Item quality/pt-br

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Hmmm, have a gander at this little beauty.
The Sniper

As qualidades dos itens classifica os itens em grupos distintos, diferenciados por cores..

Itens Normais

Backpack Scattergun.png

Level 1 Scattergun

Itens normais também são chamados de itens de 'stock'. Estas são as armas convencionais não desbloqueáveis que vem com o jogo, por exemplo a Scattergun e também a Rocket Launcher. Essas armas estão disponíveis para todos os jogadores. Des do Mann-Conomy Update, variantes únicas destes itens podem ser feitas usando uma Name Tag ou uma Description Tag com uma Arma normal, que podem ser vistos apertando o botão "Show Stock Items" no backpack.

Itens Exclusivos

Backpack Degreaser.png

The Degreaser
Level 10 Flame Thrower
65% faster weapon switch
-25% burn damage

itens exclusivos, também conhecido como "Desbloqueáveis", são itens que podem ser comprados na Mann Co. Store, pegos aleatóriamente durante o jogo, conseguidos através de conquistas, construídos, trocados ou recebidos como presente. Quando o Mann-Conomy Update chegou, todos os itens exclusivos que tinham sido pegos antes do update receberam o status "Vintage".

Itens Vintage

Backpack Natascha.png

Natascha (Clássico)
Level 5 Minigun
On Hit: 100% chance to slow target
-25% damage done

Itens Vintages são itens que foram conseguidos antes do Mann-Conomy Update. A maioria dos itens exclusivos existentes foram transformados em itens vintage, a fim de aumentar seu valor em Trocas. No entanto, eles não têm outra diferença além de seu nome azul e o prefixo "Vintage". Alguns itens foram excluídos e não se tornaram vintages, como Badges, Itens Promocionais e Itens de feriados; In some cases these items that have been returned to users by Steam support are incorrectly assigned Vintage quality. Mudar o nome do item para "Vintage" mantem a cor do nome original.

Unusual items

Backpack Napper's Respite.png

Gorro do Dorminhoco (Incomum)
Effect: Circling Heart
After a long day of burning scouts.

Unusual items are those with special attributes or qualities attached to them.

Scream Fortress Update

Artigo principal: Scream Fortress

Two new Unusual items were introduced with this update: the Haunted Metal Scrap and the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker. Besides having the Unusual quality attached to it, the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker has no discerning attributes from the Eyelander.

Unusual hats

Veja também: Hats

Unusual hats are hats with particle effects attached to them.

Currently, the only way to obtain an unusual hat is by unlocking a Mann Co. Supply Crate with a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key, or by trading for one. There are 896 possible combinations between hats and unusual item particle effects (14 effects * 64 current 'Unusual-able' Hats). The different particle effects are viewable in this animation, and here as they appear in-game. Two unusual hats cannot be crafted into another unusual hat. The result of two combined unusual hats will produce a normal hat.

Originally, the majority of the particle effects were bound to the feet.

Community items

Veja também: List of Community weapon owners
Veja também: List of Wiki Cap owners
Backpack Medi Gun.png

Arma Médica (Comunitário)
Level 50 Medi Gun
Given to valuable Community Contributors
Effect: Community Sparkle

( Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting )

Community items are special items given by Valve to individuals who have made significant, valuable contributions to the Team Fortress 2 community. Community items have green names and a sparkle particle effect attached, and those derived from the stock weapons receive an additional boost to their Phong shading exponent, resulting in the weapon having a more glossy appearance.

Self-Made items

Veja também: List of Self-made item owners
Backpack Dalokohs Bar.png

Barra de Dalokohs (Feito por Mim)
Level 50 Lunch Box
Adds +50 max health for 30 seconds.
Effect: Community Sparkle
I made this!

( Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting )

Self-made items are special versions of community-made items that are given to the contributors who created them. Like Community items, they emit a sparkle particle effect and have dark green names, with the added line "I made this!" in their item description. See Contribution page for when the items were added in-game.

Valve weapons

Backpack Rocket Launcher.png

Lança-Foguetes (Valve)
Level 100 Rocket Launcher
+1009900% damage done
+109900% clip size
+75% faster firing speed
On Hit: +250 health
On Kill: 10 seconds of 100% critical chance
+50% projectile speed
+100% faster move speed on wearer
Effect: Flying Bits

( Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting )

Valve weapons are alternate versions of regular weapons given to Valve employees. Valve weapons can be identified by their magenta names and attached flaming effects. All Valve weapons are Level 100. These weapons also have a unique particle effect attached called "Flying Bits".

Valve weapons also appear to be for testing purposes, with some possessing incredibly powerful attributes. Robin Walker has a Rocket Launcher that demonstrates this (as seen here).

Item name colors

Color Quality Name Example
B2B2B2 Normal Scattergun
FFD700 Unique The Backburner
476291 Vintage Vintage Axtinguisher
8650AC Unusual Unusual Safe'n'Sound
70B031 Community Community Wrench
Self-made Self-Made Dalokohs Bar
A50F79 Developer Valve Rocket Launcher

See also
