Improved Default HUD

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Improved default HUD
User Eniere IDHUD.jpg
type:Team Fortress 2 HUD
based on:Standard HUD
current version:2.4
date updated:May 15th, 2015
download link:Download
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Improved default HUD

What is this?

This is not a HUD in its usual meaning, but some fixes for standard Team fortress 2 HUD, adding HP numbers on target IDs, small Übercharge value label near the crosshair, popular custom crosshairs, etc. — see screenshots for more info. I do it for myself, but maybe someone will find it useful too.

NOTE: Use Notepad++ to edit the HUD files; also you need to install used fonts into your system (right click on font file > install)

How to install

Unpack the downloaded files to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\ (path may be different depend of your Steam games directory).

Frequently Asked Questions

How to turn on/off crosshairs/hitmarker

Used files:


The default file structure looks like:

Parameter Var Description
Cross //1.1 crosshair name and number you looking for
"controlName" "CExLabel" do not change
"fieldName" "Cross" do not change
"visible" "0" "1" to enable visibility, "0" to disable
"enabled" "1" do not change
"xpos" "c-25" X axis from center of screen
"ypos" "c-26" Y axis from center of screen
"zpos" "2" Z axis (use it when multiple xhairs enabled)
"wide" "50" use it for more accurate X axis positioning if needed
"tall" "49" use it for more accurate Y axis positioning if needed
"font" "CrosshairsOutline16" used font parameter (look for avalable fonts in clientscheme.res)
"labelText" "a" do not change
"textAlignment" "center" do not change
"fgcolor" "255 255 255 255" RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) color (0 min, 255 max)

For example, let's make your crosshair yellow and enabled only in minmode. So we're need to add/change some parameters:

"visible" "0" now it will be disabled when cl_hud_minmode "0"
"visible_minmode" "1" you can use "_minmode" with any parameter you want
"fgcolor" "255 255 0 255" because red+green=yellow in RGB color model

To enable the custom crosshair(s), open scripts\hudlayout.res, then CTRL+F for needed number from table and change "visible" and/or "visible_minmode" parameter values to "1". Then you can calibrate xhair positions with "xpos", "ypos" and "wide", "tall" too.

To enable the hitmarker (damage indicator), open scripts\hudlayout.res, then CTRL+F for "3.1" and change "visible" and "visible_minmode" parameter values to "1".

How to change damage position and visibility

Used files:


The default file structure looks like:

Parameter Var Description
CDamageAccountPanel damage/healing numbers near the enemy
"fieldName" "CDamageAccountPanel" do not change
"text_x" "0" do not change
"text_y" "0" do not change
"delta_item_end_y" "0" do not change
"PositiveColor" "255 255 50 255" damage colour (RGBA)
"NegativeColor" "50 255 50 255" healing colour (RGBA)
"delta_lifetime" "3.0" how long last damage numbers stay visible on screen
"delta_item_font" "DefaultOutline" font used for damage numbers near the enemy
"delta_item_font_big" "DefaultOutline" font used for much damage done

Parameter Var Description
"CDamageAccountValue" damage/healing numbers near the health
"ControlName" "CExLabel" do not change
"fieldName" "CDamageAccountValue" do not change
"fgcolor" "255 255 50 255" RGBA color
"font" "HudFontBiggerBold" used font parameter
"xpos" "c-302" X axis from center of screen
"ypos" "r110" Y axis from right
"xpos_minmode" "c-316" X axis from center of screen (minmode)
"ypos_minmode" "r75" Y axis from right (minmode)
"zpos" "2" Z axis
"wide" "100" box wide (change when damage value looks "cropped"
"tall" "26" box height (change when damage value looks "cropped"
"visible" "1" visibility parameter
"enabled" "1"
"labelText" "%metal%"
"textAlignment" "left"

To enable alternative damage layouts, just rename liked to huddamageaccount.res and put it in the resource\ui\ folder. "4x3", "16x9" and "16x10" means screen aspect ratio used to calibrate positioning.

How to change scoreboard layout

Used files:


All you need to know:

Scoreboard.res contains 6v6 table on minmode, you can switch between by using cl_hud_minmode "0/1". If you don't need 6v6 table and wants to see default one, so just delete scoreboard.res file placed in resource\ui\ folder.

How to change Medic HUD layout

Used files:


So, what is this?

In the hudmediccharge_underxhair.res a small ubercharge value placed near the crosshair and default uberbar/value saved at their regular positions too. In hudmediccharge_large.res you can find bigger ubercharge value replaces the default one. Also, here is combined layout too, enabled by default, with bigger ubercharge replacement and small ubercharge value under the crosshair. Hudanimations files used for better supporting new layouts, adding more conspicuous colors when ubercharge is ready to drop.
Not recommended to use with Vaccinator.


v 2.2.3 (December 12, 2014)
  • Updated MainMenu to support last Valve's changes (Ducks removed);
  • Updated BackpackPanel to support last Valve's changes (added context menu to items, unused buttons removed). I also removed page navigation buttons (prev/next), but it's still possible to use A/D keys to navigate between pages. Added current page number indicator.

v2.2 (October 31, 2014)

  • New TargetID system support. HP values on IDs now colored by default.
  • New scoreboard.res that have 6v6 and 13v13 layouts. Use cl_hud_minmode 1/0 to switch between.
  • Small medic uber percentage indicator moved closer to crosshair.
  • Updated hudlayout.res for latest tf2 updates support (targetID, minigames hud, etc.)
  • Updated clientscheme.res for "Limited" item quality support.
  • Another minor changes.

v2.1 October 1, 2014

  • Added a new version of 6v6 scoreboard; so far only for cl_minmode "1". The "old" version is still enabled by default. See versions comparing.
  • Added "Server control panel". Highly customizable, it can be used by the server admins, and someone can use it to control some in-game features. In its current form supports ETF2L Season 19 maps and configs. Configuration file included, open it to get a help.
  • Once again revamped inventory in order to support the recent TF2 updates. Page keyboard navigation (A-D) still works. Older backpackpanel.res files has removed.

v2.0.12 August 28, 2014

  • Updated with a new Valve's fixies for mvm scoreboard.

v2.0.10-11 August 23, 2014

  • Minor changes and fixes;
  • Alternative versions of HUD files moved to "alternative_files" folder (placed in \resource\ui and \scripts).

v2.0.9 June 20, 2014

  • Reworked scoreboard;
  • Support for multi-taunts;
  • Alternative medic charge layout now independent from screen aspect ratio;
  • Removed some unused files.

v2.0.8 June 1, 2014

  • Reworked backpack panel that features separate buttons for each page, but still haves visible "Set style" control and keyboard navigation controls too;
  • Changed color scheme for RED/BLU model toggle added in the latest update;
  • Added multilanguage support for RED/BLU model toggle.

v2.0.7 May 31, 2014

  • RED/BLU model toggle for loadout customizing screen;
  • some minor improvements.

v2.0.6 April 18, 2014

  • reworked tournament spectator HUD;
  • combined medic charge layout now enabled by default;
  • some minor improvements.

v2.0.5 March 30, 2014

  • crosshairs are combined into one file (thanks to skappa);
  • removed black bars from spectator UI;
  • some minor improvements.

v2.0.4 March 26, 2014

  • new combined ubercharge layout;
  • some minor improvements.

v2.0.3 March 24, 2014

  • added a separate version of 6v6 scoreboard. Now you can use it with cl_hud_minmode "0" too;
  • huddamageaccount.res now supports 16:10 and 4:3 aspect ratio;
  • huddamageaccount_yellow.res now supports 16:10 and 4:3 aspect ratio;
  • hudmediccharge_alt.res now supports 16:10 and 4:3 aspect ratio;
  • res files was cleared from unused X360 code;
  • color scheme fix;
  • some minor improvements.

v2.0.2 March 23, 2014

  • bugfixes.

v2.0.1 March 22, 2014

  • added 2 alternative damage layouts: bold yellow and m0re's (see pic descriptions);
  • new alternative medic's ubercharge position and layout.
v2.0.0 March 21, 2014 "General release"