TF_Wearable_Sweater" "Camisola"
N/A21547"[english]TF_Wearable_Sweater" "Sweater"
N/A21548"TF_Wearable_Pants" "Calças"
N/A21549"[english]TF_Wearable_Pants" "Pants"
N/A21550"TF_Wearable_Vest" "Colete"
N/A21551"[english]TF_Wearable_Vest" "Vest"
N/A21552"TF_YourStats" "As tuas estatísticas"
N/A21553"[english]TF_YourStats" "Your Stats"
N/A21554"TF_DuckPromoList" "-Acessório para todas as classes com 11 estilos\n-Regista as tuas estatísticas durante o evento do 'End of the Line'\n-Vê as estatísticas dos teus amigos e compete com eles\n-Lucros das vendas remetem para a equipa do 'End of the Line'"
N/A21555"[english]TF_DuckPromoList" "-All-Class cosmetic with eleven styles\n-Tracks your stats during the End of the Line event\n-View leaderboards and compete with your friends\n-Sales support the End of the Line team"
N/A21556"TF_GetDucky" "Vamos lá"
N/A21557"[english]TF_GetDucky" "Get Ducky"
N/A21558"Attrib_duck_badge_level" "Potência: %s1 / 5"
N/A21559"[english]Attrib_duck_badge_level" "Duck Power : %s1 / 5"
N/A21560"Attrib_duck_rating" "Experiência: %s1"
N/A21561"[english]Attrib_duck_rating" "Duck XP Level : %s1"
N/A21562"Attrib_eotl_early_supporter" "Apoiante da atualização do 'End of the Line', que foi totalmente criada pela comunidade."
N/A21563"[english]Attrib_eotl_early_supporter" "Early Supporter of End of the Line Community Update"
N/A21564"Attrib_duckstreaks" "Caça aos patos ativa"
N/A21565"[english]Attrib_duckstreaks" "Duckstreaks Active"
N/A21566"Duck_ViewLeaderboards" "Ver estatísticas"
N/A21567"[english]Duck_ViewLeaderboards" "View Leaderboards"
N/A21568"ToolDuckTokenConfirm" "De certeza que queres usar a Ficha do Pato\nneste Pato Estatístico?"
N/A21569"[english]ToolDuckTokenConfirm" "Are you sure you want to use the Duck Token\non this Duck Journal?"
N/A21570"TF_Tool_DuckToken" "Ficha do Pato"
N/A21571"[english]TF_Tool_DuckToken" "Duck Token"
N/A21572"TF_Tool_DuckToken_Desc" "Item usado para aumentar a Potência de um Pato Estatístico.\nOs Patos Estatísticos têm uma potência máxima de 5.\nPatos Estatísticos com mais potência proporcionam uma\nmaior probabilidade de encontrar patos nas partidas.\nApós 5 de janeiro de 2015, não poderão ser encontrados mais patos."
N/A21573"[english]TF_Tool_DuckToken_Desc" "Use to increase the Power level of an existing Duck Journal.\nJournals have a MAX level of 5.\n\nHigher level badges can find more ducks.\nAfter January 5th, 2015, ducks can no longer be found."
N/A21574"TF_Item_DuckBadge" "Pato Estatístico"
N/A21575"[english]TF_Item_DuckBadge" "Duck Journal"
N/A21576"TF_Item_DuckBadge_Desc" "Equipa-o no compartimento de ação para teres\numa maior chance de encontrar patos nas partidas.\nUsa Fichas do Pato para aumentares a potência.\nMais potência significa uma maior chance de encontrar patos."
N/A21577"[english]TF_Item_DuckBadge_Desc" "Equip in the ActionSlot to increase duck drops.\nUse Duck Tokens to increase power level.\nHigher levels give increased duck drops."
N/A21578"TF_Armory_Item_DuckBadge" "Equipa-o no compartimento de ação para teres\numa maior chance de encontrar patos nas partidas.\nUsa Fichas do Pato para aumentares a potência até 5.\nExamina-o na tua mochila para veres as classificações de amigos.\nApós 5 de janeiro de 2014, patos não podem mais ser encontrados e as estatísticas serão bloqueadas.\n\nOs lucros vindos da venda deste item remetem para a equipa do 'End of the Line'."
N/A21579"[english]TF_Armory_Item_DuckBadge" "Equip in the ActionSlot to increase your ability to find ducks.\nUse Duck Tokens to increase the badges level to MAX 5.\n\nInspect in your backpack to view friend leaderboards.\nAfter January 5th, 2015, ducks cannot be found and leaderboards will be locked.\n\nSales support the End of the Line team."
N/A21580"TF_DuckBadge_Style0" "Padrão"
N/A21581"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style0" "None"
N/A21582"TF_DuckBadge_Style1" "Scout"
N/A21583"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style1" "Scout"
N/A21584"TF_DuckBadge_Style2" "Sniper"
N/A21585"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style2" "Sniper"
N/A21586"TF_DuckBadge_Style3" "Soldier"
N/A21587"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style3" "Soldier"
N/A21588"TF_DuckBadge_Style4" "Demoman"
N/A21589"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style4" "Demoman"
N/A21590"TF_DuckBadge_Style5" "Medic"
N/A21591"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style5" "Medic"
N/A21592"TF_DuckBadge_Style6" "Heavy"
N/A21593"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style6" "Heavy"
N/A21594"TF_DuckBadge_Style7" "Pyro"
N/A21595"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style7" "Pyro"
N/A21596"TF_DuckBadge_Style8" "Spy"
N/A21597"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style8" "Spy"
N/A21598"TF_DuckBadge_Style9" "Engineer"
N/A21599"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style9" "Engineer"
N/A21600"TF_DuckBadge_Style10" "Quacston Hale"
N/A21601"[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style10" "Quackston Hale"
N/A21602"TF_Duck_Level" "Nível"
N/A21603"[english]TF_Duck_Level" "Level"
N/A21604"TF_Duck_XP" "Experiência"
N/A21605"[english]TF_Duck_XP" "Duck XP"
N/A21606"TD_Duck_XPToNextLevel" "EXP. p/ próximo nível:"
N/A21607"[english]TD_Duck_XPToNextLevel" "Duck XP to next level:"
N/A21608"TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING" "Pontos de Experiência dos Patos"
N/A21609"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING" "Duck Experience Points"
N/A21611"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS" "Team Captured"
N/A21621"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP" "Quackston Hales"
N/A21622"TF_Duck_Stats_Desc" "As tuas estatísticas registadas durante o evento do End of the Line, entre 8 de dezembro de 2014 até 5 de janeiro de 2015.
N/A21624"[english]TF_Duck_Stats_Desc" "Your personal stats recorded during the End of the Line event that occurs between December 8, 2014, through January 5, 2015."
N/A21625"TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING_desc" "Experiência tua e dos teus amigos ao apanharem patos."
N/A21626"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING_desc" "Duck XP amongst you and your friends."
N/A21627"TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS_desc" "Núm. de patos criados por ti que a tua equipa apanhou.\n\n3 EXP. cada"
N/A21628"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS_desc" "Number of ducks your team picked up that you helped create.\n\n3 Duck XP each"
N/A21629"TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_DEFENDED_desc" "Núm. de patos largados pela tua equipa que apanhaste.\n\n1 EXP. cada"
N/A21630"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_DEFENDED_desc" "Number of ducks you picked up that were dropped by your team.\n\n1 Duck XP each"
N/A21631"TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OFFENSE_desc" "Núm. de patos largados pela outra equipa que apanhaste.\n\n3 EXP. cada"
N/A21632"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OFFENSE_desc" "Number of ducks you picked up that were dropped by the opposite team.\n\n3 Duck XP each"
N/A21633"TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OBJECTIVE_desc" "Núm. de patos que apanhaste, vindos de objetivos cumpridos.\n\n3 EXP. cada"
N/A21634"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OBJECTIVE_desc" "Number of ducks you picked up spawned by doing objectives.\n\n3 Duck XP each"
N/A21635"TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_GENERATION_desc" "Núm. de patos largados por inimigos, graças a ti.\n\n3 EXP. cada"
N/A21636"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_GENERATION_desc" "Number of ducks you helped make the enemy drop.\n\n3 Duck XP each"
N/A21637"TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP_desc" "Núm. de patos especiais que apanhaste.\n\n50 EXP. cada"
N/A21638"[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP_desc" "Number of special ducks you picked up.\n\n50 Duck XP each"
N/A21639"Msg_DuckStreak1" "�%s1� adora �patos %s2"
N/A21640"[english]Msg_DuckStreak1" "�%s1� is on a �Ducking Spree %s2"
N/A21641"Msg_DuckStreak2" "�%s1� é �inQUACável %s2"
N/A21642"[english]Msg_DuckStreak2" "�%s1� is �Unflappable %s2"
N/A21643"Msg_DuckStreak3" "�%s1� só vê �patos à frente %s2"
N/A21644"[english]Msg_DuckStreak3" "�%s1� is on a �Quackpage %s2"
N/A21645"Msg_DuckStreak4" "�%s1� é como o �Quacston Hale %s2"
N/A21646"[english]Msg_DuckStreak4" "�%s1� is �Quackston-Like %s2"
N/A21647"Msg_DuckStreak5" "�%s1� ainda é como o �Quacston Hale %s2"
N/A21648"[english]Msg_DuckStreak5" "�%s1� is still �Quackston-Like %s2"
N/A21649"Msg_DuckStreakEnd" "�%s1� acabou a caça aos patos de �%s2� %s3"
N/A21650"[english]Msg_DuckStreakEnd" "�%s1� ended �%s2's� duckstreak %s3"
N/A21651"Msg_DuckStreakEndSelf" "�%s1� terminou a sua caça aos patos %s2"
N/A21652"[english]Msg_DuckStreakEndSelf" "�%s1� ended their own duckstreak %s2"
N/A21653"Msg_DuckLevelup1" "Parabéns, �%s1�. Alcançaste o �Pato-Nível %s2"
N/A21654"[english]Msg_DuckLevelup1" "Congratulations �%s1�. You reached �Duck Level %s2"
N/A21655"Msg_DuckLevelup2" "Bom trabalho, �%s1�. Alcançaste o �Pato-Nível %s2"
N/A21656"[english]Msg_DuckLevelup2" "Awesome work �%s1�. You are now �Duck Level %s2"
N/A21657"Msg_DuckLevelup3" "Quactástico, �%s1�. Alcançaste o �Pato-Nível %s2"
N/A21658"[english]Msg_DuckLevelup3" "Quacktastic job �%s1�. You've hit �Duck Level %s2"
N/A21659"Duck_Streak" "%s1"
N/A21660"[english]Duck_Streak" "%s1"
N/A21662"[english]ItemSel_UTILITY" "- UTILITY"
N/A21663"GetDuckToken" "Obter Ficha"
N/A21664"[english]GetDuckToken" "Get Duck Token"
N/A21665"UseDuckToken" "Usar Ficha"
N/A21666"[english]UseDuckToken" "Use Duck Token"
N/A21667"LoadoutSlot_Utility" "Utensílio"
N/A21668"[english]LoadoutSlot_Utility" "Utility"
N/A21669"KillEaterEvent_DucksDiscovered" "Patos descobertos"
N/A21670"[english]KillEaterEvent_DucksDiscovered" "Ducks Discovered"
N/A21671"KillEaterEvent_DucksCollected" "Patos apanhados"
N/A21672"[english]KillEaterEvent_DucksCollected" "Ducks Collected"
N/A21673"Journal_DuckBadge0" "
N/A21675"[english]Journal_DuckBadge0" ""
N/A21676"Journal_DuckBadge1" "(Apreciador de Migalhas)"
N/A21677"[english]Journal_DuckBadge1" "Crumb Chasing "
N/A21678"Journal_DuckBadge2" "(Com Algum Patoá)"
N/A21679"[english]Journal_DuckBadge2" "Kinda Ducky "
N/A21680"Journal_DuckBadge3" "(Cheio de Pena)"
N/A21681"[english]Journal_DuckBadge3" "Fairly Fowl "
N/A21682"Journal_DuckBadge4" "(Um Tanto Marreco)"
N/A21683"[english]Journal_DuckBadge4" "Somewhat Quackworthy "
N/A21684"Journal_DuckBadge5" "(Quaclamado)"
N/A21685"[english]Journal_DuckBadge5" "Quacknowledged "
N/A21686"Journal_DuckBadge6" "(Grande Grasnador)"
N/A21687"[english]Journal_DuckBadge6" "Duckstinguished "
N/A21688"Journal_DuckBadge7" "(Pioneiro dos Palmípedes)"
N/A21689"[english]Journal_DuckBadge7" "Pleasantly Paddling "
N/A21690"Journal_DuckBadge8" "(Perfeitamente Plumado)"
N/A21691"[english]Journal_DuckBadge8" "Perfectly Preened "
N/A21692"Journal_DuckBadge9" "(Patudo)"
N/A21693"[english]Journal_DuckBadge9" "Duckalicious "
N/A21694"Journal_DuckBadge10" "(Patástico)"
N/A21695"[english]Journal_DuckBadge10" "Quacktastic "
N/A21696"Journal_DuckBadge11" "(Radioquactivo)"
N/A21697"[english]Journal_DuckBadge11" "Duckrageous "
N/A21698"Journal_DuckBadge12" "(Extremamente Emplumado)"
N/A21699"[english]Journal_DuckBadge12" "Feather-Ruffling "
N/A21700"Journal_DuckBadge13" "(Desintegrador de Migalhas)"
N/A21701"[english]Journal_DuckBadge13" "Down-Melting "
N/A21702"Journal_DuckBadge14" "(Esvaziador de Aviários)"
N/A21703"[english]Journal_DuckBadge14" "Plumage-Clearing "
N/A21704"Journal_DuckBadge15" "(Profeta dos Patos)"
N/A21705"[english]Journal_DuckBadge15" "Reduckulous "
N/A21706"Journal_DuckBadge16" "(Patofórico)"
N/A21707"[english]Journal_DuckBadge16" "Quackphoric "
N/A21708"Journal_DuckBadge17" "(Absolutamente Patogénico)"
N/A21709"[english]Journal_DuckBadge17" "Positively Duckulent "
N/A21710"Journal_DuckBadge18" "(Épiquac)"
N/A21711"[english]Journal_DuckBadge18" "Legenducky "
N/A21712"Journal_DuckBadge19" "(Espequacular)"
N/A21713"[english]Journal_DuckBadge19" "Specquackular "
N/A21714"Journal_DuckBadge20" "(do Próprio Quacston Hale)"
N/A21715"[english]Journal_DuckBadge20" "Quackston's Own "
N/A21716"TF_EOTL_Key" "Chave do 'End of the Line'"
N/A21717"[english]TF_EOTL_Key" "End of the Line Key"
N/A21718"TF_EOTL_Key_Desc" "Item utilizado para abrir um Caixote Comunitário do 'End of the Line'.\nItens adquiridos de Caixotes Comunitários do 'End of the Line' antes de 5 de janeiro de 2015 terão na descrição uma mensagem especial de apoiante."
N/A21719"[english]TF_EOTL_Key_Desc" "Used to unlock an End of the Line Community Crate.\nItems found from an EOTL Community Crate before January 5th, 2015, will receive a commemorative early supporter tag."
N/A21720"TF_Gift_EOTL_RandomPerson" "Uma Chave do 'End of the Line' Aleatória de Presente"
N/A21721"[english]TF_Gift_EOTL_RandomPerson" "A Random End of the Line Key Gift"
N/A21722"TF_Gift_EOTL_RandomPerson_Desc" "Quando utilizado, este item de ação\noferece uma Chave do 'End of the Line'\na uma pessoa aleatória no servidor!"
N/A21723"[english]TF_Gift_EOTL_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none End of the Line Key\nto a random person on the server!"
N/A21724"TF_Gift_EOTL_EntireServer" "Pilha de Chaves do 'End of the Line' de Presente"
N/A21725"[english]TF_Gift_EOTL_EntireServer" "Pile of End of the Line Key Gifts"
N/A21726"TF_Gift_EOTL_EntireServer_Desc" "Quando utilizado, este item de ação\noferece uma Chave do 'End of the Line'\na até 23 outras pessoas no servidor!"
N/A21727"[english]TF_Gift_EOTL_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none End of the Line Key\nto up to 23 other people on the server!"
N/A21728"TF_Gift_DuckToken_EntireServer" "Pilha de Fichas do Pato de Presente"
N/A21729"[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_EntireServer" "Pile of Duck Token Gifts"
N/A21730"TF_Gift_DuckToken_EntireServer_Desc" "Quando utilizado, este item de ação\noferece uma Ficha do Pato\na até 23 outras pessoas no servidor!"
N/A21731"[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Duck Token\nto up to 23 other people on the server!"
N/A21732"TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson" "Uma Ficha do Pato Aleatória de Presente"
N/A21733"[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson" "A Random Duck Token Gift"
N/A21734"TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson_Desc" "Quando utilizado, este item de ação\noferece uma Ficha do Pato\na uma pessoa aleatória no servidor!"
N/A21735"[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Duck Token\nto a random person on the server!"
N/A21736"Attrib_Particle87" "Geada Mortífera"
N/A21737"[english]Attrib_Particle87" "Frostbite"
N/A21738"Attrib_Particle88" "Pato Assado"
N/A21739"[english]Attrib_Particle88" "Molten Mallard"
N/A21740"Attrib_Particle89" "Glória da Alvorada"
N/A21741"[english]Attrib_Particle89" "Morning Glory"
N/A21742"Attrib_Particle90" "Crepúsculo Fatal"
N/A21743"[english]Attrib_Particle90" "Death at Dusk"
N/A21744"BackpackContextExplanation_Title" "Menu contextual"
N/A21745"[english]BackpackContextExplanation_Title" "Context Menu"
N/A21746"BackpackContextExplanation_Text" "Clicar num item irá mostrar um menu com todas as ações possíveis que podes fazer nele.\n\nPodes selecionar vários itens mantendo premida a tecla CTRL."
N/A21747"[english]BackpackContextExplanation_Text" "Clicking on an item will display a menu with all of the possible actions you can take on that item.\n\nYou can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key."
N/A21748"Context_UseTool" "Usar com..."
N/A21749"[english]Context_UseTool" "Use with..."
N/A21750"Context_Equip" "Ir para Equipamento"
N/A21751"[english]Context_Equip" "Go to Loadout"
N/A21752"Context_Rename" "Mudar o nome"
N/A21753"[english]Context_Rename" "Rename"
N/A21754"Context_Description" "Mudar descrição"
N/A21755"[english]Context_Description" "Change Description"
N/A21756"Context_Paint" "Pintar"
N/A21757"[english]Context_Paint" "Paint"
N/A21758"Context_Trade" "Trocar com outra pessoa"
N/A21759"[english]Context_Trade" "Trade to Another Player"
N/A21760"Context_MarketPlaceSell" "Vender no Mercado Steam"
N/A21761"[english]Context_MarketPlaceSell" "Sell on Steam Marketplace"
N/A21762"Context_Delete" "Eliminar"
N/A21763"[english]Context_Delete" "Delete"
N/A21764"TF_TauntPyroPoolParty" "Provocação: Festa na Piscina"
N/A21765"[english]TF_TauntPyroPoolParty" "Taunt: Pool Party"
N/A21766"TF_TauntPyroPoolParty_Desc" "Nome original na versão inglesa: TAUNT: POOL PARTY\n\nProvocação para o Pyro"
N/A21767"[english]TF_TauntPyroPoolParty_Desc" "Pyro Taunt"
N/A21768"TF_EOTL_skier" "Gorro de Guerra"
N/A21769"[english]TF_EOTL_skier" "Wartime Warmth"
N/A21770"TF_EOTL_insulated_innovator" "O Inventor Insulado"
N/A21771"[english]TF_EOTL_insulated_innovator" "Insulated Inventor"
N/A21772"TF_EOTL_blinks_breeches" "Botas de Brooklyn"
N/A21773"[english]TF_EOTL_blinks_breeches" "Brooklyn Booties"
N/A21774"TF_EOTL_demo_dynamite" "Dinamite a Dobrar"
N/A21775"[english]TF_EOTL_demo_dynamite" "Double Dynamite"
N/A21776"TF_EOTL_briskweather_beanie" "A Frente Fria"
N/A21777"[english]TF_EOTL_briskweather_beanie" "Coldsnap Cap"
N/A21778"TF_EOTL_winter_pants" "Galochas do Gelo"
N/A21779"[english]TF_EOTL_winter_pants" "Snow Stompers"
N/A21780"TF_EOTL_pyro_sweater" "O Pólo do Norte"
N/A21781"[english]TF_EOTL_pyro_sweater" "North Polar Fleece"
N/A21782"TF_EOTL_flat_cap" "Boina de Coiro"
N/A21783"[english]TF_EOTL_flat_cap" "Fur-lined Fighter"
N/A21784"TF_EOTL_furcap" "O Valente dos Vagões"
N/A21785"[english]TF_EOTL_furcap" "Boxcar Bomber"
N/A21786"TF_EOTL_summerhat" "Barrete do Bombardeiro Bêbado"
N/A21787"[english]TF_EOTL_summerhat" "Bomber's Bucket Hat"
N/A21788"TF_EOTL_soldier_garrison" "Águia Gritante"
N/A21789"[english]TF_EOTL_soldier_garrison" "Screamin' Eagle"
N/A21790"TF_EOTL_hiphunter_hat" "Boné das Baixas Temperaturas"
N/A21791"[english]TF_EOTL_hiphunter_hat" "Winter Woodsman"
N/A21792"TF_EOTL_hiphunter_jacket" "Agasalho Anti-Briol"
N/A21793"[english]TF_EOTL_hiphunter_jacket" "Snow Sleeves"
N/A21794"TF_EOTL_hiphunter_boots" "Botas Bacanas"
N/A21795"[english]TF_EOTL_hiphunter_boots" "Flashdance Footies"
N/A21796"TF_EOTL_thermal_sleeves" "O Atleta Aquecido"
N/A21797"[english]TF_EOTL_thermal_sleeves" "Thermal Tracker"
N/A21798"TF_EOTL_soldierhat" "Chapéu de Condor"
N/A21799"[english]TF_EOTL_soldierhat" "Condor Cap"
N/A21800"TF_EOTL_beard" "Barba do Mês Passado"
N/A21801"[english]TF_EOTL_beard" "Mistaken Movember"
N/A21802"TF_EOTL_demopants" "Calças Curiosamente Carregadas do Demo"
N/A21803"[english]TF_EOTL_demopants" "Double Dog Dare Demo Pants"
N/A21804"TF_EOTL_ursa_major" "Mangas Curtas na Sibéria"
N/A21805"[english]TF_EOTL_ursa_major" "Sleeveless in Siberia"
N/A21806"TF_EOTL_sheavyshirt" "Heavy, o Caçador"
N/A21807"[english]TF_EOTL_sheavyshirt" "Hunter Heavy"
N/A21808"TF_EOTL_coldfront_curbstompers" "Chuta-traseiros de Coldfront"
N/A21809"[english]TF_EOTL_coldfront_curbstompers" "Coldfront Curbstompers"
N/A21810"TF_ItemType_Journal" "Boletim de Estatísticas"
N/A21811"[english]TF_ItemType_Journal" "Journal"
N/A21812"TF_tr_jungle_booty" "Traseiro das Bermudas"
N/A21813"[english]TF_tr_jungle_booty" "Jungle Booty"
N/A21814"TF_tr_crown_of_the_old_kingdom" "Coroa do Reino Antigo"
N/A21815"[english]TF_tr_crown_of_the_old_kingdom" "Crown of the Old Kingdom"
N/A21816"TF_tomb_readers" "Lentes da Lara"
N/A21817"[english]TF_tomb_readers" "Tomb Readers"
N/A21818"TF_brimstone_hat" "Brimstone"
N/A21819"[english]TF_brimstone_hat" "Brimstone"
N/A21820"TF_CrossingGuard" "Semáforo Ferroviário"
N/A21821"[english]TF_CrossingGuard" "The Crossing Guard"
N/A21822"TF_CrossingGuard_Desc" "Nome original na versão inglesa: CROSSING GUARD"
N/A21823"[english]TF_CrossingGuard_Desc" ""
N/A21824"TF_EOTL_winter_coat" "Casaco Contra Congelamento"
N/A21825"[english]TF_EOTL_winter_coat" "Cold Snap Coat"