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El Somnífero

Artículo principal: Sandman

Con el Somnífero equipado, el Scout gana la habilidad de aturdir oponentes con su fiél pelota de baseball. Utilizando el botón de disparo alternativo con la pelota disponible en la mano, el Scout la bateará hacia delante con trayectoria del arco. Si la pelota se conecta con un oponente quien se encuentra a mayor distancia que 256 Unidades de Hammer (aproximadamente 16 pies), será aturdido. Trayectorías de distancias muy largas (aproximadamente 112 pies o 1792 Unidades de Hammer), empujarán a los oponentes a través del knocked back, inmovilizandolos por 7 segundos. Además, aparecerá el cartel con letras 'BONK' arriba de la victima, con un efecto de 'estrellas' alrededor de la cabeza. Los Heavy con sus miniguns en revolución, continuarán dicha acción a pesar del efecto de aturdido (presionando tanto el botón de disparo primario como el alternativo). Esta habilidad llevó a varias contraversias sobre el uso del Somnífero, especialmente en areas competitivas.

Siendo golpeado por la pelota causará un daño de aproximadamente 15 puntos o 45 en caso de ser un Critical hit.

El Scout puede utilizar la habilidad de aturdido una vez cada 15 segundos a menos que manualmente recupere la pelota que acababa de usar, encuentre una pelota de otro Scout, o visite el cabinete de resupply. No se pueden obtener pelotas nuevas a través de packs de munición o armas tiradas.

Las pelotas de Scouts enemigos pueden ser devueltas tras un golpe coordinado, lo cual los aturdirá. Asimismo también se obtendrá el Logro Beanball.


The initial stab of the Sniper's Skewer, the Medic's Spinal Tap and the Engineer's Organ Grinder will stun a player if it connects. These attacks can stun an ÜberCharged opponent. ÜberCharged enemies are often distracted or keeping their aim at a Sentry Gun, long enough to stab them with the taunt. Even without damage, it will waste precious seconds of ÜberCharge.

The Ghost of Harvest can scare players, which counts towards achievements as a stun, as well as the Horseless Headless Horsemann's taunt on Mann Manor.


(Unidades de Hammer / pies)
Tiempo de aturdido
256 / 16 1
512 / 32 2
768 / 48 3
1024 / 64 4
1280 / 80 5
1536 / 96 6
1792 / 112 7


  1. These tests were done with bots. Stun times may be subject to random variance.
  2. The closest the Sandman can stun is 256 Hammer units / 16 feet.
  3. The range the Sandman fully stuns an opponent is at 1792 Hammer units / 112 feet. A hit at this distance or further is required for the Moon Shot achievement.
  4. Critical hits add 2 seconds to the normal stun duration.
  5. Mini-Crits do not affect stun duration.
  6. Stun time is calculated at time of impact. Firing the ball and moving closer could result in decreased times.


When a player is stunned by the Sandman their speed is decreased by 50%. The below table lists the exact values. These speeds are also the same speeds that players on the losing team will have during post-match Humiliation.

Class Stunned Speed Original Speed
Leaderboard class scout.png Scout 200 400
Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier 120 240
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro 150 300
20px Demo 140 280
Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy 115 230
Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer 150 300
Leaderboard class medic.png Medic 160 320
Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper 150 300
Leaderboard class spy.png Spy 150 300
Civilian 150 300


Logros Relacionados


Te la devuelvo
Te la devuelvo
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Tirad pa'trás
Tirad pa'trás
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Bola al cuerpo
Bola al cuerpo
Provoca una muerte debida al entorno al aturdir o ralentizar a un enemigo.
Paraliza a un enemigo el máximo tiempo posible lanzándole una bola larga.

Strike tres
Strike tres
Mata o ayuda a matar a 50 enemigos mientras estén aturdidos o paralizados.

Bajando los humos
Bajando los humos
Paraliza a 2 Medic que estén listos para activar una Supercarga.


5 del patíbulo patidifuso
5 del patíbulo patidifuso
Mata a 5 jugadores aturdidos o ralentizados.


  • Originally any stun effects inflicted would result in the current maximum stun pose but their duration would be subject to the range (as it is now, though the minimum ranges have been tweaked also). This was changed through many permutations of The Sandman in the name of balance.
  • The Sandman could also stun ÜberCharged players (one of its original main selling points when its drawback was no double jump), but once again, this was removed due to balance issues, and the associated achievement (The Big Hurt) changed to stunning fully charged Medics instead.
  • While stunned it is possible to taunt, which can be used as a last ditch attack if you have a tauntkilling weapon equipped and your enemy is close enough. As the Heavy you can also keep the Minigun spun up for the entire duration of a stun, so that upon regaining control you can instantly fire.
  • Should a Sniper with the Huntsman drawn be stunned, the arrow will be released as if normally fired and may injure or kill opponents.

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